Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The decree that exalts Mary to the position of mediator needs to be revisited. An enlightenment needs to come from the scriptures. On this subject, we have endeavoured to present the total absurdity of a religious system that cloaks itself as a Christian Bible-based church, and there is a reason for this.

Certainly, as long as we retain the thought that the Word of God is a Christian’s sole authority, we must also recognize that any other voice, perspective or interpretation contrary to the scriptures is not from above. Rather, it is simply a repeat of the devil’s performance in the garden of Eden, when the serpent challenged God’s authoritative Word saying to Adam and Eve, "Has God said ...?"

There are other examples of messengers from Satan’s corrupt and deceptive spirit world presenting a contrary position to those Biblical truths outlined within the scriptures. For example, Mary is the Queen of Heaven. Really? For an institution to arrive at this conclusion, the people responsible for stating that Mary is the Queen of Heaven would have to have purposely extracted from the scriptures positions that are not found to be in accord with scriptural references.

As stated in earlier posts, it does us well to remember that the Christian church did not originate in Rome as many might have us believe. No, indeed, the Christian church began in Jerusalem. The apostles of the Christian church were appointed to be JESUS' witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth. And unlike the examples exhibited within some religious institutions today, the apostles were not appointed by men but by God. At the same time, the head of the truly Christian Church is in Heaven and is none other than the Lord JESUS the Christ.

The Christian Church is the body of believers which the Christ purchased Himself at Calvary. JESUS willingly sacrificed His sinless body while shedding the very blood within His veins. This blood was the life blood of God‘s Holy Spirit. Consequently, this wholly redeemed Church, which in reality is His body of believers should be adhering only to the scriptural teachings of the Word as presented and confirmed by God. Jesus people who are redeemed and born again, and baptized into the Name of Jesus become partakers of the free gift of Jesus' Holy Spirit.

In reference to Mary as the Queen of Heaven, Ephesians chapter 5 offers a scriptural context. In Ephesians 5:23, for example, Christ is the HEAD of His church (His body). Christ is the Saviour of His body but Christ also loved His body and gave Himself for His body. He did so in order that He (Christ) might sanctify and cleanse His body, washing His body with the water of His Word.

Christ through and by the power of His own Word, adorned His body with the righteousness of His Word, thereby through the action and washing by His Word presents to Himself a glorious body, without spot or wrinkle. A holy body without blemish.

For no man ever hated His own flesh(the word Church translated as Church, is in reality, the body of the Lord JESUS). Similar to the human example whereby men nourish and cherish their own wife even as they do their own body likewise the Lord nourishes and cherishes the Church (His body).

In other words, we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. Christ and the Church are one flesh. Within this church, JESUS is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Jesus loves the Church, His body, sacrificing His own flesh body so that we might be saved.

For it is written in the scriptures .. for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave himself to his wife. For they being two flesh are by marriage now one flesh. Therefore, if Jesus and the church are one flesh, and if JESUS is KING, then the church which is His body, flesh, bones and bride, then the church must be the Queen.

It is His love that lifts us each day. His love that reached out to men and women so that they could benefit from God's plan of salvation. Still, admittedly, this is a great mystery being only partially revealed at this time. There is more to come as you read on ...

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