On the subject of redemption, let this verse be front and centre in our minds. That is, in JESUS, all individuals have redemption available to them, obtainable only through the shed blood of Jesus the Christ, resulting from the heinous act of crucifixion. For of a truth (and similarly verified scripturally) we crucified the Lord of Glory.
Jesus was veiled in flesh as a man. He appeared in human fashion visually -- similar to His surrogate mother’s descendants. In the womb of Mary the fetus of the Holy Spirit was found to be. Life now appearing in Mary’s womb automatically triggered a response. That response was to nourish the fetos with that which a fetus requires for growth. The fetus was clothed physically utilizing nourishment from Mary’s prone to sin body. Mary’s participation was that of a willing surrogate.
The blood in Jesus' veins was the life giving blood of the Holy Spirit which was carried through Abraham. Joining with the other promised SEED (to Eve) which was now in Sarah, the SEED was awaiting God’s timing in Sarah. The two SEEDS of promise passed from Abraham / Eve along with Abraham / Eve's natural seed -- with their natural seed bringing forth Isaac. Now the two promised seeds continue on their travels to an appointed time of God in which the fetus of the Christ would arrive (as formerly said) into the womb of a surrogate virgin maiden Mary.
A more detailed version of this account is rendered in previous postings. For now, it is necessary to establish what God purposefully planned in order that fallen man could be given an opportunity to be reconciled to God! This was nothing short of immeasurable love -- that God would humiliate Himself, stooping into this sin engulfed world -- thereby enabling man to return to fellowship with Himself as Adam was -- prior to Satan’s deception!
You see, redemption was not accomplished by monies being exchanged. Sin lies in the blood. Yes, your blood and my blood, totally contaminated with some real unbelievable dark and hideous sinful possibilities.
One man the father of all the human race chose to do his own thing which, at the end of the day, he did. One man brought the roof down on all humankind. One man catapulted mankind into a sinful world formerly unbeknownst to Adam.
As we read in Genesis, God exclaimed to Adam, What have you done?Have you eaten of the tree of life which I forbade of you to eat? Well Adam and Eve both knew that they were in trouble. They endeavoured to hide but as we all recognize, one cannot hide from God. Certainly, one cannot hide from their conscience!
Still, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. JESUS begotten - not begat. For God's plan of salvation to work, true redemption necessitated the shedding of the blood of JESUS! Only the blood could purchase opportunities for individuals to obtain redemption for Adams’s fallen race. More to come. God bless!
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