In Acts chapter 2, the disciples were assembled as instructed by JESUS. Whilst there, they continued in prayer and supplication and studied the scriptures. They chose another Apostle to replace Judas. They cast lots accompanied with prayer, so that God would by lot show which of the two chosen as possibilities God would appoint. At the end of the day, we read that Matthias was chosen.
They accompanied JESUS beginning with the baptism of JESUS by John the Baptist. John was reluctant to baptize JESUS saying to JESUS that "I need to be baptized of you and yet here you are coming to me." JESUS said to John, "Suffer it to be so John, for thus in doing we fulfill all righteousness."
We are then informed that Jews and others from all around gathered to celebrate Pentecost. These people were possibly the same ones who 50 days prior concerning JESUS shouted "Crucify Him." Still, the Holy Spirit from God was being poured out among the crowds and all sort of strange phenomenon was being manifest among the 120 believers.
The occurences were so foreign to the norm that onlookers decided that these individuals must have had too much wine. Well, as we read in the scriptures, they may have had too much wine but the wine of their intoxication did not come from the local brewery. Peter, accompanied with the other 11 apostles addressed the multitude saying, "These men are not drunk with wine as you suppose."
This experience was foretold by the prophet Joel in the Old Testament. That is, God should / would pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh so that your sons and daughters would prophesy.
The presentation spoken of here by Peter and the other 11 apostles and found in Acts 2 elaborates on the events. The apostles bringing forth the fulfillment of former prophecies pertaining to the now events, showed clearly that these individuals in their ignorance had crucified JESUS the Lord of glory! The audiences' mind akin to being confined to the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
But as we have learned, God has provided redemption free for the taking, to the whosoever that will come. The audience was awakened from the error of their heinous crime, urged along by the influence of religious institutions. Here they stood in Acts 2 on the threshold of decision.
As we read, we observe that conviction fell heavily upon some of them. We also see that these individuals responded positively. God’s hand wass stretched out then. His hand stretches out to you today. Come, He says, come experience my salvation gift!
* For more details on the selection criteria for apostles or the Day of Pentecost, read Acts.
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