Main line religious organizations often contradict the truths contained in the written and confirmed Word of God. They instead have the audacity to assert that they are the vine of the Christian church, whilst all others are branches springing out from them. Really? Such nonsense. Indeed, it is no wonder that the scriptures declare that many shall follow their pernicious ways resulting in the way of truth being evilly spoken of. How unfortunate.
Still, truth shall never bow its knee to error. God-fearing persons would never endeavour to misrepresent the Written Word of God. But there is one who, from the very get-go has challenged God’s Word even though he also is totally aware of what is written. Reviewing scripture from the New Testament, we know this because of the example of the temptation of JESUS in the wilderness. Satan’s presentation at the time was the opposite of what God actually said. Repeatedly, Jesus corrected Satan’s misrepresentation of the written Word of God saying, "It is written ...” This is why we endeavour to let the Word of God defend itself. For God’s Word is quick and powerful and similarly much sharper than any two-edged sword.
Remember, JESUS on the cross said “It is finished” before ascending into Heaven. There, as recorded in the scriptures, He sat down. The illustration of sitting down indicates that the work of obtainable redemption was free to all. Why? Because JESUS sacrificed Himself. In the days and months that followed, the early apostles and believers went everywhere preaching the message of JESUS. This message? That other foundations can no man lay other. And that there is no other name under Heaven whereby anyone can be saved -- other than the Name of Jesus.
This is why the scriptures state that if anyone should preach any other message to you other than what the Holy Spirit of JESUS spoke through the mouths of His chosen and appointed witnesses (e.g. the apostles), let them be accursed. Again, if any others deliver a contrary message to mankind other than what is written, whether he is angelic, or of Adam’s race, then let them be accursed. Paul repeated these same words.
So, the question is this. At which point in time did the head of these false and erroneous religious teachings begin to appear? Well, we know that it took about 300 to 400 years for such distortions to surface and the Word of God to be subsequently shelved. Satan, once again asserted his own twisted message -- though this falsely named Christian church -- that these church leaders were the only ones capable of interpreting the scriptures. Historically, we recognize that at this point darkness once again began to cover the earth and likewise, intense darkness began to cover the people.
We also recognize that at the time of the reformation the veil of darkness was partially removed. At the same time, some of those false and erroneous teachings that the so called church fathers had sought to establish were now being partially exposed to the glorious light of the New Testament. As a consequence, the Roman teachings were dealt a devastating blow. Indeed, such a blow that no one thought they would recover from it.
Unfortunately, the blow was not fatal. Going forward, these same religious institutions have revived somewhat and returned to their previous practice of advancing assertions that they are "the" Church, and as such, have an inside interpretation to the scriptures. Remember, according to the scriptures, the Church of God started on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem and at the time, Christian believers continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine. This is important. It is also why I beseech you to save yourself from there false and erroneous teachings.
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