Repentance and remission of sin should be preached among all nations BEGINNING at Jerusalem. The apostles preached that repentance and remission of sin was now by the grace of God available to all believing people - the whosoever that believe in the once and for all sacrifice of God Himself!
JESUS sacrificed Himself. No man took His life from Him. JESUS laid down His life willingly. That was the reason JESUS entered into this world of Adam’s fallen race who had through their disobedience to the Word of God become captives to Satan's house of bondage.
God's plan was to redeem man back to Himself. This is why God Himself as a Son was manifest in the flesh. He came to seek and to save those individuals who would have otherwise been totally lost for all eternity. Why? Because we required a Saviour and because there was none other in heaven or upon earth who were righteous enough to pay the price in full -- for the redemption of man -- therefore God came Himself. He came Himself purchasing redemption (or buying back) salvation for all who call upon His name - JESUS!
Believers are then totally redeemed. The emphasis is on they are totally redeemed. However, they are not born again or partakers of the New Birth because redemption is required prior to the New Birth.(one must be redeemed!) All those who have become partakers of the free gift of redemption ought now to move onward into the New Birth which is freely offered to all who are redeemed.
Unfortunately, the opponents of the aforementioned plan of salvation are many. Like the scriptural parable of the five wise and the five foolish virgins, five were indeed wise while five others were foolish.
The Word of God is coming to us? Of course the Word of God does not originate with us. Let the scriptural word be true. So if the opponents of the salvation message, as delivered by the apostles in Acts 2 feel that they are prophets or spiritually minded persons, then they ought to humble themselves and adorn themselves with the Words of salvation spoken to the audience when they asked the Apostles “What Shall We Do?”
As recorded in the scriptures, this was the moment that 3,000 believers were added to the church. The apostles in unity replied that each and everyone of those individuals in the audience ought to repent and be baptized into the Name of JESUS FOR THE REMISSION of their sin. And by so doing they would receive the promise of the Holy Ghost.
3000 persons responded to the call and saved themselves from this untoward generation. Consequently, the 3,000 were baptized into the Name of JESUS which is the ONLY NAME whereby anyone can be saved. In fact, they were baptized that very same day. For they had received the Word of God and did as they were exhorted to do.
Note that it was the Lord who was working with the apostles adding more believers daily. From JESUS SIDE came forth blood and water!..
So what if some judge themselves unworthy of eternal life? Their choice does not negate the fact that God laid down His life for each and every one of us. All that is asked of Adam’s fallen race is that we obediently believe the scriptures, becoming partakers of assurance that we have been reconciled to God, even as the first 3000 believers were in Acts 2. This is why we endeavour by the grace of God, which has been imparted to continue steadfastly in obedience to His Word. PEACE be to one and all!
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