From the beginning of time, the Lord our Maker -- He is our God - has extended His invitation to His people, asking them to come to Him. Herein, when the Lord was speaking concerning the Israelites (as in the provocation), we learn that He has tried for forty years to bring them to a place where they would know His ways.
For the record, this call has never changed. While the Lord grieves over our unwillingness to enter into His fold, He sees the state of our hearts, chasing small-g gods that can never satisfy the inward longing of our hearts. A people that have erred in the in heart against the Spirit of the Lord that moved across the face of the waters in the beginning.
And as the Lord observes, we have not taken the time to know His ways. We have not communed with Him in our day to day. We have not taken the time to study the scriptures so that we would have a foundation that can never be broken.
As a consequence, the Lord must wonder what it is (particularly when we see His handiwork all around us) that would finally persuade us of His goodness and grace: His kindness and love: His friendship that surpasses all human understanding. This is why Jesus, during His time on this earth, told us He is the Bread of Life; the living water; the Way, the Truth and the Life -- so there would not be lost.
Like the first 3,000 souls saved on the day of Pentecost, we need to ask the same question. That is, "What must we do to be saved?" (Acts 2:36) First, as Peter (standing with the eleven) on the day of Pentecost said, we need to repent, be water baptized (buried in the water) and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. '(Acts 2:37-41)
We need to accept that He has written His purpose(s) on our heart. In so doing, we accept the Giver of life, who is reaching out to His chosen members of the body of Christ church, wherein He -- Jesus -- is the Head.
So much to learn, but like school there has to be a beginning; a starting point wherein we must respond to His call on our lives. We need to say thank you Jesus for moving us forward in Him. And we need to understand that He wants us to praise Him so that we can enter into communion with Him. Don't wait any longer. Step out in faith, asking Jesus -- as both Lord and Christ -- to take the reign of your heart.
As the Lord told the Israelites from afore. "And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel." (Exodus 25:22)
Two thousand years later, that same message of abundant love and joy is intended for the Gentiles today. We just need to take His hand and let the Lord lead and guide us into all truth.
Stand in the offering plate.
Stand in the offering plate.
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