If some of you require an analogy, think of a drop of water from the ocean. Even with only the one drop, you would still be in possession of all the elements found in the ocean waters. Still, there remains a vast body of water that is ocean. It is the same with God in Christ. All of the fullness of the Godhead dwelt bodily in Jesus. All of the fullness of the Godhead.
This is why Jesus said to Philip, "If you have seen Me, then Philip you have seen the Father. I and my Father are one. He that has seen Me, the Son, has seen the Father." In other words, God has fathered All of His children in a Son’s body. Surely natural life as we see it displays this obvious fact. All of man’s offspring are fathered from a son’s body and after the child is born the son who provided the seed is recognized as a father.
JESUS then was conceived of the Holy Spirit - the Holy Spirit providing the new blood line. God Himself as a Son seeded us for it is written, "We are the SEED of JESUS the Christ." The SEED of JESUS the Christ is the WORD of God. For we have been born again NOT of corruptible seed BUT by incorruptible SEED which is the WORD of God.
JESUS being the very same WORD/WISDOM that in-dwelt God. Yes, one and the same. JESUS the WORD / the WISDOM of GOD coming forth from the innermost being of God, becoming for our sake God manifest in the flesh as a Son. God was manifest in visible form like unto Adam‘s sin prone race, appearing in such humiliated form to destroy the evil works and destruction of the devil.
JESUS purposely came in this condescended form so that we might have life eternal. JESUS did not descend into our midst to condemn us! Rather, JESUS came that we might have ample opportunity to be brought out from “the bondage of the law of sin and death" being translated by the grace of God into the Kingdom of God in Christ. And likewise, into the Law of Liberty!
Indeed, God has a plan for man, which unfortunately is often obscured and hid from many eyes. Who could entertain the thought that God would lay down His own life as a Son for us? But as we know from reading the scriptures, and similarly, our personal walk with our Saviour, God by Himself provided a way whereby sinful, disobedient, sin prone man could be redeemed.
Even today, with all of the eloquent speeches of men, their words are lame in comparison to the factual WORDS of ETERNAL LIFE spoken and confirmed by God. The same God who was indwelling the man JESUS the Christ who desired from the beginning of time to reconcile fallen man to Himself. As many as received JESUS received life! This is God's promise to one and all!
Stand in the offering plate.
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