Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If You Had Known Me, Jesus States - PART 187

If you had known Me, then you should have known my Father also. If this statement in and of itself is not convincing enough, then note that Jesus also said, "If you have seen Me you have seen my Father also."

Let's elaborate on this point. In the beginning, God created man. He created man as an early image of Himself in visible created form. Further, when God created man, God had a purpose. Today, we see God's purpose unfolding gradually in accord with His proposed purpose.

God created man from the earth. Yes, He created you and I. We are the works of His hands. However, man (and woman) totally messed up in the Garden. Like our ancestors, we inherited sin. Our reward for disobedience to God is that sin abounds. Like pigs (if we can use the New Testament example) roll around in dirt. We get all spruced up and then roll in the slime pit of sin.

But this was never God's intent for our lives. So God comes to our rescue. Why? Because God has a plan built on His love and mercy for His people. And even though - often - the plan may seem obscure to us, it does not take away from God's plan for our life.

It is similarly important to note that while we dwell in the constructs of time, God is eternal. The question is, "What is man that God is so mindful?" That God is so interested and involved with us? What have we ever done to deserve all the pleasures we have known. Again, why does God care for man? This has all got to be wrapped up in one word -- LOVE. God's love!

Indeed, this endless love of God made a way to redeem mankind. A plan of salvation whereby we could respond to God's love. Given the perilous times that we live - with possibly Armageddon just around the corner, it is surely time to stop politicking and playing religion. This is serious stuff. Young men are dying for old men’s wars. The powers that be carve out hideaways in tunnels and mountains in an effort to escape the eminent wrath of God. In fact, they try to escape to empty planets whilst in the meantime bodies lie strewn in the streets. You wanted a king, a president, a prime minister, a dictator? Be careful of what you are asking for, for you might just get it.

The good news is that for believers, God is the King of kings and Lord of lords. God is the Prince of Peace. Instead of being intent on paying money for that which is not meat, we should be getting to know God. God has all the answers, And indeed, God is the answer!

When you look for God with all your heart, then you will find that God our Father was in the man Jesus the Christ. Do not look for another. Your search ends when you come to JESUS, who is the Only Answer for the world today!

Salvation Complete Once and For All - PART 186

But this man (JESUS) when He had by HIMSELF purged our sin, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high! Note that when He Had by Himself purged our sin, He sat down. The work of salvation - God's plan of salvation - was finished. Complete. As such, there is no penance. There was no confessional box incorporated into God's plan. Indeed, there is nothing that you or I can add to the plan of salvation which was accomplished, on our behalf, by a loving God. A plan of salvation so comprehensive, so detailed, and so actioned that in spite of all our fiery darts of evil, God (because He is a long suffering God) loved us to HIS death.

God's love is not just in words alone, but in deed. If any man or woman sins, we have an advocate(one that pleads the cause of another)with the Father in Jesus Christ. The only righteous one. As the scriptures state, there is only One mediator between God and man. That is, the man Jesus the Christ! Jesus is the way! Jesus is the door! No man comes to the Father but by me.

So where does that leave us! Well, certainly, there is no pope. No priest. No Mary standing between us and God. For if we confess our sins to the God who loves us, Jesus is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. This is why the scriptures state that there is no salvation in any other! Come to me, He said, ALL you who are weak and heavy laden(with sin) and I will give you rest. Then read your Bible and learn of Him -- for His yoke is easy and His burden light.

When we do, we will learn that being sprinkled with water cannot remove sin. If water were to remove sin, then taking a shower would suffice. Being baptised into titles will not save you for titles are not a name. Further, being given the last rites by man is only a religious order imposed upon people who have never taken time to read the written Word of God, resulting in an unnecessary adherence to man’s religious fanciful imaginations!

We would also learn that there has never been a man who spoke like this man spoke. "Destroy this body, and in three days I will raise it up." And it happened! The consequence is that the world is faced with the historical fact that this man turned the world on its axis -- changing so much including our own calendar timelines. For example, look at the date AD. Everything in our world revolves around Jesus. His time on earth. His plan of salvation, first predicted in the Old Testament and then fulfilled in the New Testament.

But from the original get up and go, the religious world of business could not handle, that someone who looked like an ordinary Joe, could do these miracles signs and wonders. For when you see Him there is no beauty that you should or would desire Him which might explain to some extent why they despised and rejected Him!

Today, we robe the Ecclesiastes in fashion. They have a form of worship but God has observed that "in vain they do worship me, teaching as commandments the doctrines of men." What formalized religion is still to understand is that truly God desires honest worship, emanating from the innermost being of man. Worship that is in spirit and in truth! My Word is Spirit and is Truth! Jesus. God Himself as a Son, by His walk and talk, manifest all of God as a Son, and we are admonished to walk even as He walked.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jesus Is The One and Only God - PART 185

No man has seen the Father at any time. The only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him!

Some people have figments of creative imagination gone wild when it comes to revealling their views concerning the Godhead. One such figment of imagination, oftentimes repeated, resembles the following presentation.

Supposedly, there was a meeting in Heaven where three persons sat at a table. One might compare the setting to some sort of a meeting of the minds. The three person are the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Well, apparently, the three persons arrived at a point of decision, seemingly that the Son Person would come to planet earth and die at Calvary.

At this point, one can only surmise that the author(s) of the above noted example have not read the scriptures. In fact, enough of this unscriptural anti-Christ gospel. This is not the reality of the Godhead as presented in the scriptures and yet, so many are willing to allow our true gospel message to be hid, even from them that are lost.

Still, Jesus is the Word of God and the Word of God is the Word of God! It is not a separate and distinct person from God. Neither is God three minds. Indeed, God has made all things after the counsel of His own mind.

Note what the scriptures state - If any man preach any other gospel to you other than that which I have preached to you let them be accursed. The above example is proof of "another gospel" being presented to the people. It is certainly not the message in the Bible. And likewise, it is not Paul's delivery of the Gospel that came about through/by revelation! Indeed, Paul received not the gospel by man, nor was he taught it by man. Paul received his understanding of who God was by revelation ... from Jesus. Does this explain why Jesus had said that Paul was a chosen vessel - chosen to bear His name among the nations.

This is why it is so important for believers to read the New Testament. Therein they will discover that "My Word is Spirit and it is truth." Jesus brought to us His own counselled mindset which at the end of the day confirms that the Word of God is forever settled in Heaven. God confirmed His Word and no preacher or priest or rabbi or minister or anyone else speaking in a religious capacity, regardless of how seemingly authoritative they may speak is capable of negating that which God spoke and confirmed within the scriptures!

Peace to all who by the grace and mercy of God endeavour to continue steadfastly in the Word which was delivered by the Holy Spirit of the One God Jesus, through the mouths of those His chosen witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth! Peace to all in Jesus - the one and only God!

His Name Shall Be Called Jesus - PART 184

All things were made by Him and for Him! Indeed, it is by Him that all things exist that are in Heaven and earth. In fact, it is so wonderful that the Spirit of God, in revealing Himself to us brought forward to mankind truths that would have been shunned by political and religious powers in the past -- even as they are today! Some scriptural truths are so shunned by religious teachers that one has to wonder how it is possible that the general populace (who already have access to King James Version (KJV) Bibles) don't recognize the truth for what it is. Still, in spite of the fact that the KJV translation was the work of the best scholars in the land, some preachers cannot endure the sound teaching by the ghost writer -- who is none other than the Spirit of the One God, who indwelt the man Jesus the Christ. Jesus -- the Only Begotten Son of God!

Certainly questions emerge. For example, where is there a mention of a plurality of persons within the scriptures? The one who appeared manifest in the flesh is the same one who made all things. He is before all things! God is Spirit! We cannot see Spirit as Spirit, unless the Spirit is manifest. This is why the whole of creation is a manifestation of the wisdom and power of God who is Spirit.

For example, when a farmer sows his God-given seed, some seeds fall by the wayside. So it is with the Seed of the Word of God. The Seed is good. But to relate this analogy to humans, we see that it is the ground of a fleshy heart that is so burned up with lust that limits our potential. That is, along with other hearts that have little or no depth! It should not come as a surprise then that under these conditions the Seed though perfect has limited or no effects.

Even so, the Word (Seed) has been brought to us By God Himself manifest in the flesh as a Son. And even the Life of God displayed in the flesh through demonstrated miracles and healings could not sway individuals. There have been many teachers of many world-wide religions. These teachers had lots to say and write, and many adhered to their presupposed religious teachings but never, has there been anyone who confirmed whatever He said by performing miracles and healings. There has never been a man like Jesus.

For this one who visited us was and is the One who made us. The blood in the veins of the One whereof we speak was the Life giving Blood of His Father who is none other than God Himself! We believe not only on what He said! The very works performed by Him were not works that Adams race even today cannot produce. The works confirmed that He was who He said He was. Therefore be still and know that He is God! His name shall be called JESUS! He shall save His people from their sins! Come to JESUS today. Stand in the Offering Plate. Peace be to you in Jesus Name.

Jesus Author and Finisher of Our Faith - PART 183

To know Him, and to know Him aright is life everlasting! Why? Because in Him is Life. This is the same life that was manifested in the flesh -- we have seen it -- our hands have handled of the Word of life! Indeed, Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. Similarly, He is the one who started this work of redemption within you. And likewise, He will continue to perform this redemptive work in you.

In fact, you are a new creation, created in Jesus the Christ. You are not recycled but rather a people (which originally were not a people) but now are the People of God! You are a purchased possession, purchased by the blood of Jesus, the child of the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus purchased you. Jesus is redeeming you, bringing you and me out of the house of slavery so that He immediately could set us free!

Yes! Free at last! We entered into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God! As such, we are no longer under law but grace, walking in the perfect law of liberty! The scriptures state, "Be not entangled with the yoke of bondage." Be not entangled with the former covenant that He made. In fact, He told us that there would be many in this world who would trouble us, commanding that we keep the Mosaic Law. Remember, the God who saved us gave no such commandment.

Indeed, having asked Jesus into your life, you are now complete in Jesus. Just lay the thoughts of your head upon the pillow of the Love of God and the angelic messengers will run up and down the ladder with the sweet dreams and the blessed assurance that you are complete in Him! No man shall pluck you out of His Hand so we can be assured, that He will keep us from falling. He will present us as faultless before the throne of His majesty, with exceeding great joy ... for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom!

It is within this context that there is no other foundation that can be laid. For the church of God has a foundation, and that foundation is a foundation laid and ordered of God, by the counsel of His own will. At the same time, our foundation is a Rock foundation. Not a foundation made of concrete, or wood, or any earthly material. No! It is the foundation of the church of God, which is the body of Jesus the Christ being the only temple in which the Spirit of God is pleased to dwell!

All believers who are in the ark of the new testament entered in by the door (see Acts 2:37-48 which is the message of the Holy Spirit)building their faith on the same foundation. Certainly, the first 3000 believers entered into the faith in obedience to the command of the holy Spirit. Believers today can also willingly and gladly submit to the obedience to the command of the holy Spirit Therefore, as the scriptures state, let every man take heed of the gospel they present, for if any should preach any other gospel than the one dictated within the scriptures, they are not of God.

Be blessed as you continue in the words of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Stand in the Offering Plate.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Is God's Name? - PART 182

In the name of God. We hear this phrase so often but rarely do we pursue the inquiry further. Do you know? What is God’s name? For God is surely a descriptive title, never being a name. And similarly in this context, if one is utilizing a descriptive title, then why not expose to others whom it is that you are calling God?

In God we trust is another phrase used in various contexts. But again, please explain to the general populace who it is that you are putting your trust in? Or "God bless you!" In all of these examples, we need to ask ourselves who it is -- this God -- that we are talking about. We should know who it is that we are asking to bless you.

Further to the point, there [apparently] are an abundance of gods that people tend to worship, even if they know not what. For example, taking a feel good pill or trying to find life in the bottom of a beer or liquor bottle can be considered gods because they consume us in a way that is god-like.

So who is this God, whose name we do not know? Well, let me tell you. Certainly, I cannot trust in a God whom I know nothing about and I am equally sure that you feel the same way. So let's examine the scriptures and determine once and for all who God is.

We've all heard that God is Love. We also recognize that God is not a respecter of persons. God has not two laws, one for the rich and another for the poor! And God does not tell me at the point of a gun how much He loves me. But I do know from reading the scriptures how much God loves me.

Similarly, we find in reading the scriptures that God Has a name. In fact, it is as a result of knowing that name and calling upon that name that one can be blessed. Indeed, apart from knowing God’s revealed name, confusion rules and reigns. We've seen this time and time again throughout history. Nations upon hearing God’s name go from being a 'have-not' nation to a 'have' nation. Conversely, nations that at one time were aware of God’s name but have since turned their backs to God often begin a downward spiral.

Still, what is in a name? What do names represent? You as a individual would never let anyone misrepresent or discredit your name. Why? Because your name is you! It dictates who you are. And in fact, your name will outlive you. Your offspring bear your name.

Likewise, when you know God’s name and have grown to know the One God who bears that name, then you would not by any means desire to discredit or misrepresent His name. In this sense, neither Jehovah or Yahweh are God’s name! God never revealed either as being His name.

But there is a name, as the scriptures repeatedly point out, which is above every other name in Heaven and on Earth. And the one who bears that name is the One God, who is before all things. He is also the One God who made all things! This One God who is Spirit has revealed HIMSELF as a Son. He did not reveal Himself as another person!

God who is Spirit, inhabited a man’s body, endeavouring to reveal Himself to His people. Us. And indeed, this God who is love bears the name of JESUS! Why even the Angels worship Him. Wise men worship Him too. Why don't you put your trust in Him today too so you can be blessed in His love and peace and joy and mercy, and likewise, stand firm in the offering plate.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Distinction Between Jews and Gentiles - PART 181

Regardless of how many well intended resolutions we might make at New Years, we recognize (often later rather than sooner) that we are, once again just jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. In some countries, it is reported of individuals taking their personal search for renewal to the extreme. Indeed, it has been reported that there are those who will lay themselves down inside manufactured wooden coffins, in their quest to be reborn. The idea is that in arising out of the coffin, they do so as new individuals. Surely this is a joke but it does show how far some men will venture in their endeavour to escape the entanglement of sin. Would it not be easier to just ask Jesus into your life, so that the God who made us and loved us so much could renew our hearts from the inside out? I will leave this thought with you to ponder.

Today, the discussion focuses on the Jews and the Gentiles and the distinction that is made between the two. In fact, man tends to elevate the Jew as being the people of God. This perspective, even though there is no difference between a Jew and a Gentile. As the scriptures clearly state, they were a people that God formerly foreknew.

In the New Testament, we note that God poured out His spirit upon believing Gentiles too. This is the same gift of His Holy Spirit that was available to all who called upon His name. In so doing, God thereby signified that He placed no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles.

If we follow the scriptures, we read that the Jews were cut off from God because of their unbelief. God did not cast them out. He simply laid them aside because of their unbelief. The same message was delivered to the Gentiles. That is, the warning that if the Gentiles fall into unbelief, as did the Jews, then they also would be cut off.

But again, the gospel message that God brought forward is a message of hope and salvation that extends to one and all. There is no difference between races. There is no difference between men and women. For if the Jew were to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, who is the Seed of the ONE GOD, then they also would be grafted into the household of God.

It is this message that we need to grasp. The same God who loved us so much when He created us, still loves us that much (and more!) today. It is just that in the midst of the timeline that extends from the beginning of time until now, this same God took it upon Himself to become flesh and die for us on Calvary so that we could be saved.

It is this risen Saviour that we need to ask into our lives. Jesus loves you! Stand in the Offering Plate!

Behold the Bridegroom Cometh - PART 180

The scriptures state that the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night. The Bible warns believers to watch for that day so that it does not come upon them unawares.

Remember the parable of the five wise (believers) and the five foolish (unbelievers)? The sad part about the parable appears to be that both the wise believers and foolish unbelievers were asleep. However, as the scriptures note, there was another who had not fallen asleep. In fact, he or she was the one shouting, "Behold the bridegroom is coming! Arise, go forth and meet Him."

The ten arose from their sleep but went in opposite directions. The five foolish, well, one might consider them to be well described when referred to as foolish. By reason of their teachers, they had lost their original enthusiasm for God within their once receptive heart. The oil, or their conscience within their lives was empty. No longer did they appreciate the lamp of God in their lives.(Perhaps, it is here that they should consider pushing the panic button!)

Conversely, the other five, well they sort of were T-boned, rubbing shoulders with the so called wisdom of unbelieving teachers, Or as the scriptures might suggest, the blind leading the blind. Admittedly, this is a rather feeble excuse. Nevertheless, they were sleeping as well. To an onlooker, it would be hard or even impossible to distinguish one group from the other. How sad!

Such is the case today. The Book of Revelations points to the example of the Laodicean church who receives a message from the Lord. You are neither cold nor are you hot, and, as a consequence, it would be better that you were either cold or hot. But because you are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will have nothing more to do with you. Of course, hopefully, the wise were oblivious to their hopeless condition and upon hearing this message for renewed hope trimmed their lamps.

And that the five wise with oil (Holy Spirit) in their lamp (lives) upon trimming their lamps, unloaded the Satanic hypocrisy of unbelief that accompanied their lukewarm perspective so that they then could go forth to meet their Lord!

This is the place where we are today. Although there are signs, signs, everywhere a sign, we have forgotten the importance of keeping our own oil lamps trimmed. This parable serves as a reminder for us to be ready for the coming of the Lord. In other words, do not listen to the soothsayers who have the answer to everything and yet remain without substance.

Instead, behold the message of hope in the scriptures. Your bridegroom cometh. Trim your lamp now so that you too can go forth to meet Him on that day. Stand in the offering plate.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fear Not, Redeemed Children of the Lord - PART 179

Man ought always to pray! Why? Because God’s ear is ever attentive to man’s cry. Further, even before you call, God who knows the very thought and intents of your heart will answer. Yes, He will respond to anyone and everyone who calls upon His name - the name of Jesus.

Indeed, God has been reaching out to man since Adam’s original downfall in the Garden of Eden. Stricken with unbelief (and disbelief)at that time, the human race still attempts as a collective to build a tower into the heavens.

Men still search for intelligent life in the wild blue yonder, sending signals in the hope that somewhere beyond the rainbow, someone might reply to their call by saying, "Hello little fellow. You’re a nice little fellow. I know by your voice, but you're always so far away." Further, as the scriptures point out, the human race is incapable of saving themselves.

The good news is that where men have failed in this regard, God provides hope. As the scriptures state, "Fear not, redeemed children of the Lord, for it is your God’s good pleasure to give you the created Kingdom of God, in which our God JESUS is King!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Sacrificial Offering of the Child of the Holy Spirit - PART 178

You MUST be born again! The instant you look toward the sacrificial offering of the child of the Holy Spirit, who is the Only Begotten Son of God, you can be saved. We could not save ourselves. This is why the child of the Holy Spirit, who was not begat of Adam’s sinful race, as you and I were, had to complete the plan of salvation.

Indeed, Adam’s race is incapable of saving themselves. Why? Because sin is inherent within man -- a cursed disease, resulting from the transgressions of the first man Adam. As we recall from Genesis, Adam at creation was perfect. In fact, Adam was so perfect that he walked with God and conversed with God in fellowship.

Further, in the same context, God established that Adam would be responsible for the works of His own hands! To this end, Adam allotted names to all the things and beings of creation. Whatsoever name Adam applied, that name was affixed. God created Adam in His image for his reason. Although Adam was created of the dust of the earth, he was created by God to be an earthly image of God.

Unfortunately, this Genesis version of how man came to be is totally contrary to so-called 21st century science, where some advocate the big bang theory instead. My question is this. A big bang from what? If there was ever a big bang, then the big bang would have been ordered of God, for without God as the source then you would be attributing power and intelligence to dumb matter.

To project a world view that dumb matter was alive and capable of creating intelligent life - well, what does that suggest? And then to further state that this form of dumb matter was responsible for our earthly habitation, and similarly, this dumb matter grants to man the power to rule over all that the dumb matter might have created, says it all.

Similarly, science that opposes the knowledge of God is not true science. It must be attributed to Satanic powers, who unfortunately, often rules in high places. Their ignorance toward God is a willing ignorance. The scriptures state that at some point, God gives them over to vile affections!

Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart! Forsake the rhetoric of vain imaginations. What a friend we ought to have in Jesus, who is the unseen Spirit of God manifest in the flesh as a Son. Adam is still God’s handiwork and as such, we should attribute to God alone all the praise and thanksgiving for the life He alone has given to us. Indeed, life itself is worth more than silver or gold! For with our eyes, we behold, the manifest wisdom of the one Spirit of God.

It is with these thoughts in mind that we look for a city that has a solid rock foundation, whose builder and maker is none other than God Almighty. What is it that the scriptures state? Eyes have not as yet seen, neither have ears heard of the yet to be unveiled treasures that God has prepared for all those that love Him. It doesn't get any better than that!

It's your call! Be persuaded to linger no longer! Only believe! Stand in the offering plate .. but remember to offer yourself!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Inward Desire to Worship Our Lord God and Saviour - PART 177

In this post, we are jumping back to recapture a point referenced earlier but not elaborated on. If this discussion seems out of order from the last posts, it is because it is. Still, the message herein may have relevance to someone which is why it is added now.

Someone mentioned today that a study conducted by academics in the United States predicted that eight nations would depart from religion in the years to come. Apparently, according to my source, Canada is on the short list. There are a couple of issues with the study. First, the investigators do not offer a rationale (or alternative) for the historical reality (and religious presence) that has continued as part of society for centuries. The study similarly ignores the different forms of religion that exist in today's society. Without these added parameters, and in this context, one might as well admit that religion, in one form or another will always be, simply because it is inherent within man to worship.

Certainly, religion takes on many forms. Some entities are recognized as formal religion with Christian or Biblical connections. Conversely, other organizations and the people within, express denial of any religious foundations, instead asserting belief systems such as atheism or another form of ignorance.

But regardless of their organizational position, the people within the organization will still worship. Moreover, as we have seen recently in the plethora of anti-God publications, these non-proclaiming religions/individuals will even proudly project their hidden religious beliefs openly, always endeavouring to convert someone to their wayward mindset!

Still other religions forcefully assert their religious beliefs in a manner that can is accompanied by violence. Sigh! When these same religions are viewed by others who are less familiar with their so-called religious practices or the truths elaborated upon within the scriptures, the violence gives an appearance that all believers are religious zealots ready to kill or injure anyone with an alternative viewpoint. In these extreme cases, we recognize the religion as one that ought to be abandoned immediately.

Even politics has been referred to as a religion. Now that is scary, particularly if we examine the extent that some politicians will go to retain power. Some actually believe that it is their God given right to rule and reign but I digress.

The point here is that in spite of these recent research findings, the chances of religion being obliterated from society are minimal. Religion, rightly or wrongly, is entrenched. Likewise, people will still have an inward desire to worship the God who created them -- a point that all the studies in the world can't explain.

This is why we have the scriptures. Only God can explain why He loves us so much! Stand in the Offering Plate and thank Him for giving His life for us!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Lord is My Shepherd - PART 176

When the so-called church fathers established the catholic church, they established the organization in direct opposition to the directives of the true Head of the Church, who of course is none other than the Lord Jesus the Christ. The same Lord Jesus who dwells in Spirit in the midst of His own body. The body who He by Himself purchased unto Himself.

Further, in terms of sacrificing, He sacrificed His own manifested sin prone body -- this same sin prone body which never indulged in any form of sin (whether it were in word, thought, or in deed) for us. As we know from the scriptures, all power is His in both Heaven and earth. As such, no one usurps the authority over this Church body.

Indeed, the scriptures clearly state that all believers would be taught of God, and are therefore, in no need of any further teaching. To illustrate this point, Jesus taught His chosen disciples who in turn graduated to apostleship, and then were subsequently ordained of Jesus to be His witnesses -- even to the uttermost parts of the earth.

The Word that they preached was Jesus' Word which no God believing man would have any desire to misrepresent. Simply put, the Word of God is coming to you in the scriptures -- the scriptures are not originating within you. As the scriptures further state, if you think yourself to be a prophet or a spiritually minded person, then it's time to acknowledge that the things scripturally written are indeed the Words of the Lord Jesus. In fact, as pointed out in the Bible, these same Words are bound and seated in Heaven.

If we review the historical period known as the Reformation, we find that light (the scriptures outlining the knowledge of God) appeared at intervals -- even through the dark clouds of Roman catholic church paganism. At the time, the historical records show that the church had evolved to the place where they dared call themselves Christian. Still, the little rays of light inspired many people to trim their darkened lights, causing them to hunger and thirst after the truth of the Word of God. Up until now, the truth of God had been extinguished or drastically altered by religion -- so much so that a blind and deaf man would have had a better opportunity to find God than those who were programmed from birth to the errors of Rome’s church dogma.

Still, during those days of partial enlightenment, it is stated that that the head of the roman church was dealt such a blow, as a consequence of the advancement of the truths contained in the Christian Gospel that in fact Rome feared that they would never recover as a religious entity. The unveiling of Christian scriptural truths was having an impact.

Today, one could say the church to some extent has recovered. The roman church fathers have regrouped, asserting that they are God’s church with all other churches being branches. The question is whether the church acknowledged the scriptural truths revealed during the Reformation.

To find the answer, we encourage you to open your Bible, and start reading. Pray that Your creator Saviour God who Loves you more than His own self will open your eyes so that you can see. That He would open your understanding of the scriptures so that you receive the same enlightenment! That you would receive His Word and be blessed.

Remember too that in reading the scriptures, no one is pressuring you to join a religious organization, or desiring to extract money or any other worldly possession from you.

Our intent is to bring you closer to God. That You have an opportunity to talk to the Lord who made you -- in humility and honesty -- as you thank Him for His love and goodness toward you. Just you and the Lord. NO ONE ELSE. Talk and listen while your spirit prays. God answers prayer!

Redemption As In Everyone Must Be Born Again - PART 176

I passed a sign which read that "Redemption is God’s recycle bin." Well, technically it is not. Redemption is not a recycling bin. Why? Because the Adamic race cannot be recycled. In fact, that is part of the issue. More often than not, formal institutionalized religion is endeavouring to impinge its viewpoint upon the human race without aligning with the scriptures. One such example is good works. While good works in itself is honourable, it retains no inward spiritual significance. Good works definitely cannot replace a heart that is deceitful and wicked! As the scriptures state, "You must be born again." Everyone must be born again. All of Adam's sinful race must die! Nobody is exempt and therefore we all ought to make preparation for the inevitable.

It is for this reason that worshipping God is critically important. But it is equally important that believers know "who" it is that they are worshipping. JESUS, who is the ONE TRUE GOD came forth from the bosom, which is the innermost being of the unseen eternal Spirit of the Almighty. He came with one purpose and that purpose was to seek and to save Adam offspring. In other words, you and I.

Unfortunately, religion in whatever form it projects itself gets in the way. Rome got in the way of the Christian faith. The so-called church fathers imposed their 'Simon the sorcery religion' in Rome, and in so doing, endeavoured to retard and alter that which the Lord Himself had delivered. Still, the Lord emphatically upheld the apostolic scriptural truth, establishing scriptural authenticity by laying down His own natural life. God established that His work concerning man’s redemption is forever complete. As the scriptures note, the Lord, upon completion of this redemption mission ascended into Heaven and SAT down.

The Lord commenced a further work by confirming the Word that He had delivered! The Lord delivered His Word directly to chosen individuals, and it this Word now spoken by those chosen individuals that He confirms with signs and wonders. As a consequence, the Word disqualifies alternative presentations such as the ideology put forward by the Roman church fathers.

Further, the Roman church fathers did not establish a Christian church. For the Christian church was already established by the Holy Ghost outpouring, as recorded in Acts 2. This outpouring of the Spirit fulfilled the afore prophetic utterance - that the Word of the Lord would go forth from Jerusalem.

There the Lord added to His church - the Christian Church. All the while the Roman church fathers established a so called Roman Catholic Church which directly opposed the teaching of the Holy Ghost, Jesus ministered to the early believers through the Lord’s apostles. He still ministers to His believers today.

 The difference is that now, when someone boldly states that they are Catholic, we do not need to fret. They have chosen to follow the Roman church fathers in preference to the confirmed Word of the Lord. Fortunately, we are not obligated to make the same choice. Instead, as the scriptures state, "Let God be true."

Stand in the Offering Plate!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Only Jesus Saves - PART 175

A question to consider. Have you been weighed in the balance and found wanting? Perhaps, a better way of expressing our point would be to reflect or to examine our life. Where are we relative to our final destination? Undoubtedly, we all have an appointment with death which means sooner or later, we will need to respond to this question. It is for this reason that life itself should behove us to examine ourselves, and to determine whether we are in the faith --- the same faith that was personally delivered to mankind by the the Lord Himself.

Certainly, in relation to this same question, man cannot save himself. He cannot do so because he is a victim of a disease called sin. The same sinful nature exists in women. He and/or she can bathe all they want in an attempt to wash away the odour of sin (i.e. decaying flesh) but it is hopeless. At times like this, one might say that a temporary fix would be much appreciated!

However, the meaning of life is much deeper than this. For example, the root of sin is a spiritual condition that manifests a spiritual condition outwardly, usually in some form of physical display. Everything comes forth from a seed. A good seed brings forth good fruit whereas an evil seed brings forth bad fruit.

Fortunately, men and women were made for fellowship with God and no matter how hard they may try, he or she cannot extinguish that need. The need to worship our Creator. As an aside, even Satan, the author of man's downfall demands worship. The good news is that we can rest assured that the God who loves us wants to be our friend. So much so, that He willingly became a man so that He could rescue us from that spiritual condition called sin.

Most of all, remember that you are a wonderful person and that God loves you! Stand in the offering plate.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Water Baptism According to the Scriptures - PART 174

Ask yourself these questions pertaining to water baptism. Please note that these scriptural references are freely given so that you also may benefit from God's glorious redemption message.

To recap, most of the so-called churches in today's world preach and practice in some form or another Matthew 28:19. Indeed, religion and church-anity hinge their teachings on water baptism to this one specific verse. It states in part, "Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

Also note that when it comes to baptism, some churches sprinkle water on the recipient, others splash water, others submerse individuals totally in water while still others cover you with a plastic covering pouring water onto the plastic. This latter practice is supposed to represent the children of Israel passing through the river, whereby no one got wet.

What we are endeavouring to do here is to compare the current 21st century practices to the scriptures. The first point that needs to be made is that the Matthew 28:19 reference was not in the original scriptures. Even the pope acknowledges this point. In fact, the scriptures were altered by the church fathers in Rome. We have elaborated on this point before. Instead of reiterating the same information again, we suggest reviewing earlier posts for the historical details, references and timelines.

It might also be pertinent here to think of the saying that actions speak louder than words. In the scriptures, there is no actual baptism where any believer in the early Christian assemblies were baptized using such a format. If baptism was to be rendered using the titles "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" then the apostles would have included this reference when they baptized new believers. The scriptures would also have made reference to the titles as well, beyond the "revised/added" Matthew 28:19. Again, Father is not a name. Son is not a name. Spirit is not a name. However, do not fret because there are no scriptural references to support baptism in the titles, or actual examples of believers baptized in the titles in the Bible.

What we do need to concern ourselves with is the deception that is leading people on a pathway opposite to what God originally commanded. It is this mindset that takes one back to the situation in the Garden of Eden, when satan boldly spoke contradictory words opposing what God had instructed Adam to do. Such is the case today where a lie continues rather than accurate scriptural references taking precedent.

Remember, believers were instructed to search the scriptures and know that "I am God." It is the Spirit of this one God that leads and guides us into all truth and brings all things to our remembrance ... whatsoever the Lord Himself spoke whilst walking in our midst -- as a Son!

Moreover, there is only one name given unto men whereby they can be saved. That name is JESUS. There is no salvation in ANY OTHER NAME. In the book of Acts, we find records of the actions of those who walked with Jesus and those words being confirmed by God’s own Spirit. All of the baptisms recorded in the scriptures are administered in the name of Jesus. Check these references for yourself.

While we are on this topic, we should also mention that there are some who suggest that being baptized is immaterial. In other words, one only has to accept Jesus crucifixion. They say they love God even up to the crucifixion. But in contrast to the scriptures, they then go on to state that there is no way that they are going to be buried into the symbolical watery grave. To say this suggests that they are willing to lay aside the Word of the Holy Spirit. They would rather teach as doctrine the commands of men, or historical traditions based on a textual revision that had no basis.

Still, it is your decision on the best way to deal with these revelations. From our perspective, the Holy Ghost made it clear what to do ... in Acts 2 verses 37 thru 44. We suggest obeying the scriptures as presented and therefore, being baptized into JESUS death. We are confident that when one is baptized in Jesus' name, God will resurrect YOU!

Be blessed as you move forward this day ...

Friday, August 12, 2011

We Have Handled the Word of Life - PART 173


The Seed spoken here is the Seed of the Holy Ghost coming forth from the innermost being of the Spirit of God, which Seed was the bloodline of the Spirit of God. The Life is in the blood. At the time, we could not see the life. Nor could we handle the life. That is, not until the life within the Seed was manifested.

But the life was manifested and we have seen the life. Our hands have handled the Word of Life. That is the declaration of the Apostles. JESUS, the Seed of His holy Spirit manifest in the flesh, and therefore, in Him alone, God has promised that all nations would and could be blessed.

It seems too good to be true that a nation or individual who looks to Jesus the beloved Seed of Promise would be blessed. But it is true. All the power of God was in that Seed of Promise. No, not a part of God but all of God. If we can repeat an earlier analogy using the ocean -- a drop of the ocean contains all of the elements and fullness of the ocean.

God Himself was in Christ. (Titus 3:4-7) Jesus is God Himself in created form. (I Timothy 3:16) Being found in fashion in a bodily appearance as if He was Adam‘s offspring. Note from the scriptures that He (JESUS) being found in that state did not think it robbery to be equal with God, the eternal Spirit!

God, the Almighty, has for our sake's humbled Himself, clothing Himself in a body in order to rescue us from our enslavement. We were enslaved by the enemy of our one time living soul and consequently robbed of a life in God by God‘s number one enemy and his demonic hordes satan.

Still, Jesus presents a much better way for people to be saved. Certainly, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14:6) Even though sin has tried to extinguish the light of the knowledge of God, enticing man to slip deeper into a mud hole, and then sliding further into that sinkhole from which there was no escape, JESUS came to rescue us from our sin. (Matthew 1:21-23)

Like the prodigal son who started out well shod, he descended deeper and deeper into the so called pleasures of sin. As the scriptures point out, the prodigal son eventually ended up in a pig pen -- literally. The fortunate part is that this person had known and lived a former lifestyle, which through the deception of sin led him to believe that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Much to his surprise, the glamour and the glitz was vain imaginations.

Unfortunately, most have never heard the good news of God’s Love. Instead, satan operating through man’s fallen wisdom conjures up many alternatives. But if you are looking for God, then look around. The Heavens declare His glory and the earth shows forth His handiwork.

Jesus' birth dates the whole world. Remember the motto of former generations -- In God we Trust! Jesus shall have dominion from coast to coast by the Grace of God. Defender of the Faith. And let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the Word and the Praising of His Name. Yes, it is time to return to the God that loved you enough to die on the cross of Calvary. God is awaiting your call!

Stand in the Offering Plate.

It Is The Holy Spirit of Jesus that Leads - PART 172

Jesus said that by reason of your teachers, you do greatly err in not knowing the scriptures. At that particular point in time, the Holy Ghost had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been crucified, buried, and resurrected. It was only when Jesus was resurrected and glorified that His holy Spirit was poured out into believers' innermost being.

Why? Because the holy Spirit leads, and guides believers into all truth. It is the holy Spirit of Jesus that brings all things to believers' minds. In other words, whatsoever was said by Him when He walked among men on earth would be similarly taught to those of us who believe in the promises of God.(CHRIST IN YOU)

God who previously was on the outside, has now taken permanent residence into the innermost being of the believer. When someone asks Jesus into their life, Jesus becomes an integral part of the believers body, now cleansed, by the pure shed blood of the holy Spirit. This refers to a new bloodline and not an Adamic blood line - see earlier posts. This new blood line, which flowed within the veins of Jesus -- the conceived child and seed of God’s holy Spirit -- veiled within a sin prone body taken from Mary. His surrogate virgin mother’s sin prone body.

It is here that the Spirit of God was clothed with sin prone flesh enabling the manifestation in the flesh of God as a Son.Jesus' flesh now capable of being tempted, tried in all points and yet not succumbing to sins temptations.

So in reality, Jesus was not guilty of any crime, even though He was submitted to Satanic justice. Still, He placed Himself into the hands of sinful men to be crucified. God transferring and laying all our demerits of sin upon Himself. Jesus NEVER sinned. It is recorded in the scriptures that in Jesus death, JESUS died -- the JUST for the UNJUST that He might bring us back to God.

It is also said that when the fullness of time was come, then God sent forth His Son. At a time when darkness covered the face of the earth, and gross darkness covered the eyes of the people, satan and his demonic hordes had taken the upper hand. In this context, men had no hope. One and all were deceived by the religious leaders that abounded. People were reduced to trampling the grapes whilst others drank the wine. Many of us could compare these former times with today's entitlement mindset.

But in the dead of night when not one hope was in sight, then God Sent His Son. Indeed, His only begotten son to rescue His earthy image and likewise man, from their captivator Satan.

Right from the get go, satan hastened to defend his kingdom of wicked darkness, appearing as light. It is no wonder that Jesus asked that if the so-called light that you is in you is in reality darkness, then really how great is that darkness?

The good news is that God is about to open a can of worms. God's eye is on the sparrow. He is watching you. He cares for you. His hand is not short that He cannot save. Neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear you. In fact, He is attentive to our cry. Unfortunately, satan had obscured the truth.

This has resulted in questions about our own ability to call upon God for salvation. What a diabolical mess. And so it is today. The powers that be present another God, of which we should note that our forefathers fled from. We recognize their actions through the motto -- In God we trust. This motto referred to Jesus the Christ.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jesus Is The Embodiment of the Humanity of God - PART 171

Have faith in God! Many shall come in my name saying "I am the Chris"t but the scriptures warn not to believe them. Why is this? Because if they speak not according to this Word, the scriptures reveal that it is because there is/was no enlightenment within them.

Rather, Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus, the embodiment of the humanity of God, is manifest in form appearing as a Son. In the beginning, Adam was a "created" son of God, but lost his status as a son when he was disobedient to his creator. By the same token, we are Adam’s offspring. Adam along with Eve were the root cause of all the negatives inhabited and experienced by the earth's populace.

As said so often humanity is spiritual, requiring only a body to display the mind of the indwelling spirit. But God is the Father of all spirits. God is the Seed of life in all creation. In order for a seed to flourish, it must be planted in weed free soil, watered, and exposed to light or the potential life within the Seed cannot be revealed. So it is in the scriptures.

God planted Adam in a weed free created environment. As a consequence, Adam at creation was so pure that God walked and talked with Him. As the created image of God, one might envision Adam as perfect. Perfect at least until satan turned up, opposing God’s direct instruction to Adam. As the Book of Genesis reveals, what satan said to Eve sounded so good and even tasted so good, that the duo's disobedience to God’s instructions introduced them to another world.

Like Adam and Eve, we inherit the capability of opposing God’s directions, becoming satan’s prisoners -- prisoners of sin. The wars of the past pale in comparison to the raging ongoing war within the members of our flesh, constantly desiring to lead us into captivity.

Now, satan has become the described prince of this world. Our innocence has been removed, being superimposed instead by disobedience. At the same time, satan endeavours to overthrow God. As we know, that battle is still ongoing. In fact, satan is enraged as he sees his territory being diminished, and the war intensified while throne and dominions fall.

Why is this happening? Because of Calvary! It is there that God dealt the final blow. Here, satan realizes that his days of terror are numbered. However, in the dying throes of his kingdom, those in whom he has successfully set up his kingdom (granting them power) that power endowed upon them hates God. But ironically, these powers love religion. All this will I give to you if you will fall down and worship me says satan. Sound familiar? Adam and Eve heard the same plea.

Still, while satan en route to hell is sadly directing multitudes of persons along the broad road of destruction, we need to remember that God never willed that any man or woman boy or girl should perish.

Salvation is the gift of God. It was He who was willing to sacrifice His humanity on the cross for you and I. As a consequence, Heaven’s door is open to one and all. JESUS -- THE JUST FOR THE UNJUST! Call upon Jesus today and stand in His offering plate.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In Jesus the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily - PART 170

And in Jesus does all the fullness of the Godhead dwell bodily. Jesus, being the unseen spirit of God manifest in the flesh. There is only one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we are in Him, and our Lord Jesus the Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him.

For the only wise God, the creator of all who is one (and indeed His name is one) is infinite and inseparable. When one searches the scriptures, there are innumerable Biblical references that confirm this point. Deuteronomy 6;4 and Zechariah 14;9 for example - the Father begetting the Son, and the Spirit being sent. Of course, all of this we embrace for He has said, "Thou art my Son. This day have I begotten thee." In Psalms 2:7 and Hebrews 1:5, the scriptures state, "And He has sent His Spirit into our hearts." Other references include Galatians 4:6 - "The Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father" or "In the bosom of the Father." John 1:18 and John 17:21-23. Therefore the Godhead is not divided, nor separate, but rather, God is one, and likewise, of one infinite nature and substance.

Further, Christ being the image of the invisible God and the first born of every creature, by whom all things were created, both in Heaven and on Earth (Collosians 1)

Yes, the Son of God is the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His substance. Hebrews 1:3 states, "And it was in due time God was manifest in the flesh." I Timothy 3:16 states that in the fullness of time, God sent His Son. Galatians 4 provides another example. For the Son of God was made manifest to destroy sin. (I John 3:8) And as now a manifestation, God’s Spirit is being given to whosoever believes that believing man may altogether profit. (I Corinthians 12) So we believe in the manifestation of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit for in unity are the true God!

Jesus the Christ being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, and yet as a Son, in the fullness of time, was sent of the Father, and took upon Himself the form of a servant. (Phil 2:6-7) In which state He said, "My Father is greater than I." (John 14:28) Whilst in that state, He learned obedience by the things that He suffered, and now He has become a High Priest, after the Order of Melchisedec, and is the author of eternal salvation, unto all them that obey Him. (Hebrews 5) And God has given all who believe eternal life in his Son.

For unto us a child is born, and a Son is given to govern, whose name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) And He -- Jesus is over all. (Romans 9:5) For He -- Jesus is the true God. (I John 5)

And in JESUS does all the fullness of the Godhead dwell bodily. Jesus being the unseen spirit of God manifest in the flesh. And the wise men worshipped the young child, the Son of God, for surely God has declared that Jesus who unbelievers crucified is both Lord and Christ! And let all the angels of God worship Him!

May you be richly blessed in His love and mercy. Offer your heart, soul and mind to our Lord God and Saviour today. Stand in the offering plate.

Shall Flow Rivers of Living Water - PART 169

JESUS said, He that believeth on me as the scripture say, from out of his INNERMOST BEING shall flow rivers of living water. In so doing, Jesus prophetically promised that all who believe, and put their faith wholly upon Him would in turn receive of His Spirit too.

The Wisdom or the Word which was the predetermined counsel of God, was now to be manifest in the flesh. It is this fleshly manifestation revealing God Himself as a Son -- this manifestation adequately displaying all the Spiritual humanity dwelling within God Himself that makes the gospel message so empowering.

Think about it! The Spirit of God (named JESUS) is the same God who made the world and loved us so much that He would die for us (John 1). This is the same God who was now found to be indwelling inside a sin prone body,(in which He was pleased to dwell) And the same God with the sin prone body (veil of flesh) received whilst in the womb of His sin prone surrogate mother's body. Mary was born of Adam’s sinful race. She, like all others born on this planet receive inherited sin, as a penalty resulting from Adam’s original disobedience to God (see Genesis for details).

But JESUS made the world and all that therein is. Still, JESUS was not made. Oh no. Instead, Jesus CAME FORTH from the innermost spiritual being of God. Talk about LOVE. Real love. Jesus is the love of God personified in flesh and blood. God as a SON. All things were made BY HIM and for HIM. Please hear the message. Jesus was asked this question. "Do (should) we look for another?" Jesus replied by saying that if one does not believe that He is the I AM, they would die in their sin.

You see, God was on a mission. His mission was to seek and to save Adam’s sinful race. In order to fulfill this mission, it necessitated God entering into a sin filled world -- and in many ways a totally lost world -- the inhabitants lost and bound by the god of this world who was a demonic spirit that God had cast out of Heaven -- in order that we might find salvation. God’s plan is to save and deliver us. Unlike the fallen demonic angels who are enroute to a destination called Hell, (which God had prepared for Satan and his followers), God had never planned on man joining the demonic angels there.

That is why God in Christ,(Christ the Humanity of God) comes forth. The Lord our God purposely foiling Satan's plan while Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, unfolds His plan that will lead captivity captive. His plan of salvation that will redeem fallen sin prone man so that they can now become His sons and daughters and brethren and friends.

Indeed, God is willing to take all of our sin onto Himself. In fact, He is laying down all that is rightfully His, and is bequeathing it all to sin prone men. He wants us to become justified from all sin past and present and beyond. And to prove His motives, He laid down His life for you. He, being God Himself as a Son purchased you, sacrificing Himself once and for all.

You are now His children and of His indwelling Spirit we are made partakers of. We are now a habitation of God’s Spirit -- His temple -- His dwelling place! Stand in the Offering Plate!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Only Begotten Son the Express Image of God - PART 168

The eternal life which was in the bosom of the Father from before the beginning of the world, hath been manifested in the flesh. Indeed, we have seen with our eyes, and our hands have handled of the Word of life -- for it is the life of God that was manifested.

That eternal life which was in the bosom (and the innermost being of God) appeared as the only begotten Son of God. Indeed, He was not created in the fashion of the first Adam. For the "only begotten Son" has neither beginning of days nor end of life, and, as the scriptures explain, He is the only begotten Son of God. He was before all things, and by the only begotten Son of God, all things exist.

"He was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own and His own received Him not." (John 1:1-18)

Yes, as the scriptures will attest, all things were made by the only begotten Son of God, who has come forth from the innermost being of God. Not as a separate part of God or a separate person but altogether as God. In the only begotten Son of God does dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And similarly, when the disciples like you and I gaze upon Jesus, who do they see?  The unseen God visibly!

The only begotten Son of God being the express image and substance of God but as a Son, veiled in flesh He said that if we have seen Him (Jesus), we would have seen the Father also -- for as Jesus said, "I and My Father are one." Note that He added that anyone who may still be looking to see the Father ought not to look any further -- "for if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father also."

The only begotten Son was not created like the first Adam. Instead, He came forth from the innermost being of God and as a consequence, we were instructed to call His name Jesus. (Matthew 1:21-23) Why? Because it is He who shall save His People from out of their sin. In short, He is the Lord our God, who has Himself, become our blessed Redeemer -- our Saviour. God sent His Son into the world in order that the world THROUGH Him could be saved, and given eternal life as a gift.

So in the future, when you are asked where did the Son of God come forth from? You can be confident in your response - the Son of God came from the bosom (innermost being) of the Father. Jesus was not created, or a created being, as some declare. No. Jesus was BROUGHT FORTH from the bosom (innermost being) of the unseen Spirit of God. When Paul asked the Lord who He was, the Lord replied, "I AM JESUS."

"In the beginning, God." (Genesis 1:1) Never changing. The first and the last, the beginning and the end. His name is Jesus, as Saul/Paul came to know on the road to Damascus.

Simple, straightforward, and to the point. A message that allows us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and His kingdom to the masses, restoring their faith in Lord God Almighty for who He is. "And if Christ [be] in you, the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness ..." (Romans 8:10)

This is why there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh; God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. -- that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit." (Romans 8:1-8)

Moreover, if we take the time to study the Word of God, the Holy Ghost will lead and guide us into all truth. For example, if we follow the same genealogical evidence from the Old Testament, we read that the Spirit of God SEEDED Eve and Abraham with the Seed of a new blood line. This new blood line being the blood line of the Spirit of God. And in this context, God being the Only Good Shepherd entered into our messed up world to offer us the gift of salvation. To sanctify us with His precious holy blood shed on the cross.

Why? Because JESUS is the Only Name GIVEN of God to man, whereby men or women calling on the name of JESUS with sincerity and truth can be saved! (Acts 4:12) Yes, the name of JESUS is ABOVE EVERY OTHER NAME in both Heaven and on Earth!

This is why once you get out from under all the enemies that oppose the name of JESUS, and come to the realization that you fathered all your offspring in a son’s body, then you can grasp the truth that God also fathered all of His redeemed children in a Son’s body.

Remember, you are the SEED of the CHRIST. He who has the Son has the Father also. Let him who hath ears to hear, hear. Stand in the Offering Plate and offer yourself so that the God in Christ may bless you in His abundance of mercy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

One God Who Willingly Became Our Saviour - PART 167

Here is your question of the day!

If the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spirit) are three distinct and separate persons, and not simply One, or as some religious leaders might suggest - in "agreement" with one another, then how distant are these three beings one from another? Certainly, if one were to believe that God were three distinct and separate persons, me thinks that it would be becoming of those folks advocating such a presentation to produce scripture establishing their beliefs. This might be why His Word places an onus on us as believers in Jesus by faith to search the scriptures, so that we are not misled by centuries of religious teachings and dogma that do not accurately align with the Word.

The scriptures say that God and Christ, and the Holy Ghost will dwell in man. Are there three persons dwelling within you? Are you three persons? After all, in your human journey, you also could serve as a son, a father and a spirit. Think about it. The scripture declares, that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that your body is the temple of God, and that Christ is in you, except you be a reprobate. If God were three persons and not one, how could this be? Well, the reality is that it couldn't.

In fact, there is only One God, the Father, of whom are all things -- we are in Him, and our Lord Jesus the Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him. Further, Jesus said, I AM. How many times did He announce that He is the I AM? Even though no man has seen God at any time, the only begotten who is in the bosom (innermost being) of the Father He has declared Him. Jesus the only begotten came forth from the bosom (innermost being) of the Father and was manifest in the flesh, revealing Himself as a Son, in which the Spirit of God Himself was pleased to dwell.

God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16)

He was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. (John 1:10)

In other words, Jesus is not another divinity. No! Jesus is the unseen God who fills the Heavens and the earth, and in Him (God), we all live, and move, and have our being. In the same context, Jesus is the express image of the unseen Spirit of God, revealing Himself in a natural form as a Son (God as a Son). God was in the man Jesus the Christ who alone is the embodiment of the humanity of God.(Note: humanity is a spiritual attribute requiring only a body to express spiritual intent).

Perfect humanity, not fallen humanity.

Considered through a different scriptural lens, Jesus is the second Adam. The Lord Himself out of Heaven created a new blood line. The blood line of the holy Spirit of the unseen God, purposefully entering in to our depraved sin-cursed way of life, willing to sacrifice His own body as a Son, in order, that we who were all of our lives held captive and in bondage might receive from the God who created mankind the free gift of eternal life!

How else could God reveal Himself other than in the fashion that He had by Himself predetermined must be accomplished for the redemption of the first Adam’s sinful race? God coming forth as a mighty man.

This is why at Calvary, Jesus said, "It is finished!" The work of redemption is now complete! Note that we were redeemed with the blood of Jesus and not with silver or gold. We were purchased back to an abundant new life by God, reaching out to each and every one of us in love.

The scriptures state that there is absolutely nothing which can separate you or I from the Love of God! God in Christ laid down His life as a Son so that we who were guilty might now be declared innocent by God our Saviour and Creator. He loves you!

Come directly to God in Christ! Stand in the Offering Plate.

Jesus Paid the Price of Salvation in Full - PART 166

How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel because by Gods grace, they will reap in joy! Indeed, he that wins souls is wise. The scriptures state, "Labour not for the meat that perishes but [rather] for the meat that endures unto everlasting life." There is a reason why this verse has so much relevance.

Most times when we travel, we plant seeds in places where Satan has been seated for a long time. It is almost like visiting on the dark side -- where the prince of Rome rides with the scarlet coloured woman riding horseback. It is to these folks that the Word of this salvation is sent. Throughout our trip, we were blessed to know that God was always one step ahead of us. In terms of preaching the Word, all we had to do was set the table and invite the "whosoever" to come and dine.

As a sidebar, this most recent journey puts me in mind of John Appleseed who preached and sowed apple seeds wherever he traveled. Many had forgotten the Spirit of the Word that he preached, so instead they turned the apples into cider. Still, God’s Spirit does not come from a bottle. The scriptures state that we should not be drunk with wine wherein is excess, but rather filled with God’s Spirit. In earlier posts - wine rearranges the furniture in one’s head but it is the Holy Spirit that instills in believers a sound mind.

But the good news is that the gospel message -- Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd -- is still the focal point of our journey. Unfortunately, what we often find is that the greatest obstacle to preaching the Word is the nullifying of God’s Word by the so called churches. These are often the same churches who apparently seem to have removed Jesus from the Cross, preferring instead to advance the premise that church attendance or giving money to the organization is a prerequisite for a ticket to heaven.

The truth of the matter is that churches cannot save! The Bible makes this clear. Therein, the scriptures state that there is only "one" mediator between God and man and that one mediator is none other than God Himself. The same God who, as a Son became the only means whereby persons could be saved, delivered, or healed, from whatever pit of despair they may have fallen into.

Similarly, to obtain God's salvation, one must come directly to this One God who indwelt the man Jesus the Christ. Why? Because God sacrificed His own human flesh for us. This love that God has for His people has not changed. God is still the God of this present 21st century age. And as such, the GIFT of God is still ETERNAL LIFE.

So, why not come and stand in the offering plate? When you stand in the offering plate (not your money) it is a testimony of your own belief - your faith - that the Spirit of God cannot be purchased with money. It also reinforces the gospel message that we are preaching near and far -- that is, Jesus paid the price of our salvation in full!