Jesus said that by reason of your teachers, you do greatly err in not knowing the scriptures. At that particular point in time, the Holy Ghost had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been crucified, buried, and resurrected. It was only when Jesus was resurrected and glorified that His holy Spirit was poured out into believers' innermost being.
Why? Because the holy Spirit leads, and guides believers into all truth. It is the holy Spirit of Jesus that brings all things to believers' minds. In other words, whatsoever was said by Him when He walked among men on earth would be similarly taught to those of us who believe in the promises of God.(CHRIST IN YOU)
God who previously was on the outside, has now taken permanent residence into the innermost being of the believer. When someone asks Jesus into their life, Jesus becomes an integral part of the believers body, now cleansed, by the pure shed blood of the holy Spirit. This refers to a new bloodline and not an Adamic blood line - see earlier posts. This new blood line, which flowed within the veins of Jesus -- the conceived child and seed of God’s holy Spirit -- veiled within a sin prone body taken from Mary. His surrogate virgin mother’s sin prone body.
It is here that the Spirit of God was clothed with sin prone flesh enabling the manifestation in the flesh of God as a Son.Jesus' flesh now capable of being tempted, tried in all points and yet not succumbing to sins temptations.
So in reality, Jesus was not guilty of any crime, even though He was submitted to Satanic justice. Still, He placed Himself into the hands of sinful men to be crucified. God transferring and laying all our demerits of sin upon Himself. Jesus NEVER sinned. It is recorded in the scriptures that in Jesus death, JESUS died -- the JUST for the UNJUST that He might bring us back to God.
It is also said that when the fullness of time was come, then God sent forth His Son. At a time when darkness covered the face of the earth, and gross darkness covered the eyes of the people, satan and his demonic hordes had taken the upper hand. In this context, men had no hope. One and all were deceived by the religious leaders that abounded. People were reduced to trampling the grapes whilst others drank the wine. Many of us could compare these former times with today's entitlement mindset.
But in the dead of night when not one hope was in sight, then God Sent His Son. Indeed, His only begotten son to rescue His earthy image and likewise man, from their captivator Satan.
Right from the get go, satan hastened to defend his kingdom of wicked darkness, appearing as light. It is no wonder that Jesus asked that if the so-called light that you is in you is in reality darkness, then really how great is that darkness?
The good news is that God is about to open a can of worms. God's eye is on the sparrow. He is watching you. He cares for you. His hand is not short that He cannot save. Neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear you. In fact, He is attentive to our cry. Unfortunately, satan had obscured the truth.
This has resulted in questions about our own ability to call upon God for salvation. What a diabolical mess. And so it is today. The powers that be present another God, of which we should note that our forefathers fled from. We recognize their actions through the motto -- In God we trust. This motto referred to Jesus the Christ.
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