Ask yourself these questions pertaining to water baptism. Please note that these scriptural references are freely given so that you also may benefit from God's glorious redemption message.
To recap, most of the so-called churches in today's world preach and practice in some form or another Matthew 28:19. Indeed, religion and church-anity hinge their teachings on water baptism to this one specific verse. It states in part, "Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
Also note that when it comes to baptism, some churches sprinkle water on the recipient, others splash water, others submerse individuals totally in water while still others cover you with a plastic covering pouring water onto the plastic. This latter practice is supposed to represent the children of Israel passing through the river, whereby no one got wet.
What we are endeavouring to do here is to compare the current 21st century practices to the scriptures. The first point that needs to be made is that the Matthew 28:19 reference was not in the original scriptures. Even the pope acknowledges this point. In fact, the scriptures were altered by the church fathers in Rome. We have elaborated on this point before. Instead of reiterating the same information again, we suggest reviewing earlier posts for the historical details, references and timelines.
It might also be pertinent here to think of the saying that actions speak louder than words. In the scriptures, there is no actual baptism where any believer in the early Christian assemblies were baptized using such a format. If baptism was to be rendered using the titles "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" then the apostles would have included this reference when they baptized new believers. The scriptures would also have made reference to the titles as well, beyond the "revised/added" Matthew 28:19. Again, Father is not a name. Son is not a name. Spirit is not a name. However, do not fret because there are no scriptural references to support baptism in the titles, or actual examples of believers baptized in the titles in the Bible.
What we do need to concern ourselves with is the deception that is leading people on a pathway opposite to what God originally commanded. It is this mindset that takes one back to the situation in the Garden of Eden, when satan boldly spoke contradictory words opposing what God had instructed Adam to do. Such is the case today where a lie continues rather than accurate scriptural references taking precedent.
Remember, believers were instructed to search the scriptures and know that "I am God." It is the Spirit of this one God that leads and guides us into all truth and brings all things to our remembrance ... whatsoever the Lord Himself spoke whilst walking in our midst -- as a Son!
Moreover, there is only one name given unto men whereby they can be saved. That name is JESUS. There is no salvation in ANY OTHER NAME. In the book of Acts, we find records of the actions of those who walked with Jesus and those words being confirmed by God’s own Spirit. All of the baptisms recorded in the scriptures are administered in the name of Jesus. Check these references for yourself.
While we are on this topic, we should also mention that there are some who suggest that being baptized is immaterial. In other words, one only has to accept Jesus crucifixion. They say they love God even up to the crucifixion. But in contrast to the scriptures, they then go on to state that there is no way that they are going to be buried into the symbolical watery grave. To say this suggests that they are willing to lay aside the Word of the Holy Spirit. They would rather teach as doctrine the commands of men, or historical traditions based on a textual revision that had no basis.
Still, it is your decision on the best way to deal with these revelations. From our perspective, the Holy Ghost made it clear what to do ... in Acts 2 verses 37 thru 44. We suggest obeying the scriptures as presented and therefore, being baptized into JESUS death. We are confident that when one is baptized in Jesus' name, God will resurrect YOU!
Be blessed as you move forward this day ...
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