Friday, August 12, 2011

We Have Handled the Word of Life - PART 173


The Seed spoken here is the Seed of the Holy Ghost coming forth from the innermost being of the Spirit of God, which Seed was the bloodline of the Spirit of God. The Life is in the blood. At the time, we could not see the life. Nor could we handle the life. That is, not until the life within the Seed was manifested.

But the life was manifested and we have seen the life. Our hands have handled the Word of Life. That is the declaration of the Apostles. JESUS, the Seed of His holy Spirit manifest in the flesh, and therefore, in Him alone, God has promised that all nations would and could be blessed.

It seems too good to be true that a nation or individual who looks to Jesus the beloved Seed of Promise would be blessed. But it is true. All the power of God was in that Seed of Promise. No, not a part of God but all of God. If we can repeat an earlier analogy using the ocean -- a drop of the ocean contains all of the elements and fullness of the ocean.

God Himself was in Christ. (Titus 3:4-7) Jesus is God Himself in created form. (I Timothy 3:16) Being found in fashion in a bodily appearance as if He was Adam‘s offspring. Note from the scriptures that He (JESUS) being found in that state did not think it robbery to be equal with God, the eternal Spirit!

God, the Almighty, has for our sake's humbled Himself, clothing Himself in a body in order to rescue us from our enslavement. We were enslaved by the enemy of our one time living soul and consequently robbed of a life in God by God‘s number one enemy and his demonic hordes satan.

Still, Jesus presents a much better way for people to be saved. Certainly, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14:6) Even though sin has tried to extinguish the light of the knowledge of God, enticing man to slip deeper into a mud hole, and then sliding further into that sinkhole from which there was no escape, JESUS came to rescue us from our sin. (Matthew 1:21-23)

Like the prodigal son who started out well shod, he descended deeper and deeper into the so called pleasures of sin. As the scriptures point out, the prodigal son eventually ended up in a pig pen -- literally. The fortunate part is that this person had known and lived a former lifestyle, which through the deception of sin led him to believe that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Much to his surprise, the glamour and the glitz was vain imaginations.

Unfortunately, most have never heard the good news of God’s Love. Instead, satan operating through man’s fallen wisdom conjures up many alternatives. But if you are looking for God, then look around. The Heavens declare His glory and the earth shows forth His handiwork.

Jesus' birth dates the whole world. Remember the motto of former generations -- In God we Trust! Jesus shall have dominion from coast to coast by the Grace of God. Defender of the Faith. And let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the Word and the Praising of His Name. Yes, it is time to return to the God that loved you enough to die on the cross of Calvary. God is awaiting your call!

Stand in the Offering Plate.

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