When the so-called church fathers established the catholic church, they established the organization in direct opposition to the directives of the true Head of the Church, who of course is none other than the Lord Jesus the Christ. The same Lord Jesus who dwells in Spirit in the midst of His own body. The body who He by Himself purchased unto Himself.
Further, in terms of sacrificing, He sacrificed His own manifested sin prone body -- this same sin prone body which never indulged in any form of sin (whether it were in word, thought, or in deed) for us. As we know from the scriptures, all power is His in both Heaven and earth. As such, no one usurps the authority over this Church body.
Indeed, the scriptures clearly state that all believers would be taught of God, and are therefore, in no need of any further teaching. To illustrate this point, Jesus taught His chosen disciples who in turn graduated to apostleship, and then were subsequently ordained of Jesus to be His witnesses -- even to the uttermost parts of the earth.
The Word that they preached was Jesus' Word which no God believing man would have any desire to misrepresent. Simply put, the Word of God is coming to you in the scriptures -- the scriptures are not originating within you. As the scriptures further state, if you think yourself to be a prophet or a spiritually minded person, then it's time to acknowledge that the things scripturally written are indeed the Words of the Lord Jesus. In fact, as pointed out in the Bible, these same Words are bound and seated in Heaven.
If we review the historical period known as the Reformation, we find that light (the scriptures outlining the knowledge of God) appeared at intervals -- even through the dark clouds of Roman catholic church paganism. At the time, the historical records show that the church had evolved to the place where they dared call themselves Christian. Still, the little rays of light inspired many people to trim their darkened lights, causing them to hunger and thirst after the truth of the Word of God. Up until now, the truth of God had been extinguished or drastically altered by religion -- so much so that a blind and deaf man would have had a better opportunity to find God than those who were programmed from birth to the errors of Rome’s church dogma.
Still, during those days of partial enlightenment, it is stated that that the head of the roman church was dealt such a blow, as a consequence of the advancement of the truths contained in the Christian Gospel that in fact Rome feared that they would never recover as a religious entity. The unveiling of Christian scriptural truths was having an impact.
Today, one could say the church to some extent has recovered. The roman church fathers have regrouped, asserting that they are God’s church with all other churches being branches. The question is whether the church acknowledged the scriptural truths revealed during the Reformation.
To find the answer, we encourage you to open your Bible, and start reading. Pray that Your creator Saviour God who Loves you more than His own self will open your eyes so that you can see. That He would open your understanding of the scriptures so that you receive the same enlightenment! That you would receive His Word and be blessed.
Remember too that in reading the scriptures, no one is pressuring you to join a religious organization, or desiring to extract money or any other worldly possession from you.
Our intent is to bring you closer to God. That You have an opportunity to talk to the Lord who made you -- in humility and honesty -- as you thank Him for His love and goodness toward you. Just you and the Lord. NO ONE ELSE. Talk and listen while your spirit prays. God answers prayer!
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