Here is your question of the day!
If the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spirit) are three distinct and separate persons, and not simply One, or as some religious leaders might suggest - in "agreement" with one another, then how distant are these three beings one from another? Certainly, if one were to believe that God were three distinct and separate persons, me thinks that it would be becoming of those folks advocating such a presentation to produce scripture establishing their beliefs. This might be why His Word places an onus on us as believers in Jesus by faith to search the scriptures, so that we are not misled by centuries of religious teachings and dogma that do not accurately align with the Word.
The scriptures say that God and Christ, and the Holy Ghost will dwell in man. Are there three persons dwelling within you? Are you three persons? After all, in your human journey, you also could serve as a son, a father and a spirit. Think about it. The scripture declares, that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that your body is the temple of God, and that Christ is in you, except you be a reprobate. If God were three persons and not one, how could this be? Well, the reality is that it couldn't.
In fact, there is only One God, the Father, of whom are all things -- we are in Him, and our Lord Jesus the Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him. Further, Jesus said, I AM. How many times did He announce that He is the I AM? Even though no man has seen God at any time, the only begotten who is in the bosom (innermost being) of the Father He has declared Him. Jesus the only begotten came forth from the bosom (innermost being) of the Father and was manifest in the flesh, revealing Himself as a Son, in which the Spirit of God Himself was pleased to dwell.
God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16)
He was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. (John 1:10)
In other words, Jesus is not another divinity. No! Jesus is the unseen God who fills the Heavens and the earth, and in Him (God), we all live, and move, and have our being. In the same context, Jesus is the express image of the unseen Spirit of God, revealing Himself in a natural form as a Son (God as a Son). God was in the man Jesus the Christ who alone is the embodiment of the humanity of God.(Note: humanity is a spiritual attribute requiring only a body to express spiritual intent).
Perfect humanity, not fallen humanity.
Considered through a different scriptural lens, Jesus is the second Adam. The Lord Himself out of Heaven created a new blood line. The blood line of the holy Spirit of the unseen God, purposefully entering in to our depraved sin-cursed way of life, willing to sacrifice His own body as a Son, in order, that we who were all of our lives held captive and in bondage might receive from the God who created mankind the free gift of eternal life!
How else could God reveal Himself other than in the fashion that He had by Himself predetermined must be accomplished for the redemption of the first Adam’s sinful race? God coming forth as a mighty man.
This is why at Calvary, Jesus said, "It is finished!" The work of redemption is now complete! Note that we were redeemed with the blood of Jesus and not with silver or gold. We were purchased back to an abundant new life by God, reaching out to each and every one of us in love.
The scriptures state that there is absolutely nothing which can separate you or I from the Love of God! God in Christ laid down His life as a Son so that we who were guilty might now be declared innocent by God our Saviour and Creator. He loves you!
Come directly to God in Christ! Stand in the Offering Plate.
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