One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism!
Often, the faith statements associated with churches are rooted in the 300- 400 AD time period when certain church fathers declared their statement of faith. But this does not suggest that their acceptance of a particular faith statement should either negate or overrule what the apostles said in the scriptures. After all, wasn't it the apostles that were the foundation of the Church (the Body of Christ)?
Certainly, the apostles were Christ’s chosen witnesses - chosen to bear His WORD to the uttermost parts of the earth. In so doing, God confirmed their Word as being His Word. For they are now, as He was, the temple in which the Spirit of God was and still is pleased to dwell.
If we review the contents of earlier postings, we read that the Word of the Lord was prophetically spoken of as going forth from Jerusalem. In this context, it only makes sense to adopt the scripturally correct version and adhere to the same Word that went forth from Jerusalem. This same premise should apply to faith statements too. For if the Word that was given to the apostles is indeed the Word of God, then we shouldn't lay the Word aside to embrace statements from so-called church fathers.
We refer specifically here to Matthew 28:19, a controversial topic among established religions because church leaders admitted to altering the scriptures. Yes, that is right. Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 (which pertains specifically to water baptism) was altered by them. As a consequence, the church fathers then adopted words such as .. "In the name of the father, son, holy spirit" to the original scriptures. In so doing they sought to establish the erroneous teaching that still exists today. That is, God is three, distinct, and separate, persons.
One will also notice that there is also others that say that water baptism has nothing to do with salvation. Have these church so called leaders forgotten Acts? Certainly, if anyone were to proceed to Romans, they first must first read the recordings of Acts. For it is within Acts that the church teachings were established!
The other point to note on this issue is that there are false authorities likewise declaring that no one was baptized into the name of JESUS. Rather, these individuals were being baptized only upon the "authority" of the name of Jesus. In this latter presentation, believers were to be baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. But doesn't God's Spirit and God's Word agree? If indeed, we believe this scripture to be foundational and in accordance with the scriptures, then we must also accept that the revisions to the original Biblical text in Matthew 28:19 goes against the original teachings of the apostles.
We already know that JESUS was crucified, buried, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. JESUS was buried and in this context, we are planted together in the likeness of His burial. Our old man is buried with Him. The OLD ADAMIC prone to sin nature is buried. But JESUS did not stay buried. No, JESUS arose from the dead. JESUS the second Adam is the Lord Himself.
Our redeemer, Saviour and friend lifts us up out of that watery grave as a new creation which is why we can be confident in our salvation. For now we are totally justified. JESUS was raised for our justification.
This is why an understanding of baptism is so vital to Christians. Because when Jesus died, there went forth from JESUS' side blood and water.not blood alone but Water and blood. The saving grace that covers all sin.
Similarly, as the scriptures state, the forerunning believers were told to save themselves from this untoward generation. And as a consequence, what did they do? As the scriptures state, believers saved themselves by obedience in the apostles ( Holy Spirit teachings) teachings being baptized into the name of JESUS.
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