There are three that bear witness on earth. These are Water, Blood and Spirit.
One of the first principles found in Hebrews 6:1-2 speaking of the doctrines (or teachings of the Holy Ghost) is the doctrine of baptisms (plural). There are two actions necessary on the part of sinful men after they have been redeemed and recognized God’s redemption plan -- the plan of salvation that God Himself orchestrated and activated on our behalf while we were still His enemies. Now if that is not love ... !
From the moment you first call upon JESUS, you begin to see the WORD of GOD and the PLAN of God's salvation unfold. This same God who veiled His own SPIRITUAL WORD in prone to sin flesh occurred when the fetus, seeded by the holy Spirit, was found to be in the womb of a surrogate mother named Mary. Further, as a new Christian, you begin to see that God reached out to man with a plan of salvation when man could not ascend to Him. It is in this moment that God’s peace fills our soul, upon receiving redemption.
Although admittedly, we may not have any idea about what was about to befall us when we take this leap of faith, or why a faith that apparently lay dormant within us becomes alive when we accept Jesus into our lives. What we do know is that we are embracing the historic fact that the Son of God JESUS gave His life on a cross for us. And we also know that the Angels in heaven rejoice - as dictated in the parable of the prodigal son - the fatted calf is killed, there is music and dancing and it was heard and recorded that God said put a ring on this my Son’s finger, for this MY son was dead but is alive again.
This is why the scriptures state - do not marvel that I say to you that you must be born again. Listen to what your Redeemer is saying to you - that which is flesh is flesh and that which is SPIRIT is SPIRIT,
The first message delivered by the holy Spirit of God, as God‘s Spirit stood over His Word to perform it, was this unchangeable message that God commands all men everywhere to do. That is, each and every one of us should repent and be baptized into the Name of the Lord JESUS. (Acts 2) For if you do this, I will fulfill my promise to all who obey and they will receive of My Spirit.
As a consequence, the first 3,000 believers received God’s Word and were baptized into the Name of JESUS, receiving the Holy Ghost shortly thereafter! This includes speaking in an unknown language - an audible language of the Spirit. So as we have read in the scriptures, there are two baptisms. One baptism is being immersed in water, symbolical of the tomb wherein was laid the body of Jesus. By obedience, you are similarly being planted together in the likeness of His death. (Romans 6:3-4; I Peter 3:21)
The second baptism is when we be baptized with the water of Heaven - the water which is the Spirit of JESUS. How much more shall your heavenly Father give of His holy Spirit to all them that ask Him? Jesus breathed on them saying, "Receive You the Holy Ghost."
Have you received the Holy Ghost today? Peace be to the true Israel of God!
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