Thursday, October 13, 2011


Redemption into the New Birth.

So we have done as we were exhorted to do by the Apostles of the Lord JESUS, who was the Christ the Son of the Living God. The only begotten, conceived by the Seed of the Spirit of the Holy one. In JESUS' veins did flow eternal life.

The Apostles were chosen of this same JESUS to be His witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth. This very word is contained in the verses of the New Testament. Therefore, who are these opponents of the scriptures that were not only recorded but confirmed by God as well? Remember what the scriptures state? If something is confirmed of God, no man can negate/disannul it.

This is why it is important to note that the Church (Body) of JESUS did not commence in 300-400 AD in Rome as asserted by the so-called church fathers. In fact, as the scriptures point out, the Word of the Lord went forth from Jerusalem being spoken by the apostles, and similarly confirmed of God, by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

If you are a new believer hearing this presentation for the very first time, fear not if some endeavour to say that you should have been baptized into the titles - father,son, and spirit as these church fathers have advocated.

Remind them instead that Rome openly acknowledges that they altered the original scriptures in Matthew 28. At the same time,be always in remembrance that the Church is built upon the teaching of the Holy Spirit spoken by the apostles.

Therefore, and without a doubt, JESUS is the cornerstone of the church/body of Christ. If one were to remove the cornerstone or the foundation (aka the apostles) then we would be erecting another so-called church.

But Christ is the Head of this Church. Therefore, as the scriptures point out, we need to continually and steadfastly follow in the Holy Spirit teachings!
If that means, as the scriptures state, let God be true and every man a liar, then so be it.

Why? Because JESUS suffered, bled, agonized, and died so that we should hear His Word - His WORD that is the very WORD OF GOD.

Adam made his choice in the Garden of Eden and look what happened. Indeed, it is still happening. The opposers of the written Word are still opposing the scriptures as they were originally presented. Do they have an alternative rendering? Sure and they are aware of these revisions and yet, nothing has changed.

But we now know who their source is for if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them in the first place.

So when they want to sprinkle children with holy water, it is unscriptural. When these same institutions want to baptize you in the titles, again it is unscriptural. If they say there is no need to be baptized, well, that is unscriptural too.

There is only one mediator between God and man - JESUS - Jesus is the door. The Apostles under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of JESUS said to one and all, "You must repent and be baptized into the name of JESUS!" And from JESUS' SIDE came forth blood and water. Peace be with you!

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