As believers in Jesus, we have tasted the Word of God. We have become partakers of the redemption purchased by the blood of Jesus -- redemption purchased by the blood and water that flowed from the Seed of the holy Spirit's side. Without this Seed -- Jesus -- there never would have been redemption. And, if there had never been redemption, there would never have been salvation.
But the good news is that because we believed in our hearts that Jesus loves us -- and because of His abundant (but non-deserving from our standpoint) grace, we are able to look upon and accept the Tree of Life. The life that was embedded in that Tree of Life is available free of charge to each and every one of us. All we have to do is call on the name of Jesus -- the Lord of Glory -- whose sinless body as a shell hung on a cross for us.
His body hideous on the cross because there, the God who loved us so much was covering our multitude of sins with His precious blood. Jesus who knew no sin upon Himself was willingly giving His life so that we could freely receive His righteousness as a gift. As a consequence, we are no longer condemned if we believe. Jesus took our place on the cross. Once and for all. And there is nothing that we can do to ever deserve Jesus' grace. But He let His humanity die on the cross so that we might have life abundant.
The old Adamic nature that is inherent in us since birth is buried with Jesus. God raises us out of the tomb as He did Jesus. We experience the new birth so that we can continue in obedience to our Lord -- the second Adam. Indeed, we have been crucified, buried and raised again in the newness of His imparted Tree of Life. Here, we not only bear much fruit but we are clothed with His righteousness.
Accept the Word -- Jesus the Word of God's counselled plan of redemption -- personally delivered to you and I, the Spirit of God now delivering to us, through His own redeemed Holy Spirit filled body His Word -- that we would repent and be baptized into the name of Jesus -- as outlined in Acts 2. Stand in the offering plate.
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