In Mark chapter 7, we read about the miracles and healings that Jesus performed. He healed the woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit. When the mother returned home after encountering Jesus, there was her daughter laying on the bed - peaceful. No longer subject to demons. But the healing power of Jesus does not end there.
Departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, he came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis. And there, the people brought unto Him - Jesus - the sick and lame, the hurting, those that were deaf, and those with impediments in speech. All they asked was that Jesus - the Almighty God in the flesh - the Heavenly Father who created us and loved us enough - put His hand on the sick. You see, when it comes to the King of kings, just one touch from His hand was enough. The hand of the Master who loves us.
And when Jesus did touch those in need, as we learn from this one example of a deaf man, "straight way his ears were opened and the string of his tongue loosed." Jesus then charged him not to tell no man. But the more Jesus asked that the miracles He performed and in particular this healing not be told, the more this good news was published throughout the land. He touched me. Indeed, Jesus touched me and made me whole.
"And were 'beyond measure' astonished, saying, He has done all things well: He makes both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak."
It is this same Jesus who brings us peace today. Sufficiency of grace for each and every one of us. An abundance for eternity so that we can walk with Him forever. Jesus never failed the people then and He is not going to fail us today. Ask Jesus into your heart. Stand in the offering plate!
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