So what if some do not believe the gospel message? Will their unbelief make the Word of God ineffective? Of course not. Many times when the early believers spoke to groups of people, they came to the conclusion that they were labouring in vain. At times they even admitted to their audience that since they were judging themselves to be unworthy of eternal life, the disciples were moving on.
But it wasn't just the disciples that reached this conclusion. The Lord Himself during His time spent on earth was confronted with similar situations. As the scriptures point out, there were times when He could not perform any miracles or healings, simply because the ingredient named faith among the masses was absent.
Without faith God cannot do anything. The key ingredient is faith. If one believes in Jesus, then he or she shall have whatsoever they desire. The only restriction being that what they are asking for. Their motives ought not to satisfy the desires of the flesh.
Jesus said that if we being prone to evil know how to give good gifts to our children, why then do we even stagger at the thought that God who is good would withhold any good gift from His children that Love Him? After all, every good gift and every perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father, who is altogether love.
Rather than let the power of satanic deception deceive the world, believers need to exercise and receive the power of faith in God. Yes, admittedly, as readily as the world has swallowed the great deception that there might not be a God (the influence of evil and deception being as it is) does not mean that an abundance of faith by the believing community cannot overcome.
Sin, sickness and disease may be prevalent (the latter two cases being like twins) because whatever one sows one also reaps. However, God was never willing that anyone person should be fettered by sin, simply because Adam disobeyed. Still, we in this present living age are recipients of the wages resulting from Adams transgression. We inherited the wages of sin, sickness and disease even although we were not present in the original transgression.
But we don't have to stay there. God who is altogether righteous sought to remedy our hopeless state, and what a remedy He made. His remedy? He demanded that an innocent man must be sacrificed to balance the scale of God’s hatred of sin. And then God searched throughout the universe to find a man - one man - who was altogether righteous. What did He find? That there was not one righteous man to be found.
So God being love and believing that nothing or anything shall separate believing people from the Love of God created His own plan of salvation. Therefore, God who is Spirit made a way. And that way was - yes - God was to be that righteous man. God veiled HIMSELF in flesh as a man so that He could reverse man's destiny.
The GODMAN was and is JESUS who is the unseen God as a Son. JESUS the GODMAN went about doing good and healing ALL those that were sick and oppressed. And while the unbelieving world loved Satan’s sinful darkness, even more people came to believe in Jesus.
So even today mankind has a choice. Either we can return to God in JESUS who loved us so much that He was willing to shed His blood for us, or continue to turn our back on JESUS, the Prince of Peace. The choice is ours. Sin may lie at our doorstep but when we choose life, God offers eternal life freely to ALL those who put their life into His keeping. With arms wide open He will pardon you - it is no secret what God can do. The words of a chorus that says so much in just a few words.
Let faith arise in your heart! God Bless! STAND in the OFFERING PLATE.
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