That surely is a dangerous warning. Indeed it should be a cause for self examination. The scripture teaches that whatever goes in a man’s mouth does not defile a man but rather what comes out of a man’s mouth that defiles him. This may be encroaching upon a much deeper thought pattern than one initially might have considered engaging in.
Still, the Bread embraces the Life of JESUS the Christ who is in fact the Bread of Life. Labour not for the meat (bread) that perishes, but labour for the meat (bread) that endures right throughout eternity! Whereas the cup presents the suffering, the whipping, the thorny crown, the mocking, the scourging, and the spitting upon, the crucifixion, the death , the grave leads to life eternal for those who believe in Jesus by faith.
All of this was predetermined to happen by the counsel of God (with Himself) -- and had to happen if sin was to be eradicated from sin prone cursed men and women. What a price to pay. Until this point, there was not to be found in Heaven or earth anyone that could redeem man from his banishment from God Almighty. Death ruled and reigned. And until then, all hope was lost.
Yes, we were all doomed. Or as the saying goes - down the creek without a paddle. Some might suggest that the human race was going down for the last time. Until ... Until a voice was heard saying, we have seen His star in the east. They followed that star -- a morning Star promising the dawn of a new day. Shepherds heard heaven singing. Peace on earth, Goodwill toward all men! A good news broadcaster's voice saying, "For unto you is born this day a Saviour, who is none other than Christ the LORD!
That declared message sent the demonic world into a tail spin. The hunt was on. Where is He that is born to be a King? As the scriptures relate, massacres took place and innocent children were the recipients of Satanic inspired rulers who liked their power. They enjoyed the lust life styles. In no way were they going to step aside without a fight.
But as we are so aware, God steps in with the Sword of His Spirit which is His Word! Talk about coming out of Egypt. That paled in comparison to the deliverance that God had in store for the human race. The Bread and the Cup of a promise of a New Creation -- all to be found in God's Ark of Covenant who is none other than God Himself out of Heaven as a lamb of sacrifice.
So when everything else fails, fear not for you are of more value than many sparrows. God spared not His own Sonship sacrificing Himself to ransom us. Now if your back is against the wall, call on Jesus the Christ who is the same God who laid down His life as a Son for us. GOD LOVES YOU! Do not mix the wine of God with water! COME to Me -- Jesus said, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST.
STAND in the OFFERING Plate and OFFER YOURSELF! Peace in Jesus!
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