Today is the day of salvation. Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart as many of our fathers did, provoking the Lord to wrath. In other words, do not take it the edge. Do not push your luck. While indeed God is longsuffering and not willing that anyone should perish there is always a "but" that we should be aware of.
For those of you who still tune into television, there is a program called the Arena. It is hosted by a professed roman catholic, who recently published a book entitled, "Catholics Were Right." In one of our previous presentations we examined why roman catholics whose doctrinal teaching emanated from the roman church fathers might be construed as being right. Interestingly, as far as the King James Bible is concerned, they are not even considered in the ballpark but I digress.
Further, if we were to try to align the scriptures with established roman catholic church doctrines, we would find it very difficult. In the Bible, for example, one of the most important teachings is to let our eyes peruse the written God confirmed Word daily. In this context, by reading and discerning the scriptural message, one would have to conclude that roman catholic teaching -- in light of the Word as delivered by the Lord personally -- greatly errs in comparison to the Scriptures.
The Christian church began at Jerusalem and not in Rome, and any teaching contradicting the foundational teaching of those chosen of God to be His witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth would not be established upon the only foundation of Christian Truth. God’s church is that body of believers earnestly contending for the ONE faith, that was delivered by the Holy Spirit of God. Similarly, God's church is presently being built of God upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets of which the Lord Jesus Christ is the cornerstone and Head. No other foundation can any man lay other than that which is laid.
At the time of the reformation the roman catholic church was unveiled, exposing there erroneous teachings resulting in their unfortunate partial demise. However, the blow of the truth of the written word of God set them back into the hole in the ground that they had crawled out of. The light shone. Enlightenment sprung up from the Seeded Word of God which had taken root in believing hearts. The nation prospered becoming great, even though it is hard to shake off old habits.
Nevertheless, as a result of some dragging their feet a great door and effectual was opened to the Americas. God blesses the Seed of Christ which is the Word of God. In blessing I will bless you! The Word is God.
Why is the news not balanced on this issue? Questions should be raised, particularly with regard to the hidden agenda of the host, who has slithered in and out of denominations, eventually surfacing as a roman catholic. The RCC is the prince of France and has rode into Canada on the horseback of a French political system, asserting that they are the church.
Read your Bible! Do not let history repeat itself. Jesus said, behold I stand at your heart's door and knock. If you hear me knocking, answer the door, and I will come in to dwell with you! The church can not save you but My Word saith the Lord saves! Indeed, no one can join the church. Rather, each and every one of us including you MUST be born again. Acts 2:38-42 responds to the question, "What must I do?" Read it for yourself. And may God richly bless you as you allow Jesus to have pre-eminence. Stand in the offering plate.
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