Who Are You Lord? I AM JESUS! Why Do You Persecute Me?
In the scriptures, we learn that Paul was a chosen vessel of the Lord called to apostleship after the resurrection of Jesus. Paul was to bear the name of Jesus among the nations. Let us repeat this statement for clarity. Paul was to bear the name of Jesus among the nations. The difficulty with this particular point is that today, most common references expressed in churches tends to be either God or Lord. The question is this. When these God or Lord references are used, is it because the churches have forgotten His name or are they endeavouring to play centre field? These are critical questions if we are to understand who Jesus is.
Certainly, as we are aware from the scriptures, there are many spirits who have entered into our world. The problem we have with spirits is they do not wear a uniform or specific symbolism that identifies them. Or conversely, makes us aware of their presence. Still, these spirits are housed in individuals. These spirits do not object to anyone using the titles God or Lord. Nor do they object when individuals curse the name of Jesus. But they do have a problem when people begin to talk about Jesus. Proclaim His name. Indeed, these spirits are petrified when people genuinely talk about JESUS.
This spiritual warfare began when Adam bit the bullet in the Garden, and ceased from spiritually being a created Son of God. At that point he had become a fallen Son of God (the soul that sins shall die). As a consequence, he was put out of the Garden. At the same time, a tug of war emerged within him representing good and evil - a reality we as humans inherited even today.
But Adam knew what it was like to fellowship with God. He had walked with God in the Garden. Unfortunately, the fellowship between the two - God and Adam - was disrupted by sin. Sin had put a wall up between them. A barrier. While Adam well knew the joy of the Lord, now, he was fully aware of the deceptiveness of sin. The longer he stayed out of the garden, the more estranged that memory was. Sin gradually slithered into some of Adam’s offspring who had never really had a walk with God experience. Eventually, as time rolled on, Adam’s offspring through total ignorance of the garden experience, got themselves wrapped up in the pleasures of sin.
Things quickly deteriorated to the place where only one man was found righteous in the eyes of the Lord. His name was Noah. He was warned by God of the impending destruction. Following God's instructions, Noah built an ark, into which he and his family entered. The scriptures expand upon the experience of Noah and his family - where a total of 8 persons accompanied with animals were saved.
When God shut the door of the Ark, it started raining. In fact, the rain never stopped. During this time, all unbelieving mankind died including the mockers and the scoffers who didn't believe God to be all powerful. Even so, God is /was not willing that any one should perish. God has no joy in the death of the wicked. However, God also has laws. As the scriptures state in Isaiah, the government is upon His shoulders. As such, there is a law known as the law of sin and death. Natural law is not written in a man’s book, yet man is fully aware of the existence of such a law. God is Sovereign. God has a plan for man and that plan is void of sin. Sin when it finishes its work can only bring forth death. This is not how God had intended creation.
Eight people saved. They did not perish in the flood. Why? Because God provided for them a way of escape. JESUS - the Word of God provided a way of escape for believers. JESUS then became the Ark of safety. You can enter in through the door. Jesus is the door. There is only one door. When God closes the door, there is no salvation to be found anywhere.
Noah and his family were safe in the ark even when water was all around them. The like figure where believers baptism does also now save us. God commands all men and women to repent, believe His Word and to be baptized in water into, the name of the Ark of Safety .. JESUS.
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