All this will I give to you if you will fall down and worship me, saith Jesus. Conversely, Satan who is the self appointed god of this world was a liar from the beginning. Indeed, Jesus declared that Satan was the father of all lies.
Today, as the scriptures have noted, we are discovering more rapidly than ever that some people would sell their souls for much less than the thirty pieces of silver that Judas coveted. Others seem to speak with forked tongues, or speak out of both sides of their mouth. In fact, the Bible states that in the last days men and women shall be lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God. It is these times that the scriptures refer to as the end times. The time when we need to look to Jesus for our salvation.
In other words, we should be asking ourselves, "What does it mean to love God?" Surely, it is to do those things that please our God and Saviour. Certainly, God does not desire worship that is unwilling -- or worship that does not come from our innermost being. At the same time, God is not interested in an outward religious show of worship that follows some man made tradition/ritualistic agenda.
Second, we should be seeking to fellowship with a Christian believing body of people who endeavour to worship God as the Head of His redeemed believing body. These believers do not eat the spirit bread of processed religious meat -- a product of religious traditional semblance of real food, of which when eaten gives only full feeling. Rather, true believers desire Jesus' Word that is meat indeed, and it is this meat (the scriptures) that we should be endeavouring to read.
Third, remember that from the beginning of time, man and woman was created to have fellowship with our heavenly Father. Other substitutes including religious programs may make one feel they have done God a service but without love and affection, God declares this form of worship vanity. As the scriptures state, "in vain they do worship me, teaching as commandments the doctrines of men." So adhering to "form" religion does not equate to fellowship with our Most High King.
Fourth, we need to remember that the scriptures present God’s will. Jesus, God Himself manifest in the flesh as a Son walked the walk and talked the talk. Jesus, always quoting scripture was the complete rule of thumb. How many times have we heard, or read that "It is written." The teachings of Jesus should be our first thought of the day. And in this same context, we should be endeavouring to read the Word every day.
Fifth, we need to recognize that salvation was realized at the conclusion of Jesus' life on the cross when He finished His delivered personal message to mankind. His dying words were IT IS FINISHED. At that time, He ascended to Heaven and sat down. As a consequence, God’s Word is forever settled in heaven!
This is not to suggest that we do not contend with the enemy of God, the one who has been a liar since the beginning of time. As a result of our personal journey with Jesus, we know that lies without any truth will emerge. Sometimes, he slips things into passing gear, asserting that our salvation paid for by Jesus' blood is not finished. It is a lie.
Those persons who would declare such a thing, as Jesus would say, are of their father the devil. In fact, they know that their demonic ruling days are numbered so they set out to make an alternative lying falsified Bible instead. The scriptures call these folks the the Anti Christ because they are for all intents and purposes the enemies of the Gospel of Jesus. False apostles and demon possessed individuals, transforming themselves into the messengers of Christ.
Yes, they are here, asserting themselves as being the true church. In fact, they speak as if they have authority even when their claims are a lie. And reformed churches who would rather return to the wallowing in the mire.
Indeed, it would appear that if Jesus is seated in Heaven, then at this moment in time the demonic Anti-Christ church is at least spreading its wings of abomination over the nations, riding the horse of political advantage. Politicians and world leaders appearing by their actions to readily say to this lying system of Anti-Christ, pull up a chair and sit down. Sad.
What can we do? READ YOUR BIBLE. Turn the light of the glorious gospel of God in the face of JESUS the Christ on and into your heart. JESUS -- MY LORD and MY GOD!
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