Monday, September 26, 2011

Take My Precious Hand Lord Jesus - PART 213


There is an interesting passage in the scriptures that refers to "earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to believers who God has called to be saints." It is about ensuring the gospel message that God delivered is not changed to suit man's (or in this case religion's) own purposes. This is why it is important to read your Bible diligently and discern for one's self the messaging contained within the scriptures. It may also explain why today there are a number of religious man-made institutions that have veered away from the salvation message that God Himself wanted us to hear. It is in this context that we have constantly endeavoured to present God’s masterpiece way of salvation -- so that you will read the scriptures and understand, beyond a doubt how much God loves you.

Certainly, Abraham believed God and because Abraham believed, God attributed Abraham's believing faith to righteousness. You see, it is not a matter of believing that there is a God. It matters immensely that one believes in God! There is a difference. For without faith, it is impossible to please God. Indeed, he or she that comes to God must first believe that God is, and that God rewards all persons who diligently seek Him.

The scriptures describe our love for God in this fashion. In God we all live and move and have our being. So, in effect God is present at all times. Even though we were born into sin, God is still for us. The same God who desired to dwell within man may have had to remove Himself (because God is Light and with God there cannot be any darkness) but this is not to suggest that He did/does not love us. To God, sin is the same as satanic darkness and God has no fellowship with evil. Still, God loved us so much that He created an intricate plan of salvation so we could choose to serve God.

We can seek God with all our hearts. And as the scriptures point out, in that same hour that one directs their life toward Him, in that very same hour you will find Him! God is not tucked away in some building full of religious relics. Neither is He mounted on a cross or found in a picture portrait. You won't find God counting beads in rhythmic fashion using repetitious words, like pretty Polly. Unlike the analogy of a drowning man grabbing a straw, God had developed a more effective (and substantive) plan of salvation.

You see God is Spirit. You cannot see Spirit. God visited us in a form that we would understand (as brought forth in recent presentations). God has a name. If one were to call upon His name -- the name of JESUS -- the very light of God would instantaneously arise within us even though at the time, we might not understand. Relax. All is well. It just means the Lord of Glory has touched you!

You reached out and God reached in. His is not church in the institutionalized, organizational sense. Indeed, this is not religion. This is JESUS! Believe on Him and receive the many gifts that He wants to bestow upon you. In fact, let God take your hand, and commit your way to Him. God will direct your path through life.

There is a chorus that goes like this ... Take my hand precious Lord, lead me on in this light, take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me on. Faith arises within people by you hearing the gospel and then receiving the Word of God. This is why it is so important to read the Word - your Bible.

For truly the entrance of God’s Word into your mind and heart waters the seed of faith which God planted within you when you called upon His Name with sincerity. ONLY BELIEVE! Do not lean to your own understanding! God has promised that He Himself will teach You!

And the one message that is so important is that in seeking Jesus and asking Him into your life, you will begin to see the unseen God in the face of Jesus. The same Jesus who is God Himself manifest in the flesh as a son! In JESUS did all the fullness of God dwell bodily. Jesus purchased your salvation so worship JESUS who is the wisdom and the glory of God.

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