These are my people and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! We are not ashamed of the Gospel of JESUS the Christ for the Gospel is the Power of God leading to salvation. If any man should preach to you any other gospel, then let that man be accursed,as the scriptures state. Even if an angel should preach any other gospel to you, the scriptures still say, "Let them be accursed."
Why? For this gospel of God, in the face of Jesus the Christ, must be preached in all the world as a witness unto all people. It is only then shall the end of this dispensation of grace come! In other words, epentance and remission of sin must be preached in my name, saith the Lord. And He said, beginning at Jerusalem.
How can they hear without a preacher or how can they preach this gospel unless they be sent? The apostles were, and are, the only direct witnesses chosen by Jesus to be His witnesses. Their word He confirmed with signs and wonders. Jesus confirmed the words spoken by the Apostles as it were His own Word. No believing individual would disannul scriptural truths.
Remember that this Gospel was at the first spoken by the Lord Himself. The apostles being the penmen of the Holy Spirit faithfully presenting themselves as eye witnesses committing to words the record of all that Jesus begun to do and to say.
Indeed, Jesus message is such a glorious message of love, mercy, deliverance, hope, and comfort. Regardless of our fallen sinful status in sin, God who is rich in mercy robed Himself as a Son in fashion like His kinsmen visiting us -- and in fact, humbling Himself. The Lord of Glory taking upon Himself the form of a fallen degenerate race, clothing Himself in a veil of sinful flesh, a sinful flesh, prone to all the temptations of Adam’s fallen race. The indwelling Spirit in the man Jesus, being ,the Same Spirit that made all things.
Jesus (who is the Word of the Holy Spirit) made all things. What condescension to bring to us redemption. Surely the love of God is far greater than any tongue or print page could ever tell. Indeed, we are incapable of fathoming the breadth and depth of this love, because His love is love that is so much greater. We have in our veins the life blood of a fallen race, whereas Jesus blood was the Blood of the Holy Spirit which is the Life blood of the Eternal God, the Father of all. Jesus being, God Himself, in visible form.
Now at this moment in time we look upon Jesus not as God in form, but as a created son of God bearing the features of the first created man Adam. For as sin had entered into the world by One man, God planned to undo the damage by sacrificing Himself as a sin offering, redeeming fallen man and granting forgiveness of all sin. He offered justification to all, enabling all men and women to stand before God as guiltless individuals now clothed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. He desired that all men and women as believers would be adopted into His family.
Jesus Fathered us in His death. God Fathered all His children in a Son's body (you likewise fathered all your offspring in a son's body). Believers are fully aware that we were the sole reason that He put Himself in our place. We are also aware that which God has cleansed let no man call common or unclean!
Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard the things that God has prepared for those who love Him. Nothing shall separate believers from the Love of God manifested (visibly seen) in the Man Jesus, who is the unseen God manifested in the flesh as a Son! In Jesus did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily! God bless all who are in Jesus.
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