Watch that this day does not come upon you unaware. Be aware of the signs of the times as described by the scriptures. Why? There are many professing to be of the Christian faith. Jesus said that He was the vine and believers were the branches! Let me repeat this message again. Jesus said that He is the Vine and believers are the branches.
Jesus did not say that the Church is the Vine and that religious denominations are the branches. This is quite simply another demonic lie, emanating from the mother of Harlots so called church. It is only exposed as being demonic in doctrine when one opens the written Word of God which alone is capable of exposing their erroneous error. Remember, that if the light that is in you is actual darkness, then, how great is that darkness. Jesus said that He is the true light, and those that follow Him shall not walk in darkness. Just because someone asserts that they are Christian does not necessarily mean that they are.. For it is written that if they speak things which are contrary to this Word, it is simply because there is no light of the Gospel dwelling in them. This is why the Word admonishes that believers ought not to continue in frequenting establishments that lay aside the authoritative Word of God. For in this context, what fellowship has light with darkness? Can two walk together except they are in agreement? Therefore come out from among them and be separated in belief to the Word of God and God who is the Word will receive you.
In Luke 11 verses 27 and 28, we read that a certain woman lifted up her voice and said to Jesus, "Blessed is the womb that bare you and the breasts that you have sucked." In verse 28, Jesus said, "Yes rather blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it." Any blessing pronounced by man or woman on the surrogate mother of Jesus is proven to be wrong by Jesus own response in this instance. Only man places Mary above others, for most definitely Jesus' response did not in any fashion exalt fallen sinful flesh as a prescription for the redemption of fallen humanity.
Jesus said that the real blessed persons are those who hear the Word of God and keep it. The Word of God is not in harmony with the exaltation of Mary’s sin prone ancestral flesh in which she herself was clothed in -- inasmuch, that all flesh are Adam’s offspring. Those who seek to exalt Mary are now being sternly rebuked by the Word of the Spirit of God which proceeds from the mouth of Jesus.
Continue in My Word and then you will be my disciples indeed. All of our deliverance, including, forgiveness of sins, and our healings both spiritual and physical come as a result of our belief upon the Word of God. Deliverance which is quick (living) and powerful and our reception of Jesus Word is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you or I could ever imagine!
Lord, open the eyes of our heart that we be enabled to worship you alone. Receive now consolation from the Word and let God’s peace rule and reign within you Stand in the Offering Plate. Jesus is your advocate and only Mediator.
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