The Word of God reveals that even among yourselves shall men arise speaking perverse things in order to draw away from your congregations. How? For starters, this stealing away of the sheep is accomplished through enticing words. In short, they bait the trap. Paul forewarns of this in the scriptures. He said that some will call themselves apostles, while in reality they are demons and angels of darkness, transforming themselves and appearing as messengers of light.
The scriptures cite (as a precautionary measure) methods for increasing one's awareness of these satanic messengers. That is, if the preacher, pastor, evangelist, priest, or pope utter anything that is contradictory to the teaching of Jesus' spiritual words as revealed to His chosen apostles, (the apostles doctrine which He Himself confirmed as being His Word), then whoever falls short of this scripture should be removed. It is for this reason that we must examine ourselves and continue steadfastly in the apostles Holy Ghost teachings!
But the scriptures also state that the day of the Lord will not come, prior to a falling away from the original order of beliefs and doctrines that were delivered to the early believers. Therefore, we are commanded to watch that the day of the Lord does not open when we have been totally oblivious to the scriptural warnings!
For example, the scriptures state that certain happenings occur in the time period known as the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord in the Biblical context is not a 24 hour period. The day of the Lord is a period of time wherein events transpire. So therefore watch for that day in order that we are not found sleeping, or even worse, occupying a comfortable pew. We believers are debtors to a lost world! If one has lost their first love, then one ought now to arise and trim their oil lamp of faith.
Does the scripture declare that there is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and Man? YES! And that man is none other than the Lord Jesus the Christ! Jesus being the Only begotten Son of God, conceived by the holy Spirit of God. The two seeds i.e. male and female seeds were seeds promised of God. One of these seeds were implanted into the seed bank of Eve. God is on an agenda to redeem mankind through Himself from Adam’s sin which you and I are recipients of.
This promised seed that was implanted into Eve was not like Eve’s natural now fallen seed. No indeed. If it were of Eve’s natural fallen seed, then redemption would have been impossible! Eve’s blood line was now polluted. But the Spirit of God provided a new sinless blood SEED which passed from Eve into Seth, and continued down through the ages as is recorded in the genealogical presentation in your Bible. NOTE: We NOW have an introduction to a new blood line coming forth from the holy Spirit of God, as recorded in Acts 20 -- we were purchased back to God with the precious blood of His Spirit.
In previous presentations we followed this new blood line. In this presentation, we endeavour to impress on readers the authority of the Written Word whilst moving into the theme of there being only one mediator between God and Man.
Notice that scripturally, the idea of only one mediator between God and man opposes the doctrine that Mary is also a mediator. We will let the Word of God deal with those spiritual powers in high places. Allowing the potter’s Word to shape each of us into a vessel of honour is the most important message. Stand in the offering plate. Give God back the life that He has imparted into you. God bless!
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