In the last days the scriptures state that perilous times shall come. Men and women shall be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Men and women shall be lovers of darkness, resulting in their rejection of the Word of truth. These individuals love darkness rather than light because their deeds and intentions were evil. Even though they are fully aware of their rebellion, they continue to harden their hearts against the truth, and in so doing, they sear their conscience with a hot iron.
We presented PART 134 as a Necessary Intermission in defence of the truth. Now we return to former topics concerning Mary being a Mediator in the redemption of mankind. Such a false notion being declared by anti Christ religious persons -- a complete distortion and total misrepresentation of the written Word of God.
Now let us continue with the scriptures that validate and confirm the Biblical truths addressed here. John 19:26-27 from the cross to His surrogate mother Mary (Jesus was her firstborn) Verse 26 - “Woman, behold your son.” Jesus then says to one of His believing disciples (assumed to be John although not named). In verse 27, “Behold your mother” and from that hour that disciple took Mary into his house.
Jesus had other natural brothers and sisters, none of which appeared to have been in attendance at the cross. It seems apparently that Mary and Joseph' natural offspring did not believe in Him, until seemingly after Jesus resurrection from the tomb. Recall that Jesus said that a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. Those who read this will understand that when you first believed those in your household did not mince their words. Whereas those who were believers welcomed you as a brother or a sister in the Lord. Rightly so, for we who are in Jesus have been born of God, and are now Jesus brethren.
John was a believing disciple who Jesus loved. Mary appears to be a widow. Jesus as her firstborn was responsible for her well being, therefore Jesus committed her well being into John’s keeping. That is why it is simply recorded that John from that hour took Mary into his house.
But the anti Christ renders the scriptures this way because they have no intention of going to hell alone. Indeed, Jesus said, "They compass land and sea to make one convert and when they have converted him or her to the error of their way the poor deluded soul comes forth twofold more the child of hell."
In Acts 7, men were chosen to take care of the widows, ministering to whatever their daily needs were. In short, we are to take care of widows even though the widows are not relatives in the flesh. However, they are fellow citizens of the kingdom of God, and likewise, mothers in the household of God. Conversely, young men are instructed to treat younger women as sisters, and the older women as if they were mothers.
The Word of God declares that there is only One Mediator between God and man and His name is Jesus! Save yourself from this anti Christian distortion of God’s Word. Stand in the Offering Plate. Your sins have been paid in full -- the debt we owe is LOVE.
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