Why? Why do you call me Lord and do not the things that I command you? I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for His sheep. My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me. The voice of a hireling they will not hear.
At some point, each and every one of us must ask this same question. Am I following the voice of a hireling, someone whose speaks things which cannot be substantiated from the scriptures? Maybe you are following tradition? Or rather the voice of a con artist? Certainly, we have an overabundance of con artists in the various forms of media.
Last week, a woman saw that the meeting place door was open. She decided to check us out. Admittedly, she said her nose was bothering her. Well, numerous questions about what we believe were pursued. Those who know us or know of us as “the Jesus people” know that we have a card which on the front face reads somewhat like this .. "Nothing else worked! Why not give God a chance?"
On the backside appears a shape like a plate, with the caption "your offering plate." I asked the inquirer what she considers when she sees an offering plate. This woman admitted that she related the image of an offering plate to tithes. Some people reply food and other's money. But in this case, she was urged to think neither one or the other. At this point, I put the card on the floor with the offering plate side facing up. I politely asked the her to put her foot on the card, which she did willingly. Her foot now on the offering plate I suggested that she offer herself sincerely now to the Lord.
Instantaneously, God took over and how. God is so faithful to His Word. The woman melted with the presence of Jesus. The message in relating this experience is that you can do likewise. And in so doing, believe that one needs to be saved by the blood of the holy Spirit sacrificed at Calvary.
But this is also a message directed to those in the ministry (and elsewhere) who spend all their time endeavouring to extract money. They do so even though we were not redeemed with silver and gold or any other corruptible thing. We were redeemed with the precious blood of the Lamb of God, who is none other than Jesus the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit. Apart from Jesus there is no salvation available to anyone. God Himself as a son laid down His life willingly, redeeming all men, women, boys and girls willing to ask God into their life.
Today is the day of your salvation. Now is the accepted time. Come just as you are. The gift of God is eternal life. Salvation is a gift. Further, Jesus paid the price of our salvation in full. Jesus is the only door! Stand in the Offering Plate.
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