Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Word Delivered - PART 134


This refers to the Word delivered initially (Alpha) at the first spoken by the Lord Himself and that same Word in turn delivered to us by those who abode with Him. Those seeing and hearing first hand and being truly eye witnesses. If we read the scriptures, we see that the message delivered the early believers was continually confirmed by God. Their Word with mighty signs and wonders assuring us, even today, that they were and still are His chosen witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. Therefore, comfort one another with these words for God did not speak with forked tongue. God indeed said what he meant to say and God meant what He said. As pointed out in the scriptures, no man disannuls God Word (Omega).

As often as you eat this bread and drink this wine, you are showing forth the Lord’s death, until He comes. For the Lord has said that we are to eat this bread and drink this wine, and whilst we partake of the simple elements we as believers ought to focus on the Lord’s sufferings. Similarly, we need to remember that He, the Good Shepherd laid down His natural life as a man, undeserving of death, for He had done no evil, even though He was clothed in His mother's sinful flesh.

Jesus tempted and tried in all points like as we are, and yet he remained without sin. He was laying down His sinless life to wash away our inherited sin, that had resulted from Adam’s disobedience to the direct Word of God (disobedience). Jesus was the Lamb of God, the Son of the holy Spirit of God. God Himself. As a son, the implanted seeds now being brought together, conceived of the Holy Ghost into the womb of a woman. But not of her. The fetus was the child of the Most High God, now to be clothed upon with sin prone flesh, resulting in Jesus, being found in fashion as a man. The Spirit of God being manifest in the flesh. Inside Jesus dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily as a man.

The presentation made by some churches today -- that you are eating the flesh and drinking the Lord’s blood -- is incorrect and not sound doctrine according to the scriptures. One cannot re-sacrifice Jesus. Jesus sacrificed Himself once and once for all time. One cannot and ought not to endeavour to portray that that one time offering was insufficient. When Jesus said "It is finished" He meant complete.

Even so, the anti Christ continues to present to congregations that one ought to engage in communion as often as they desire, as if some thing magic was contained in the bread and wine. Of course the advocates of this delusion cling to One word which says, that as often as you do this, you do so in remembrance of Me. But we adhere to the Word of God here. The early believers did not engage in such activity. Instead, they went visiting with their brethren in faith, from house to house, fellowshipping, breaking bread, eating their meat with gladness, and singleness, of heart.

Breaking of bread and communion are not the same observances. One Remembers the Lord’s death while the other enjoys the life of Christ, who is not dead, but walks up and down inside redeemed believer's hearts. For believers are now the living body of Christ. Jesus is not dead! Jesus is alive, and we who were dead in trespasses and sin, alienated from God, are now brought nigh to walk in the light of the living Word. For we are now as Christians the body of the Christ, and of His Spirit have we all received. Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.

Stand in the offering plate.

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