He sacrificed Himself. As such, there is no more offering for sin. God is Father Son and a holy Spirit but at the end of the day, there is only one Spirit. Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Indeed, the Spirit and the Word agree. One cannot separate the Word from Spirit. Word is the expression of Spirit which reveals the Wisdom of God.
From the very beginning, there was the Word, and of course, the Word was with God. The Word is not a separate entity from the Spirit. God speaks, and lo and behold, whatever God speaks comes to pass. Similarly, God’s Word is altogether powerful. The Spirit whose Word it is stands over the Word spoken, to perform whatever is decreed.
The Spirit, who is God, is the only God. There is no other. If there is another god that is unknown to the Spirit of God then man needs to recognize this so-called god as an imposter, humiliating themselves by creating statues, or gathering followers as envisioned by their own personal vain imaginations. Some even go so far as to carve images from wood or shaped images from stone as wonderful pieces of art. However, statues do not speak or move unless one moves them.
Even when these statues are propped up, the unimaginable happens. Men, women, boys and girls pray before these statues, prostrating themselves before these idols, paying homage to them, as if the dumb matter could see, hear and speak. If we use the analogy of someone high on drugs, liquor or other abusive substances, and onlookers saw the same picture (of people praying before idols) they might shake their heads in pity. Of course, we also recognize that if it were not for the scriptures, it could be you or I in this situation. As the expression says, "There go I except for the Grace of God."
The good news is that there is one God who does move Heaven and Earth for those who love Him. Why? Because we are the works of His hands. We are His creation. Regardless of what others might profess, dumb matter does not, and never will create intelligence. Of course when one is deceived to believe that there is no God, then one might easily be entangled in the web spun by demonic influenced spirit, who are roaming around looking for a place to camp. Obviously, these spirits do not have your best interests at heart. Rather, they are hell bent in leading mankind into a place called Hell, a place prepared of God, for the devil and his demons.
But what they will not tell you is that God never intended that hell would be man’s final destination. Nope. Man apparently has chosen to rebel against the truthful Word of God, setting himself on a collision course to hell. Still, the course of events as we see them does not dictate or supersede the Word of God.
God is not willing that anyone of us should perish. God made a way whereby the 'Adam' and 'Eve' prone to sin race could be saved. This is why God sacrificed His own Body, allowing sinful God hating religious demon possessed individuals to crucify His body at Calvary. God was not playing games then and He is not playing games today.
He took your place on the cross at Calvary. The wrath of God fell on His Body, thereby providing us - the guilty ones - with a way to obtain mercy. He died - the Just - for us the unjust. God made it possible for man and women to partake of a God purchased free gift of redemption. To receive this free gift one has to come in Spirit to God. PRAY and receive. By so doing, God who is Spirit will hear and answer your prayers, abundantly pardoning you, instantaneously.
Even though we cannot see the Spirit of God, He sees you and He cares. YOUR salvation is complete. There is nothing that you and I can add to the message. Jesus said, "It is Finished." Jesus, after sacrificing His own body ascended into Heaven and sat down. The act of sitting down expresses completely that salvation is not of works. Salvation is the Gift of God to the Whosoever. Come to Jesus today leaving the isms and schisms once and for all.
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