Monday, June 13, 2011

Come As A Thief in the Night - PART 132


There is a sadness that accompanies the depth of Satanic deception remarkably embraced by many as being in accord with the revealed written Word of God! Certainly, it is fair to suggest that Satan is exposed here as being the father of all lies. Our only defence against his lying tactics is the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is sharper than any two edged sword. This two-edged sword is defined as being the Word of God, which is why we quote the written Word (the sword).

We read in post 131 that Mary told Jesus that the wine kegs were empty. Jesus replied, "Woman! what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come." Emphasis laid upon my hour has not yet come! We also read of an encounter of a Samaritan woman talking with Jesus. Even though what she asked for was outside of Jesus immediate mission, she, by her persistence received her request. Note here that her request was granted even though the time of visitation to the Gentiles was destined to be a later event.

The irony is that today, there are those who present the scriptures to their own destruction. These individuals indicate that Mary was a Mediator based on the premise that Jesus had turned the water into wine. But remember the scripture that states - when as yet His hour had not yet come. Further, if they are intent on citing the above example with Mary, then what about the Samaritan Woman? Are we also to call her a Mediator? She too had her request granted by Jesus even though at that time Jesus was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Again, His hour had not yet come.

The good news is that When the truth of the Word of God descends from one’s head into one’s heart, the scales of unbelief dissipate immediately from one’s eyes. It also means that those presenting the scriptures need to ask themselves important questions about their teachings. For example, do the teachings align with the word. It is at this point that the scriptural truths take precedent.

Studying further we view what Matthew heard, saw and recorded. These scriptures can be found in Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21 and Mark 6:3. Mary had other children ie. James, Joses, Simon, and Judas, plus at least three daughters. In one passage it is said, "Are not His sisters here with us, all being referred to as being His own kin? In the passages above we read of His mother, brethren, and sisters all used literally. NOTE: Jesus was the child of the Holy Spirit, born of a surrogate mother Mary. So the kin referred to here were neither brothers nor sisters, nor, were they half brothers, or half sisters, for they were the direct offspring of Mary and Joseph.

The Lord is called Mary’s firstborn in Matthew 1:25 and Luke 2:7. Even the natural inference suggests that she had other children. Therefore, the Lord Jesus is the Only begotten Son of the Father. In different scriptural references, Mary along with her sons tried to interrupt Jesus' work. Once, while Jesus was speaking, He was informed that that they wanted to speak with Him. There are other references that validate these points as well. For example, Jesus' brothers according to the flesh are mentioned as not believing on Him until after the resurrection John 7:3-10. We read in Galations 1:18 of James the Lord’s brother according to the flesh. In Luke 1:38 Mary says, "Behold the hand maid of the Lord."

We will not at this point enter the pagan views that are infiltrating into the Christian faith by anti God persons that state Mary was the Mother of God. As previously stated, heathen persons have introduced doctrine that is not consistent with the scriptures and the Christian faith with some obvious success inasmuch as that pagan presentation is prevalent today. Still, as Christians we align ourselves with the scriptures. And Jesus said. "My Mother and my Brethren are they which hear the Word of God and do it. Knowing the truth shall set you free from paganism. Peace to all who are in Jesus. Stand in the Offering Plate!

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