In post 126, we spoke of two seeds, mentioning in particular the promised seed of God imparted into Eve. This seed is of a different blood line than that which now flowed in her veins, which as a result of the sin of disobedience to God’s Word, Eve’s blood had been polluted.
We proceed to bring to believers an understanding of Abraham, for he also was promised that in his seed (singular) would all the nations of the earth be blessed. Remember the miracle of Abraham? Upon reaching 100 years of age he was no longer capable of naturally producing offspring. At the same time, Sarah's womb sealed. But the promised seed came forth anyway. How? Because with God, nothing is impossible! Is there anything too hard for God?
The scriptures state that the things that God has promised, He is also able to perform. There is no shadow of the Lord turning away from His promise. God simply opens Sarah’s womb, and resurrected Abraham's natural capabilities. At the same time, God implanted into Abraham the promised male seed of a pure blood line.
Well, Isaac was the offspring from Abraham's natural resurrected seed. However Isaac was not the seed of promise. In Isaac's seed bank now dwelt the seeds of promise. Therefore, a new genealogical tree is presented in the Biblical record commencing with Abraham. The seeds travel from Isaac into Jacob, and so on until the time of the appearing of the promised seed. Establishing the promised bloodline of the seeds of the Spirit of God who appears as the Only begotten Son of God (begotten not begat). Appearing as the Word declares,"at the fullness of time God sent forth His Son."
The actual times of birth have been previously discussed in earlier posts should you be interested in finding out more. For the record though, December 25 has no scriptural foundation. December 25 being only a cunning act of demons in an effort to override the authoritative Word of God.
First, let me mention that Mary proclaimed that her spirit rejoiced in God HER Saviour. Mary was not the mother of God, for an Angel declared to Mary that holy baby that shall be born of her shall be called the SON of GOD!
Mary, questioned the angel concerning the events, and she was informed that the child conceived in her womb was the child of the Holy Ghost. In fact, the child was to be named Jesus. The angel even proclaimed the mission of Jesus was "to seek and to save His people from their sin."
For this child who was veiled in a body of flesh was in reality the Spirit of God manifested in flesh, being clothed in the womb of a surrogate. The two seeds of promise which were implanted into Eve and into Abraham had now arrived in Mary’s seed bank. These two seeds were brought together by the Holy Ghost. The fetus being the child of His holy Spirit was clothed in flesh -- the flesh of Adam’s sinful race of which flesh Mary herself was clothed with. Mary’s flesh had Adam’s sinful blood flowing in her veins. More to come. God bless!
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