The Lord said to Abraham that he was blessed because of his believing faith. Abraham's believing faith was counted to him as righteousness. Indeed, because of his faith in the Word spoken by the Lord to him, God said to him “that in him and in his seed would all the nations of the earth be blessed“
God did not say, in the plurality of Abraham's seed that nations would be blessed. God spoke in the singular, speaking of a particular seed. And that seed of blessing is the new blood seed of the Spirit of God that God implanted into Abraham’s seed bank. This is the seed we now know as Jesus the Christ, who is the promised seed of God. Therefore whosoever applies faith in the seed of the Holy Ghost he or she will be blessed. Likewise, whatsoever nation nationally believes in that seed, they in turn will be blessed as well.
The record of the scriptures verify that when individuals come to Jesus with nothing except sincerity and truth, the blessing immediately flows over them engulfing all those into the ghostly atmosphere of the Spirit of God. Past history records that when a nation turns to God, that nation becomes blessed, and remains safe from all enemies. Unfortunately, when a nation willingly rejects God they decline into disarray.
In Part 126, we spoke of Mary's pregnancy and her discourse with the angel of God. Mary accepted all that was spoken to be truth saying to the Angel, “Let it be so unto me according to your Word." This event, in all probability would be much better understood by a woman, and more than likely by a woman who has birthed a child.
The next time we hear of Jesus was when He took off and was eventually found in the temple talking with others about the scriptures. Upon being found by Mary and Joseph, they sort of had their natural questionings as to why He had left without discussing with them His purposed intent. In response to their queries, Jesus simply asked, "Do you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?"
At 12 years of age, maybe that answer would have been lacking somewhat. Nevertheless, I am sure that they now had a reality check - an aha moment -for both Mary and Jospeh knew the origin of His birth. And now we find Jesus expressing to his chosen parental guardians that He must be about His Father’s business.
All seed comes from God. One has to wait until the seed matures to behold the contents of the seed. The Spirit is of God. God is the Father of all spirits. In Jesus' case, He came forth from God. God’s own seed - inseparable. God and His Seed. God and His Word Jesus. One Spirit. One Word. One God. One Flesh. One Name. All the fullness of God dwelt in the man Jesus. Silence in Heaven until the Spirit of God in Christ said, "I must be about my Father’s business."
Think upon these words giving yourself wholly to them so that we with all our learning gain understanding too. Lord Jesus open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures. Peace to all who are in Jesus -- our One and Only Mediator. Stand in the offering plate.
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