One says that they are of Paul. Another states that they are of Apollos. In today's language, we would say that we are of this denomination or, conversely, that we belong to a specific denomination. To such a profession, the scripture would interject that you are yet carnal, and walk and talk as men, apart from the Lord.
Indeed, the scriptures ask, "Is Christ divided?" Is Christ fractured? No sir. Christ is not fractured. Unfortunately, in most religious denominations, both historically and today, they present fragmented truths of the Word of God. We understand that historically the pagan roman so-called church had the majority of people hypnotized by the seated power of demons, transforming themselves into messengers of light. During this time, the scriptures which were deemed the only true light had been extinguished and replaced by a demonic system of error.
John Wycliffe endeavoured to usher in the gospel requesting that the scriptures be hand written in the English language. Although we do not know the extent of his labours, we are informed in the translation of the King James authorised version, that much of the hand written translation of the 1200 was retained.
The main stream apparently attribute the reformation to a priest named Martin Luther. The first spark of the light of the gospel lighted on him. The verse that apparently was underlined to him being -- “for by grace are you saved through faith, not by works lest any man should boast." Salvation is the gift of God." Well, that kindled the fire, and unprecedented persecution by the demonic seated religious system.
As a consequence, the idea of salvation by grace created a wind that blew upon the small fire, soon to be fanned throughout Europe and the islands. Horrendous inhumane tortures were exacted on any person or persons that were adherents to the seeds of the Word of God retained in the written Word. That fire of light set the demonic system reeling, administering to the roman system of error such a deathly blow. It has since recovered from the blow if we analyze the current teachings being presented.
At any rate, as the Word of God reached the masses, many different sparks were ignited by the unveiling of truths upon parched hearts. So sprung up denominations with each denomination clinging onto that part which now was music in the inner chambers of their collective hearts.
Still, Rome asserted that they were the vine and the denomination is the branches. But this assertion was incorrect. Rome was then, and still is a withered vine. Their only branches are dead shoots from their dead vine if we truly believe that the scriptures are God’s Word.
JESUS is the vine and we who abide in the vine Jesus bring forth life. Those who do not bring forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit are cut off and thrown into the fire. This is why we are the Jesus people! Christ Has died and risen for our sins so that we might have salvation. We do not follow a denomination. Instead, we adhere to the Written Word of God -- the Holy Spirit within the Word inspiring believers to continue therein. Jesus who is the author of our salvation dwells within.
Come out from among the denominations, or encourage your denomination to be a Jesus people gathering place, wherein the Word of God is the sole Authority for scriptural teachings. And peace be to all, who are earnestly contending for the faith, that was delivered to us of the Lord!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Jesus The Author of Our Salvation - PART 147
The Lord Inhabits the Praises of His People - PART 146
Praise Jesus. Indeed, the Lord inhabits the praises of His people! This ministry has covered the earth as the waters have covered the sea. We thank God for this website. This net of truth has been (by the grace of God) cast on the right side of the vessel. The net encompassing a people who were afore not a people. But now they are the Jesus people!
In this context, people have come forth from every nation and every tongue receiving from our best friend the Lord Jesus, the gift of eternal life! Jesus took the little children up into his arms and blessed them. To Jesus' lambs we present this hymn praying that tomorrow's children may by this present living age, be left a rich inheritance. A rich inheritance of the faith that was once delivered to the people of Jesus. God bless all who labour in the harvest!
Chorus - Jesus bids us shine
First of all for Him, He see and knows it. If our light grows dim He looks down from Heaven to see us shine. You in your small corner and I in mine.
Jesus is the light that is much greater and brighter than the noon day sun! Peace to all brethren and sisters in Jesus. May He richly bless you in all that you do -- in both word and deed.
Stand in the offering plate.
In this context, people have come forth from every nation and every tongue receiving from our best friend the Lord Jesus, the gift of eternal life! Jesus took the little children up into his arms and blessed them. To Jesus' lambs we present this hymn praying that tomorrow's children may by this present living age, be left a rich inheritance. A rich inheritance of the faith that was once delivered to the people of Jesus. God bless all who labour in the harvest!
Chorus - Jesus bids us shine
First of all for Him, He see and knows it. If our light grows dim He looks down from Heaven to see us shine. You in your small corner and I in mine.
Jesus is the light that is much greater and brighter than the noon day sun! Peace to all brethren and sisters in Jesus. May He richly bless you in all that you do -- in both word and deed.
Stand in the offering plate.
Gospel Is Power of God Unto Salvation - PART 145
These are my people and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! We are not ashamed of the Gospel of JESUS the Christ for the Gospel is the Power of God leading to salvation. If any man should preach to you any other gospel, then let that man be accursed,as the scriptures state. Even if an angel should preach any other gospel to you, the scriptures still say, "Let them be accursed."
Why? For this gospel of God, in the face of Jesus the Christ, must be preached in all the world as a witness unto all people. It is only then shall the end of this dispensation of grace come! In other words, epentance and remission of sin must be preached in my name, saith the Lord. And He said, beginning at Jerusalem.
How can they hear without a preacher or how can they preach this gospel unless they be sent? The apostles were, and are, the only direct witnesses chosen by Jesus to be His witnesses. Their word He confirmed with signs and wonders. Jesus confirmed the words spoken by the Apostles as it were His own Word. No believing individual would disannul scriptural truths.
Remember that this Gospel was at the first spoken by the Lord Himself. The apostles being the penmen of the Holy Spirit faithfully presenting themselves as eye witnesses committing to words the record of all that Jesus begun to do and to say.
Indeed, Jesus message is such a glorious message of love, mercy, deliverance, hope, and comfort. Regardless of our fallen sinful status in sin, God who is rich in mercy robed Himself as a Son in fashion like His kinsmen visiting us -- and in fact, humbling Himself. The Lord of Glory taking upon Himself the form of a fallen degenerate race, clothing Himself in a veil of sinful flesh, a sinful flesh, prone to all the temptations of Adam’s fallen race. The indwelling Spirit in the man Jesus, being ,the Same Spirit that made all things.
Jesus (who is the Word of the Holy Spirit) made all things. What condescension to bring to us redemption. Surely the love of God is far greater than any tongue or print page could ever tell. Indeed, we are incapable of fathoming the breadth and depth of this love, because His love is love that is so much greater. We have in our veins the life blood of a fallen race, whereas Jesus blood was the Blood of the Holy Spirit which is the Life blood of the Eternal God, the Father of all. Jesus being, God Himself, in visible form.
Now at this moment in time we look upon Jesus not as God in form, but as a created son of God bearing the features of the first created man Adam. For as sin had entered into the world by One man, God planned to undo the damage by sacrificing Himself as a sin offering, redeeming fallen man and granting forgiveness of all sin. He offered justification to all, enabling all men and women to stand before God as guiltless individuals now clothed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. He desired that all men and women as believers would be adopted into His family.
Jesus Fathered us in His death. God Fathered all His children in a Son's body (you likewise fathered all your offspring in a son's body). Believers are fully aware that we were the sole reason that He put Himself in our place. We are also aware that which God has cleansed let no man call common or unclean!
Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard the things that God has prepared for those who love Him. Nothing shall separate believers from the Love of God manifested (visibly seen) in the Man Jesus, who is the unseen God manifested in the flesh as a Son! In Jesus did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily! God bless all who are in Jesus.
Why? For this gospel of God, in the face of Jesus the Christ, must be preached in all the world as a witness unto all people. It is only then shall the end of this dispensation of grace come! In other words, epentance and remission of sin must be preached in my name, saith the Lord. And He said, beginning at Jerusalem.
How can they hear without a preacher or how can they preach this gospel unless they be sent? The apostles were, and are, the only direct witnesses chosen by Jesus to be His witnesses. Their word He confirmed with signs and wonders. Jesus confirmed the words spoken by the Apostles as it were His own Word. No believing individual would disannul scriptural truths.
Remember that this Gospel was at the first spoken by the Lord Himself. The apostles being the penmen of the Holy Spirit faithfully presenting themselves as eye witnesses committing to words the record of all that Jesus begun to do and to say.
Indeed, Jesus message is such a glorious message of love, mercy, deliverance, hope, and comfort. Regardless of our fallen sinful status in sin, God who is rich in mercy robed Himself as a Son in fashion like His kinsmen visiting us -- and in fact, humbling Himself. The Lord of Glory taking upon Himself the form of a fallen degenerate race, clothing Himself in a veil of sinful flesh, a sinful flesh, prone to all the temptations of Adam’s fallen race. The indwelling Spirit in the man Jesus, being ,the Same Spirit that made all things.
Jesus (who is the Word of the Holy Spirit) made all things. What condescension to bring to us redemption. Surely the love of God is far greater than any tongue or print page could ever tell. Indeed, we are incapable of fathoming the breadth and depth of this love, because His love is love that is so much greater. We have in our veins the life blood of a fallen race, whereas Jesus blood was the Blood of the Holy Spirit which is the Life blood of the Eternal God, the Father of all. Jesus being, God Himself, in visible form.
Now at this moment in time we look upon Jesus not as God in form, but as a created son of God bearing the features of the first created man Adam. For as sin had entered into the world by One man, God planned to undo the damage by sacrificing Himself as a sin offering, redeeming fallen man and granting forgiveness of all sin. He offered justification to all, enabling all men and women to stand before God as guiltless individuals now clothed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. He desired that all men and women as believers would be adopted into His family.
Jesus Fathered us in His death. God Fathered all His children in a Son's body (you likewise fathered all your offspring in a son's body). Believers are fully aware that we were the sole reason that He put Himself in our place. We are also aware that which God has cleansed let no man call common or unclean!
Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard the things that God has prepared for those who love Him. Nothing shall separate believers from the Love of God manifested (visibly seen) in the Man Jesus, who is the unseen God manifested in the flesh as a Son! In Jesus did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily! God bless all who are in Jesus.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Holy Spirit Seed Explained - PART 144
Abraham had two sons of which one was born of a slave woman. Upon reaching 100 years of age, he had a God promised child, resulting from the Spirit of God interacting on behalf of Abraham and Sarah his wife. After the death of Sarah, Abraham fathered six more naturally born children. God had promised Hagar, the slave woman, that the child conceived in her of Abraham (the child, not being, as we would say, a love child) but rather a child conceived as a result of Sarah connivance.
The child was originally named Ishmael. Sarah later had second thoughts. In short, her conniving backfired. So out goes Hagar and Ishmael, banished from the household. As an aside, was it because of jealousy or a woman’s scorn, or perhaps both? Anyway, God found Hagar, and conversed with her. God revealled to Hagar that Ishmael would become a great nation.
It is recorded scripturally, that Ishmael fathered twelve sons, becoming a nation. The last we hear spoken of Ishmael was that he attended the funeral of Abraham his father, after which, he took up residence in the midst of his twelve sons. Note that Ishmael was much older than Isaac.
Of course Isaac, the God promised child to Abraham and Sarah, fitted into Abraham and Sarah’s family structure. However, as it is written, a man’s worst foes may be those from his own household. In this context, the two step brothers competing for recognition led to animosity setting in, passing from generation to generation, until hatred ruled. The original reason for the dispute has long time ago been forgotten. And so the hatred survives even today, although, today it has escalated to the pitch that one is desirous to see the others' offspring wiped from the face of the earth.
Why, is it that some one does not send the other a history of the events that originated this family feud? After all,it was God who promised Abraham, a child through Sarah and similarly it was God who brought it the course of events to pass. Listen to the promise that God spoke to Abraham.
In you and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blest. Note that the scriptures state - in Abraham's SEED - singular. God did not say SEEDS. No God said SEED. Abraham had eight sons of which none were a blessing to mankind. God was speaking of a Holy Spirit SEED “a new blood line” that was to be implanted into Abraham, and that implanted SEED was pass through Abraham into Isaac. In turn the bloodline continued into Jacob, UNTIL the appointed time when the SEED of promise in which ALL NATIONS of the earth would/could be blessed should come forth. That promised SEED was JESUS the Christ who is the SEED of the Holy Spirit Of God. THE PRINCE OF PEACE.
It is for this reason that Ishmael and Isaac ought to shake hands. It is long overdue. God breathed into all men the breath of life. God is love. The WRITTEN WORD declares that if a man hates his brother who he has seen, how could he love God who he has not seen? These are questions generated from understanding the historical record.
As for those who burned Bibles in the hope not to offend those who were of a different religious persuasion, surely endorsing these actions only amounts to stupidity. The Bible is the only historical record of what transpired, and therefore is the only extinguisher of contention. Guns and random, unnecessary killings is not democracy. The entrance of God’s word brings light. The scriptures alone gives understanding.
Preach this good news to all nations. God is not willing that any should perish. God Himself, as a Son Jesus, laid down His life for Ishmael, Isaac and indeed, all sinners.
The child was originally named Ishmael. Sarah later had second thoughts. In short, her conniving backfired. So out goes Hagar and Ishmael, banished from the household. As an aside, was it because of jealousy or a woman’s scorn, or perhaps both? Anyway, God found Hagar, and conversed with her. God revealled to Hagar that Ishmael would become a great nation.
It is recorded scripturally, that Ishmael fathered twelve sons, becoming a nation. The last we hear spoken of Ishmael was that he attended the funeral of Abraham his father, after which, he took up residence in the midst of his twelve sons. Note that Ishmael was much older than Isaac.
Of course Isaac, the God promised child to Abraham and Sarah, fitted into Abraham and Sarah’s family structure. However, as it is written, a man’s worst foes may be those from his own household. In this context, the two step brothers competing for recognition led to animosity setting in, passing from generation to generation, until hatred ruled. The original reason for the dispute has long time ago been forgotten. And so the hatred survives even today, although, today it has escalated to the pitch that one is desirous to see the others' offspring wiped from the face of the earth.
Why, is it that some one does not send the other a history of the events that originated this family feud? After all,it was God who promised Abraham, a child through Sarah and similarly it was God who brought it the course of events to pass. Listen to the promise that God spoke to Abraham.
In you and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blest. Note that the scriptures state - in Abraham's SEED - singular. God did not say SEEDS. No God said SEED. Abraham had eight sons of which none were a blessing to mankind. God was speaking of a Holy Spirit SEED “a new blood line” that was to be implanted into Abraham, and that implanted SEED was pass through Abraham into Isaac. In turn the bloodline continued into Jacob, UNTIL the appointed time when the SEED of promise in which ALL NATIONS of the earth would/could be blessed should come forth. That promised SEED was JESUS the Christ who is the SEED of the Holy Spirit Of God. THE PRINCE OF PEACE.
It is for this reason that Ishmael and Isaac ought to shake hands. It is long overdue. God breathed into all men the breath of life. God is love. The WRITTEN WORD declares that if a man hates his brother who he has seen, how could he love God who he has not seen? These are questions generated from understanding the historical record.
As for those who burned Bibles in the hope not to offend those who were of a different religious persuasion, surely endorsing these actions only amounts to stupidity. The Bible is the only historical record of what transpired, and therefore is the only extinguisher of contention. Guns and random, unnecessary killings is not democracy. The entrance of God’s word brings light. The scriptures alone gives understanding.
Preach this good news to all nations. God is not willing that any should perish. God Himself, as a Son Jesus, laid down His life for Ishmael, Isaac and indeed, all sinners.
Jesus Is God Himself In Visible Form - PART 143
God is not three distinct and separate persons as satan the great deceiver and prince of the system of error would imply. Indeed, God is one Spirit. God is a holy Spirit. It is God who is Spirit. It is God who no man had ever seen, who after counselling with Himself, decided that He was going to create a visible world. The written scriptural word presents this decision as in the “Day” (period of time). Note that creation as a whole was over days - six days or periods to be exact. God did rest the seventh day and when He did, God saw that it was good.
Visibly we now see the Almighty-ness and the wisdom of God displayed continually. We are able to constantly view at no cost God's creation. At the end of the day, this leaves man without excuse for his unbelief. Still, God knew that man would be deceived. This explains why the Written Word declares, "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth. For satan has come to earth to dethrone man from the prominent position delegated of God to man."
For example, God has set man over the works of His own hands. And thus, satan was enraged, for during a previous period, he was a prominent figure in the household of God. That is, until pride took hold of him. This resulted in a rebellion and next, following on the heels of rebellion war. The written Word declares to man that there was war in heaven leaving God’s created world -- as described -- without form and void. (e.g. the result of war and devastation).
The devil 9satan) was then cast out of Heaven. So in his anger, satan now turns his attention upon man. As we know, satan easily deceives man through deception, saying to Eve, "Hath God said?" This is important because satan always contradicts God’s Word. In this case, recall God’s word to Adam. But satan first enticed Eve, and then Eve influenced Adam. Eve was deceived, whereas Adam plain and simply sinned against God. How? Well, God had directly instructed Adam concerning the matter beforehand.
Notice how satan wraps himself in words spoken by God (Truth) and then embodies a lie into the truth? It is like wrapping poison with sugar. The scripture declares that such a lie is not the truth. Man's only defense against satan is through adherence to the Word of God. That is why, Jesus, God Himself as a Son, when tempted of the devil said, "It is written."
Notice how the devil always wraps truth and error together, as if it were the Written Word of God. In so doing, satan deceives persons unacquainted with the scriptures (like Eve). But we have the revealed counsel of the Word of God. Whilst satan may try to lead us into his captivity, the written Word encourages us to put on ,the whole armour of God. This is to read the scriptures for ourselves - the written Word!
The Spirit of God (regardless of what religious demonically propelled individuals advance as truth) does not amount to three persons. The Written Word declares that there is only One Spirit and that one Spirit is a holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost is declared to be God, a descriptive title, ascribed to One who is the source of all Wisdom, Power and Majesty.
God has revealed that His One Spirit is the Father of all things. It is He who is the Same One holy Spirit who has revealed Himself as the One holy Spirit indwelling the man Jesus, who is God Himself, in visible form.
Jesus said, "I and My Father are ONE!" (John 10:30)
This is why God speaks to us in Spirit fellowship. God speaks to us as the Father of all spirits. God speaks to us as one Spirit indwelling as a Son in the man Christ Jesus. This same indwelling One Spirit made all things after the counsel of His own will. There is only ONE GOD and this one God was in the World.
God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16)
"For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, and I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He doth judge and make war. His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on His head [were] many crowns; and He had a Name written, that no man knew but He Himself, and He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of God." (Revelation 19:10-13; John 1:1-18; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21-23; Acts 2:36-38; Hebrews 1:1-14; I John 5:7; Luke 24:47; Revelation 15:3-4; Isaiah 63:2-3)
"And on His vesture and on His thigh, a Name written: King of kings and Lord of lords." (Revelation 19:16)
Stand in the offering plate with Jesus today.
Visibly we now see the Almighty-ness and the wisdom of God displayed continually. We are able to constantly view at no cost God's creation. At the end of the day, this leaves man without excuse for his unbelief. Still, God knew that man would be deceived. This explains why the Written Word declares, "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth. For satan has come to earth to dethrone man from the prominent position delegated of God to man."
For example, God has set man over the works of His own hands. And thus, satan was enraged, for during a previous period, he was a prominent figure in the household of God. That is, until pride took hold of him. This resulted in a rebellion and next, following on the heels of rebellion war. The written Word declares to man that there was war in heaven leaving God’s created world -- as described -- without form and void. (e.g. the result of war and devastation).
The devil 9satan) was then cast out of Heaven. So in his anger, satan now turns his attention upon man. As we know, satan easily deceives man through deception, saying to Eve, "Hath God said?" This is important because satan always contradicts God’s Word. In this case, recall God’s word to Adam. But satan first enticed Eve, and then Eve influenced Adam. Eve was deceived, whereas Adam plain and simply sinned against God. How? Well, God had directly instructed Adam concerning the matter beforehand.
Notice how satan wraps himself in words spoken by God (Truth) and then embodies a lie into the truth? It is like wrapping poison with sugar. The scripture declares that such a lie is not the truth. Man's only defense against satan is through adherence to the Word of God. That is why, Jesus, God Himself as a Son, when tempted of the devil said, "It is written."
Notice how the devil always wraps truth and error together, as if it were the Written Word of God. In so doing, satan deceives persons unacquainted with the scriptures (like Eve). But we have the revealed counsel of the Word of God. Whilst satan may try to lead us into his captivity, the written Word encourages us to put on ,the whole armour of God. This is to read the scriptures for ourselves - the written Word!
The Spirit of God (regardless of what religious demonically propelled individuals advance as truth) does not amount to three persons. The Written Word declares that there is only One Spirit and that one Spirit is a holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost is declared to be God, a descriptive title, ascribed to One who is the source of all Wisdom, Power and Majesty.
God has revealed that His One Spirit is the Father of all things. It is He who is the Same One holy Spirit who has revealed Himself as the One holy Spirit indwelling the man Jesus, who is God Himself, in visible form.
Jesus said, "I and My Father are ONE!" (John 10:30)
This is why God speaks to us in Spirit fellowship. God speaks to us as the Father of all spirits. God speaks to us as one Spirit indwelling as a Son in the man Christ Jesus. This same indwelling One Spirit made all things after the counsel of His own will. There is only ONE GOD and this one God was in the World.
God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16)
"For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, and I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He doth judge and make war. His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on His head [were] many crowns; and He had a Name written, that no man knew but He Himself, and He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of God." (Revelation 19:10-13; John 1:1-18; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21-23; Acts 2:36-38; Hebrews 1:1-14; I John 5:7; Luke 24:47; Revelation 15:3-4; Isaiah 63:2-3)
"And on His vesture and on His thigh, a Name written: King of kings and Lord of lords." (Revelation 19:16)
Stand in the offering plate with Jesus today.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Jesus Is the Word of God - PART 142
God is. God does not change. We use the descriptive title God when we by words endeavour to communicate one with another concerning spiritual observations and truths. Adam is an earthy image of God. The scriptures declare that Jesus is the beginning of the creation of God. This does not advance the thought that Jesus was a created being apart from God.
In fact, in accord with the written Word, Jesus is the Word of God. We see this in the sense when God decided within Himself, to show Himself in a created form. He decided to reveal Himself - revealed by the written Word. This is why, in this context, Jesus is and was the beginning of the creation of God. Therefore, Adam is an earthly image of Jesus because Jesus came forth from the bosom of God. He did not come forth as another person but as God Himself in human form.
Another way of looking at this example is to ask yourself, "What is God’s name?" Of course, God is not a name. God is a descriptive title. Today, we have numerous descriptive titles - books upon books rendering descriptive titles. Similarly, we have organisations built upon descriptive titles. A perfect example are the JeHoVaH witnesses (or other religious organizations in competition) that render JaHWeH Jews.
The common thread is JHVH or JHWH which are both admittedly incommunicable as a name. Neither is communicable in its base presentation. And yet some, in order to bestow on the Spirit of God a name, fill the blanks in with vowels. They think by doing this they are doing the Holy Spirit a great service. To further entrench their own deception, they then declare that they now are God’s witnesses.
However, the New Testament presents neither one or the other, declaring instead that Jesus is the only name whereby we can find salvation. There is no other name under Heaven, whereby anyone can be saved. The early believers went everywhere preaching Jesus. The name of Jesus, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit into the womb of a surrogate mother Mary, revealed to humankind that this Holy thing (note the term "thing" because in God’s eyes the Body of Jesus taken from Mary’s sin prone body was cursed) was the prophesied Saviour.
The Spiritual name Jesus, being the Spirit of God manifested name. Why? Even after the resurrection the name Jesus remained. When Paul said, "Who are you Lord?" the Lord said, I AM JESUS. The pronunciation of the name is “received“ in the English language. It is not translated. Received. That is why we have an alphabetical letter "J" Neither the letter “E” nor the letter “I" carried the name Jesus into the English language. We required a "J" Now we have the name of Jesus.
Other religious organizations baptise people into the name of the Father S and Holy Spirit. However, none of these are a name. Jesus said to baptise people in His name, which is Jesus. Other organizations tweak this by saying that we are to baptise into the name Father, Son and Holy Spirit,but only in the authority of Jesus. In this latter example, the organizations state that we must not baptise into the Name Jesus. The Baptists are an example. The Baptists emphasize water immersion and yet continue to baptize into the descriptive titles.
This bodes the question. Where are you? Are you like Adam and Eve hiding in the bushes of religious denominations rather than obeying the Written Word of the Holy Spirit through the mouths of His chosen apostles who are Jesus witnesses? These are the chosen apostles who instructed us to teach these teachings - the scriptures - unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
Let me leave you with this scripture reference as you ponder the content of this message. Whatsoever you do in word thought or deed, do ALL in the name of Jesus.
In fact, in accord with the written Word, Jesus is the Word of God. We see this in the sense when God decided within Himself, to show Himself in a created form. He decided to reveal Himself - revealed by the written Word. This is why, in this context, Jesus is and was the beginning of the creation of God. Therefore, Adam is an earthly image of Jesus because Jesus came forth from the bosom of God. He did not come forth as another person but as God Himself in human form.
Another way of looking at this example is to ask yourself, "What is God’s name?" Of course, God is not a name. God is a descriptive title. Today, we have numerous descriptive titles - books upon books rendering descriptive titles. Similarly, we have organisations built upon descriptive titles. A perfect example are the JeHoVaH witnesses (or other religious organizations in competition) that render JaHWeH Jews.
The common thread is JHVH or JHWH which are both admittedly incommunicable as a name. Neither is communicable in its base presentation. And yet some, in order to bestow on the Spirit of God a name, fill the blanks in with vowels. They think by doing this they are doing the Holy Spirit a great service. To further entrench their own deception, they then declare that they now are God’s witnesses.
However, the New Testament presents neither one or the other, declaring instead that Jesus is the only name whereby we can find salvation. There is no other name under Heaven, whereby anyone can be saved. The early believers went everywhere preaching Jesus. The name of Jesus, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit into the womb of a surrogate mother Mary, revealed to humankind that this Holy thing (note the term "thing" because in God’s eyes the Body of Jesus taken from Mary’s sin prone body was cursed) was the prophesied Saviour.
The Spiritual name Jesus, being the Spirit of God manifested name. Why? Even after the resurrection the name Jesus remained. When Paul said, "Who are you Lord?" the Lord said, I AM JESUS. The pronunciation of the name is “received“ in the English language. It is not translated. Received. That is why we have an alphabetical letter "J" Neither the letter “E” nor the letter “I" carried the name Jesus into the English language. We required a "J" Now we have the name of Jesus.
Other religious organizations baptise people into the name of the Father S and Holy Spirit. However, none of these are a name. Jesus said to baptise people in His name, which is Jesus. Other organizations tweak this by saying that we are to baptise into the name Father, Son and Holy Spirit,but only in the authority of Jesus. In this latter example, the organizations state that we must not baptise into the Name Jesus. The Baptists are an example. The Baptists emphasize water immersion and yet continue to baptize into the descriptive titles.
This bodes the question. Where are you? Are you like Adam and Eve hiding in the bushes of religious denominations rather than obeying the Written Word of the Holy Spirit through the mouths of His chosen apostles who are Jesus witnesses? These are the chosen apostles who instructed us to teach these teachings - the scriptures - unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
Let me leave you with this scripture reference as you ponder the content of this message. Whatsoever you do in word thought or deed, do ALL in the name of Jesus.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Wisdom of God Revealed in His Word - PART 141
Jesus breathed on His disciples, saying to them, "Receive the Holy Ghost." It is of His Spirit that we as believers have all received. It also explains why if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to the family of God.
There is only one Spirit. God is that one Spirit. God’s Spirit is holy. The Spirit of God has made all things. He made the things that are seen and those things which are not seen with our eyes - the visible and the invisible. All things were made by Him. In doing so, God counselled with Himself. There were no advisors. He, God purposed all things.
Indeed, the Almighty God does not throw dice. Out of nothing came forth God Himself. Creation declared God’s eternal power and Godhead displayed in created form. Further, God Himself is the beginning of the Creation. God declared that He was going to reveal Himself in visible fashion and that is what He did. This is why it is written, "That all things were created by Him and for Him. He, God, is before all things and by Him all things in the world exist.
Indeed, the Word of God reveals the Wisdom of God. Through His Word, we receive and understand. God made us in His own image. However, we were all born into this world with blank slates. First created and then born in created form into a beautiful world.
God’s plan right from the garden was that man and women would be fruitful and multiply. Before our appearing on earth, God has revealed that there was war in heaven. Angels who were a different creation than Adam’s race were warring big time. Lucifer desired to be the chief. He persuaded other angels that he was chief because Lucifer had an agenda. He wanted to dethrone God.
But as the scriptures point out, that was just not going to happen. So the war raged on. One third of the angelic host aligned themselves with lucifer, and the other two thirds with God. Please note here that angels cannot die. Angels can only be subjected to suffering. This is why God prepared a place called hell, a place located in an space called outer darkness, especially prepared for lucifer (satan) and his demonic followers.
God never intended man to go to that place. The war raged on. We read that during this period, the earth was without form and void. Planets became deserts, uninhabitable and void of any beauty that may have previously existed. However, as we discover in Genesis, God had created a beautiful little planet called earth, in which did dwell man who was an earthly visible form of God Himself - called the son of God in created form.
The potential inside that visible form is called the breath of God, which causes man to be called a living soul. All that was needed was time to move into those hidden potentials within. God teaching the blank slate, the blank slate through God’s teaching, and growing to become spiritually a son of God.
Because of the raging war satan and his hordes arrived on this paradise earth. From that moment on, he has endeavoured to increase his one third in number by enticing men and women to follow him. Admittedly, humans have messed up and succumbed to his lies. It is the same situation as the one third of angels who thought that they were not created. These also believed in the big bang theory and that there was no God.
As often, history repeats itself, so is satan alive and well. But now, he is so active that he has planted himself in high places, planting his vices on the main streets. The scripture saith that in the last days satan and his angels will run to and fro to devour whom he can -- those who will succumb to his twisted message. And as in the garden, he is subtle in his approach. Remember Eve.
But in spite of satan's attempts to misrepresent the scriptures, the Word is clear. And yes, as the Word declares, here will come a time when every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Herein this message is the Spirit of God glorified. For God was the Spirit in the man Jesus. God Himself manifest in the flesh as a Son. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus is the God who made all things and wants to have fellowship -- friendship -- with His beloved creation.
Jesus -- the Great I AM -- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Stand in the offering plate.
There is only one Spirit. God is that one Spirit. God’s Spirit is holy. The Spirit of God has made all things. He made the things that are seen and those things which are not seen with our eyes - the visible and the invisible. All things were made by Him. In doing so, God counselled with Himself. There were no advisors. He, God purposed all things.
Indeed, the Almighty God does not throw dice. Out of nothing came forth God Himself. Creation declared God’s eternal power and Godhead displayed in created form. Further, God Himself is the beginning of the Creation. God declared that He was going to reveal Himself in visible fashion and that is what He did. This is why it is written, "That all things were created by Him and for Him. He, God, is before all things and by Him all things in the world exist.
Indeed, the Word of God reveals the Wisdom of God. Through His Word, we receive and understand. God made us in His own image. However, we were all born into this world with blank slates. First created and then born in created form into a beautiful world.
God’s plan right from the garden was that man and women would be fruitful and multiply. Before our appearing on earth, God has revealed that there was war in heaven. Angels who were a different creation than Adam’s race were warring big time. Lucifer desired to be the chief. He persuaded other angels that he was chief because Lucifer had an agenda. He wanted to dethrone God.
But as the scriptures point out, that was just not going to happen. So the war raged on. One third of the angelic host aligned themselves with lucifer, and the other two thirds with God. Please note here that angels cannot die. Angels can only be subjected to suffering. This is why God prepared a place called hell, a place located in an space called outer darkness, especially prepared for lucifer (satan) and his demonic followers.
God never intended man to go to that place. The war raged on. We read that during this period, the earth was without form and void. Planets became deserts, uninhabitable and void of any beauty that may have previously existed. However, as we discover in Genesis, God had created a beautiful little planet called earth, in which did dwell man who was an earthly visible form of God Himself - called the son of God in created form.
The potential inside that visible form is called the breath of God, which causes man to be called a living soul. All that was needed was time to move into those hidden potentials within. God teaching the blank slate, the blank slate through God’s teaching, and growing to become spiritually a son of God.
Because of the raging war satan and his hordes arrived on this paradise earth. From that moment on, he has endeavoured to increase his one third in number by enticing men and women to follow him. Admittedly, humans have messed up and succumbed to his lies. It is the same situation as the one third of angels who thought that they were not created. These also believed in the big bang theory and that there was no God.
As often, history repeats itself, so is satan alive and well. But now, he is so active that he has planted himself in high places, planting his vices on the main streets. The scripture saith that in the last days satan and his angels will run to and fro to devour whom he can -- those who will succumb to his twisted message. And as in the garden, he is subtle in his approach. Remember Eve.
But in spite of satan's attempts to misrepresent the scriptures, the Word is clear. And yes, as the Word declares, here will come a time when every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Herein this message is the Spirit of God glorified. For God was the Spirit in the man Jesus. God Himself manifest in the flesh as a Son. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus is the God who made all things and wants to have fellowship -- friendship -- with His beloved creation.
Jesus -- the Great I AM -- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Stand in the offering plate.
Monday, June 20, 2011
He Sacrificed Himself - PART 140
He sacrificed Himself. As such, there is no more offering for sin. God is Father Son and a holy Spirit but at the end of the day, there is only one Spirit. Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Indeed, the Spirit and the Word agree. One cannot separate the Word from Spirit. Word is the expression of Spirit which reveals the Wisdom of God.
From the very beginning, there was the Word, and of course, the Word was with God. The Word is not a separate entity from the Spirit. God speaks, and lo and behold, whatever God speaks comes to pass. Similarly, God’s Word is altogether powerful. The Spirit whose Word it is stands over the Word spoken, to perform whatever is decreed.
The Spirit, who is God, is the only God. There is no other. If there is another god that is unknown to the Spirit of God then man needs to recognize this so-called god as an imposter, humiliating themselves by creating statues, or gathering followers as envisioned by their own personal vain imaginations. Some even go so far as to carve images from wood or shaped images from stone as wonderful pieces of art. However, statues do not speak or move unless one moves them.
Even when these statues are propped up, the unimaginable happens. Men, women, boys and girls pray before these statues, prostrating themselves before these idols, paying homage to them, as if the dumb matter could see, hear and speak. If we use the analogy of someone high on drugs, liquor or other abusive substances, and onlookers saw the same picture (of people praying before idols) they might shake their heads in pity. Of course, we also recognize that if it were not for the scriptures, it could be you or I in this situation. As the expression says, "There go I except for the Grace of God."
The good news is that there is one God who does move Heaven and Earth for those who love Him. Why? Because we are the works of His hands. We are His creation. Regardless of what others might profess, dumb matter does not, and never will create intelligence. Of course when one is deceived to believe that there is no God, then one might easily be entangled in the web spun by demonic influenced spirit, who are roaming around looking for a place to camp. Obviously, these spirits do not have your best interests at heart. Rather, they are hell bent in leading mankind into a place called Hell, a place prepared of God, for the devil and his demons.
But what they will not tell you is that God never intended that hell would be man’s final destination. Nope. Man apparently has chosen to rebel against the truthful Word of God, setting himself on a collision course to hell. Still, the course of events as we see them does not dictate or supersede the Word of God.
God is not willing that anyone of us should perish. God made a way whereby the 'Adam' and 'Eve' prone to sin race could be saved. This is why God sacrificed His own Body, allowing sinful God hating religious demon possessed individuals to crucify His body at Calvary. God was not playing games then and He is not playing games today.
He took your place on the cross at Calvary. The wrath of God fell on His Body, thereby providing us - the guilty ones - with a way to obtain mercy. He died - the Just - for us the unjust. God made it possible for man and women to partake of a God purchased free gift of redemption. To receive this free gift one has to come in Spirit to God. PRAY and receive. By so doing, God who is Spirit will hear and answer your prayers, abundantly pardoning you, instantaneously.
Even though we cannot see the Spirit of God, He sees you and He cares. YOUR salvation is complete. There is nothing that you and I can add to the message. Jesus said, "It is Finished." Jesus, after sacrificing His own body ascended into Heaven and sat down. The act of sitting down expresses completely that salvation is not of works. Salvation is the Gift of God to the Whosoever. Come to Jesus today leaving the isms and schisms once and for all.
From the very beginning, there was the Word, and of course, the Word was with God. The Word is not a separate entity from the Spirit. God speaks, and lo and behold, whatever God speaks comes to pass. Similarly, God’s Word is altogether powerful. The Spirit whose Word it is stands over the Word spoken, to perform whatever is decreed.
The Spirit, who is God, is the only God. There is no other. If there is another god that is unknown to the Spirit of God then man needs to recognize this so-called god as an imposter, humiliating themselves by creating statues, or gathering followers as envisioned by their own personal vain imaginations. Some even go so far as to carve images from wood or shaped images from stone as wonderful pieces of art. However, statues do not speak or move unless one moves them.
Even when these statues are propped up, the unimaginable happens. Men, women, boys and girls pray before these statues, prostrating themselves before these idols, paying homage to them, as if the dumb matter could see, hear and speak. If we use the analogy of someone high on drugs, liquor or other abusive substances, and onlookers saw the same picture (of people praying before idols) they might shake their heads in pity. Of course, we also recognize that if it were not for the scriptures, it could be you or I in this situation. As the expression says, "There go I except for the Grace of God."
The good news is that there is one God who does move Heaven and Earth for those who love Him. Why? Because we are the works of His hands. We are His creation. Regardless of what others might profess, dumb matter does not, and never will create intelligence. Of course when one is deceived to believe that there is no God, then one might easily be entangled in the web spun by demonic influenced spirit, who are roaming around looking for a place to camp. Obviously, these spirits do not have your best interests at heart. Rather, they are hell bent in leading mankind into a place called Hell, a place prepared of God, for the devil and his demons.
But what they will not tell you is that God never intended that hell would be man’s final destination. Nope. Man apparently has chosen to rebel against the truthful Word of God, setting himself on a collision course to hell. Still, the course of events as we see them does not dictate or supersede the Word of God.
God is not willing that anyone of us should perish. God made a way whereby the 'Adam' and 'Eve' prone to sin race could be saved. This is why God sacrificed His own Body, allowing sinful God hating religious demon possessed individuals to crucify His body at Calvary. God was not playing games then and He is not playing games today.
He took your place on the cross at Calvary. The wrath of God fell on His Body, thereby providing us - the guilty ones - with a way to obtain mercy. He died - the Just - for us the unjust. God made it possible for man and women to partake of a God purchased free gift of redemption. To receive this free gift one has to come in Spirit to God. PRAY and receive. By so doing, God who is Spirit will hear and answer your prayers, abundantly pardoning you, instantaneously.
Even though we cannot see the Spirit of God, He sees you and He cares. YOUR salvation is complete. There is nothing that you and I can add to the message. Jesus said, "It is Finished." Jesus, after sacrificing His own body ascended into Heaven and sat down. The act of sitting down expresses completely that salvation is not of works. Salvation is the Gift of God to the Whosoever. Come to Jesus today leaving the isms and schisms once and for all.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Glorious Light of God's Message To Mankind - PART 139
Jesus is the light of the world. Whosoever follows Jesus shall not walk in darkness. No man can come to the Father except through Jesus. All that the Father gives me shall come to me, and, whoever comes to me shall never perish. For I shall give to them the gift, of eternal life. No man shall pluck those who come to me out of my hand, for I am able, to keep them from falling, and to present them as faultless.
The glorious light of God’s message to mankind has never been extinguished, although at times many have strived to snub the gospel message. History records that when the satanic hordes endeavoured to persecute God’s believers, it could be compared to fanning a spark with a wind where possibly only a feeble spark existed. The spark then turns into an inferno, like a wildfire jumping from tree to tree covering vast expanses of landscape. In a comparative context, believers sometimes become complacent sitting so to speak like bumps on a log, until, the axe man arrives applying the axe to the root of the tree.
When the scripture were translated into the working language of the general populace, it was as if someone had lit a match in a very dark room. We all know what happens when one lights a match in a room without light. Well, that dark room was the world that had, because of religious demonic spirits. been brought into darkness. And, as a consequence, he populace fell into gross darkness.
There was a time when priests were thicker than black flies in Europe, remaining determined to oppose the translation of the Word of light that was now being attempted to be placed into the hands of the populace. Instead, as historical records have portrayed, the light of the Word of God was revealling what the seated, entrenched religious system of erroneous contradictions had been stating. However, the written and revealed scriptural truths embedded in the recorded Word began to administer a deathly blow to their establishment.
Of course, these religious organizations countered with their alternative translations, complete with footnotes, adding that their institution, the so called asserted church were the only ones capable of interpreting the scripture. We recognize now that this was simply nonsense. For to infer this notion would mean that people were totally inept at translating.
However, by delivering messages in Latin, these religious leaders were asserting that the so called church had a handle on it. Again, as we now know the scripture states, that if any one speaks in an unknown tongue, (ie. a tongue foreign to the local assembly) then they would be as barbarian to God, and likewise, God to them. Eventually, as we know from history, King James authorised that the scriptures be translated into the language of the people. ie. the English Language. The king in so doing endeavoured to unify Bible translations which seem to be causing dissension or sects, rather than unifying the populace.
Today, the same issue has arisen again. Here we are in the 21st century with so many translations that once again we have dissension. No one is on the same page nor are we all on the same verse. This inability to consult the scriptures is resulting in confusion, particularly among sectors of the populace that have not aquainted themselves with the Bible.
This situation has the demons of Hell jumping for joy because the demons prefer that we believers are not be on any page. Still, Jesus plainly said to all those who want to believe, that they must be born again - of water and Spirit. This is the continuing gospel message that remains paramount throughout history. The first 3000 believers, as outlined in Acts chapter 2 were told to repent and be baptised into the Name of Jesus for the remission of sin. And because of their obedience to the Holy Spirit Words spoken through the mouths of the twelve equal apostles, they received the Promised Holy Spirit of Jesus to indwell them, adopting them, into the family of God. Stand in the Offering Plate!
The glorious light of God’s message to mankind has never been extinguished, although at times many have strived to snub the gospel message. History records that when the satanic hordes endeavoured to persecute God’s believers, it could be compared to fanning a spark with a wind where possibly only a feeble spark existed. The spark then turns into an inferno, like a wildfire jumping from tree to tree covering vast expanses of landscape. In a comparative context, believers sometimes become complacent sitting so to speak like bumps on a log, until, the axe man arrives applying the axe to the root of the tree.
When the scripture were translated into the working language of the general populace, it was as if someone had lit a match in a very dark room. We all know what happens when one lights a match in a room without light. Well, that dark room was the world that had, because of religious demonic spirits. been brought into darkness. And, as a consequence, he populace fell into gross darkness.
There was a time when priests were thicker than black flies in Europe, remaining determined to oppose the translation of the Word of light that was now being attempted to be placed into the hands of the populace. Instead, as historical records have portrayed, the light of the Word of God was revealling what the seated, entrenched religious system of erroneous contradictions had been stating. However, the written and revealed scriptural truths embedded in the recorded Word began to administer a deathly blow to their establishment.
Of course, these religious organizations countered with their alternative translations, complete with footnotes, adding that their institution, the so called asserted church were the only ones capable of interpreting the scripture. We recognize now that this was simply nonsense. For to infer this notion would mean that people were totally inept at translating.
However, by delivering messages in Latin, these religious leaders were asserting that the so called church had a handle on it. Again, as we now know the scripture states, that if any one speaks in an unknown tongue, (ie. a tongue foreign to the local assembly) then they would be as barbarian to God, and likewise, God to them. Eventually, as we know from history, King James authorised that the scriptures be translated into the language of the people. ie. the English Language. The king in so doing endeavoured to unify Bible translations which seem to be causing dissension or sects, rather than unifying the populace.
Today, the same issue has arisen again. Here we are in the 21st century with so many translations that once again we have dissension. No one is on the same page nor are we all on the same verse. This inability to consult the scriptures is resulting in confusion, particularly among sectors of the populace that have not aquainted themselves with the Bible.
This situation has the demons of Hell jumping for joy because the demons prefer that we believers are not be on any page. Still, Jesus plainly said to all those who want to believe, that they must be born again - of water and Spirit. This is the continuing gospel message that remains paramount throughout history. The first 3000 believers, as outlined in Acts chapter 2 were told to repent and be baptised into the Name of Jesus for the remission of sin. And because of their obedience to the Holy Spirit Words spoken through the mouths of the twelve equal apostles, they received the Promised Holy Spirit of Jesus to indwell them, adopting them, into the family of God. Stand in the Offering Plate!
He - God In The Flesh - PART 138
In the beginning, God said, "Let there be light." The reference is important because when light shines in darkness, the world changes even when darkness per se does not comprehend the light. This reference becomes even more critical for our understanding when Jesus states, in the New Testament, that He is the light of the world! He that follows after Me, Jesus said, shall not walk in darkness.
He(God in Jesus) was in the world and the world was made by Him! Without the written Word there would be no record of the Word’s spoken of or by Jesus who is God who alone by Himself made the world and all that is therein. Never was there a man on earth prior to Jesus that spoke like this man spoke. Why? Because the words that proceeded from Jesus' mouth were not lame words or idle promises.
No sir, the words that proceeded from His mouth were Words of power. Words that inspired hope in individuals. Words that dried up tears. Words that healed broken bodies and those with broken spirits. Words that delivered individuals who had been held captive by demonic possession. Words that even raised the dead. Is it any wonder that it was said among the multitudes, "What manner of man is this?"
Like these people, we had never heard or seen any of these miracles before. Never has it been heard of that some one who was born blind could have 20/20 vision. But His remedial prescription -- Jesus spitting on the clay and anointing the blind persons eyes -- could not be contested. Why, as the scriptures allude, even the winds and the sea obey Him!
Still, the religious world did not know or recognize Him as the prophesied Saviour. In fact, neither did they desire to know Him. In contrast, he ordinary people gladly heard Him, inasmuch as they came to Him from miles around to hear the Word of God! He came to His own, even those who rejected Him. Those who did receive Him, He gave the right to become the sons of God.
The religious clerics, however, shouted crucify Him for we will not have this man rule over us. This is a perfect example of the religious being stuck in the cement of unbelief. Unbelievable - yes! Unfortunately, the same situation exists today.
So what did God do?, He walked out on them, as they continued to shout, "Let His blood be upon us." They stumbled, even though before their eyes miraculous impossibilities that freed the common people once and for all from their bondage(the Adam sinful fallen race)were being introduced to endless possibilities. To the new believers, it was as if the Kingdom of God had come near to us.
Still, as the scriptures point out, there were men who chose darkness rather than Light. Even though God was in the World, not to condemn the World but to deliver those in the world who might through faith in God be saved, they did not adhere to Jesus' message. Unfortunately, there were (and still are) those who consider themselves unworthy of eternal life, and consequently, in opposition to reality choose unbelief.
This might explain why Jesus walked out of communities where faith was ridiculed as a make believe story. God cannot do anything where unbelief is seated. God had prepared a nine course meal for men and women to enjoy and humbly as a servant delivered it to us personally. He invited us - the whosoever(s) - to come and dine at His table. Well they apparently had more excuses than Planter‘s have peanuts and as a consequence of their unbelief God turned to the Gentiles.
It is also worth noting that if the Gentiles turned aside from God through unbelief, then God would have also walked out on them. But as the gospel message states, if the offspring of those unbelieving parents should turn from unbelief to faith, then God shall accept them into the tree of Life. Yes, the same tree of life which is in the midst of the garden that God planted.
Jesus is the tree of Life! Look. Eat. Live. Jesus is life everlasting. The Word Of God has gone forth from Jerusalem. God manifest in the flesh as a Son delivered the Word. God Himself was in the man Jesus.
He(God in Jesus) was in the world and the world was made by Him! Without the written Word there would be no record of the Word’s spoken of or by Jesus who is God who alone by Himself made the world and all that is therein. Never was there a man on earth prior to Jesus that spoke like this man spoke. Why? Because the words that proceeded from Jesus' mouth were not lame words or idle promises.
No sir, the words that proceeded from His mouth were Words of power. Words that inspired hope in individuals. Words that dried up tears. Words that healed broken bodies and those with broken spirits. Words that delivered individuals who had been held captive by demonic possession. Words that even raised the dead. Is it any wonder that it was said among the multitudes, "What manner of man is this?"
Like these people, we had never heard or seen any of these miracles before. Never has it been heard of that some one who was born blind could have 20/20 vision. But His remedial prescription -- Jesus spitting on the clay and anointing the blind persons eyes -- could not be contested. Why, as the scriptures allude, even the winds and the sea obey Him!
Still, the religious world did not know or recognize Him as the prophesied Saviour. In fact, neither did they desire to know Him. In contrast, he ordinary people gladly heard Him, inasmuch as they came to Him from miles around to hear the Word of God! He came to His own, even those who rejected Him. Those who did receive Him, He gave the right to become the sons of God.
The religious clerics, however, shouted crucify Him for we will not have this man rule over us. This is a perfect example of the religious being stuck in the cement of unbelief. Unbelievable - yes! Unfortunately, the same situation exists today.
So what did God do?, He walked out on them, as they continued to shout, "Let His blood be upon us." They stumbled, even though before their eyes miraculous impossibilities that freed the common people once and for all from their bondage(the Adam sinful fallen race)were being introduced to endless possibilities. To the new believers, it was as if the Kingdom of God had come near to us.
Still, as the scriptures point out, there were men who chose darkness rather than Light. Even though God was in the World, not to condemn the World but to deliver those in the world who might through faith in God be saved, they did not adhere to Jesus' message. Unfortunately, there were (and still are) those who consider themselves unworthy of eternal life, and consequently, in opposition to reality choose unbelief.
This might explain why Jesus walked out of communities where faith was ridiculed as a make believe story. God cannot do anything where unbelief is seated. God had prepared a nine course meal for men and women to enjoy and humbly as a servant delivered it to us personally. He invited us - the whosoever(s) - to come and dine at His table. Well they apparently had more excuses than Planter‘s have peanuts and as a consequence of their unbelief God turned to the Gentiles.
It is also worth noting that if the Gentiles turned aside from God through unbelief, then God would have also walked out on them. But as the gospel message states, if the offspring of those unbelieving parents should turn from unbelief to faith, then God shall accept them into the tree of Life. Yes, the same tree of life which is in the midst of the garden that God planted.
Jesus is the tree of Life! Look. Eat. Live. Jesus is life everlasting. The Word Of God has gone forth from Jerusalem. God manifest in the flesh as a Son delivered the Word. God Himself was in the man Jesus.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Labour Not For the Things Which Perish - PART 137
Wherefore God also gave them up. In these last days, as described in the scriptures, perilous times and ominous dark clouds of ism‘s would manifest satanic propelled disturbed minds of evil power. Evil isms arising with a mindset that if they kill anyone who opposes their fanatical beliefs that they would be serving God! Indeed, God's Word of truth declares that the times would become so turbulent that except those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved.
Therefore, examine yourselves to see if you are really in the faith. Or, is your walk with God just a vocation, a 9 to 5 thing, like a wage? The story of the goose and the golden egg comes to mind. What would you rather have -- the Goose or the egg? Well, some choose the golden egg for obvious reasons -- immediate gain. Other more informed humans choose the Goose. Why? Because the ones who choose the goose will reap the benefits from a goose producing a lot more eggs.
Therefore, the message is to labour not for the things which perish, but labour instead for the things that endure -- such as everlasting life. Yes, sinning might pay wages but as it is written, the wages of sin in the long-term is death.
The same example can be used in both individual and national contexts. While we are born into this world with a blank slate, admittedly, evil already exists. If we are the offspring of parents who delight in doing evil, chances are we can be directly impinged and drawn into this spiralling downward life cycle. In a broader context, if we are born into a country where good is the rule of law and wherein hopefully the spirit of the law is still embedded constitutionally, then the nation prospers! As the scriptures state, any nation that honours God, God will exalt that nation. Conversely, whereas any nation that rejects the counsel of God, will be turned into Hell.
It is in this context that light has come into the world, known as an inner light. If man endeavours to walk in that inner light, then that man or woman will not stumble. Unfortunately, man has inherited a fallen nature so that when he would do the right thing, invariably he or she is deceived and tempted through the temptation of sin that indwells his body. This causes them to succumb and often influenced by the prevailing customs of their surroundings.
But the good news is that the light of the world is seen in full display in Jesus! Jesus! Seeds of the Spirit of God, which were implanted into Eve and Abraham’s seed bank. A new blood line flowed in Jesus veins, the flesh covering the fetus that was sin prone, bringing to the Holy Ghost fetus all the temptations common to all men. The fetus blood, bone and Spirit were of God and are God. The one God who made all things. You and I are His workmanship.
Man cannot by himself keep the law. He can do so only if the presence of God’s Spirit dwells within us as the inner light. God impresses on our conscience that we need a saviour. We need a comforter. We were created to have fellowship with God. Fellowship is not a form. Fellowship is friendship and companionship in the most comprehensive fashion.
As such, associate yourself directly with God by standing in the offering plate. Be baptised by immersion -- not sprinkling -- and into the name of Jesus. In return, the inner light Jesus will immerse you in His love! Love the Lord your God, Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Most of all, seek to serve the same God who loved you so much that He would take our place on the cross.
Therefore, examine yourselves to see if you are really in the faith. Or, is your walk with God just a vocation, a 9 to 5 thing, like a wage? The story of the goose and the golden egg comes to mind. What would you rather have -- the Goose or the egg? Well, some choose the golden egg for obvious reasons -- immediate gain. Other more informed humans choose the Goose. Why? Because the ones who choose the goose will reap the benefits from a goose producing a lot more eggs.
Therefore, the message is to labour not for the things which perish, but labour instead for the things that endure -- such as everlasting life. Yes, sinning might pay wages but as it is written, the wages of sin in the long-term is death.
The same example can be used in both individual and national contexts. While we are born into this world with a blank slate, admittedly, evil already exists. If we are the offspring of parents who delight in doing evil, chances are we can be directly impinged and drawn into this spiralling downward life cycle. In a broader context, if we are born into a country where good is the rule of law and wherein hopefully the spirit of the law is still embedded constitutionally, then the nation prospers! As the scriptures state, any nation that honours God, God will exalt that nation. Conversely, whereas any nation that rejects the counsel of God, will be turned into Hell.
It is in this context that light has come into the world, known as an inner light. If man endeavours to walk in that inner light, then that man or woman will not stumble. Unfortunately, man has inherited a fallen nature so that when he would do the right thing, invariably he or she is deceived and tempted through the temptation of sin that indwells his body. This causes them to succumb and often influenced by the prevailing customs of their surroundings.
But the good news is that the light of the world is seen in full display in Jesus! Jesus! Seeds of the Spirit of God, which were implanted into Eve and Abraham’s seed bank. A new blood line flowed in Jesus veins, the flesh covering the fetus that was sin prone, bringing to the Holy Ghost fetus all the temptations common to all men. The fetus blood, bone and Spirit were of God and are God. The one God who made all things. You and I are His workmanship.
Man cannot by himself keep the law. He can do so only if the presence of God’s Spirit dwells within us as the inner light. God impresses on our conscience that we need a saviour. We need a comforter. We were created to have fellowship with God. Fellowship is not a form. Fellowship is friendship and companionship in the most comprehensive fashion.
As such, associate yourself directly with God by standing in the offering plate. Be baptised by immersion -- not sprinkling -- and into the name of Jesus. In return, the inner light Jesus will immerse you in His love! Love the Lord your God, Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Most of all, seek to serve the same God who loved you so much that He would take our place on the cross.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Price Paid In Full - PART 136
We read in Romans chapter 1 - "Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful, but they became vain in their imaginations, resulting in their foolish hearts becoming darkened. They, professing themselves to be wise became as fools, wherefore God gave them up."
An interesting perspective. At the end of the day, I guess if you give one enough rope, they may indeed, as the analogy goes, hang themselves. Another way of phrasing this is to suggest that maybe as a result of demonic inspired false wisdom, their heads became too large for their shoulders. So you know, even God reaches a point of exasperation. Remember the scripture -- My Spirit will not always strive with man. God who is the Light (conscience) within a man removes that light (ie. knowing better convicting conscience) leaving men and women to do their own thing. God simply withdraws Himself from knocking at the heart door of stony hearted people.
And so it is with anti-Christ churches. They became vain in their imaginations and consequently, lay aside the written Word. In other words, these so-called religions substituted their imaginations for the scriptures. In this context, we have endeavoured to restore the Wisdom of the word of God concerning Mary being a mediator between God and man -- a belief which is so contradictory to the revealed written Word of God.
These presentations contrast the latest published book that infers that the Catholics were right. Yes, of course they were right but only if one had been programmed to believe man’s vain imaginations, those vain imaginations being taught and hammered into young developing minds by teachers who oppose the written WISDOM of the Word of God!
In the first chapter of Acts, verses 13 and 14 for example, we read the people who had assembled continued with one accord, or one mind, in prayer and supplication. Among the apostles and gathered people were the women, and in the midst Mary the surrogate mother of Jesus. Note that this is the last mention of Mary in the written word. There are no further references concerning Mary. Beyond this, you enter the world of make-believe. Only false imaginations emerge, resulting in false emotional feelings. THE WORD WAS WITH GOD AND THE WORD WAS GOD -- JESUS.
How is it possible to extrapolate from verse 14 that Mary was leading the women in prayer and supplication when it is written that all continued with one mind (accord). To extract such a erroneous questionable position is just wrong. Innocent readers must surely conclude that their foolish heart has been darkened. It is scary to think that this dark night of ignorance projects and asserts itself as being Christian.
Save yourself from these false prophets and leaders, saith the scriptures. Instead, enter into God’s Kingdom through the door. That door is Jesus who alone is The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE. The first 3000 believers to gather were told to “save themselves” from this untoward generation. To save themselves they were instructed of the Holy Spirit -- through the mouth of Peter plus eleven other Jesus chosen witnesses -- that they should repent and that they should be baptised into the name of Jesus, thereby receiving forgiveness of all sin. (PAID IN FULL) at Calvary by God Himself in the man Jesus!(Child of the Spirit of God)
Therefore JESUS is the ONLY Mediator between God and Man. The same day GOD added to their number 3000 souls. These souls continued steadfastly in the teaching of the Apostles. Jesus is the corner stone of faith and the apostles are the foundation.
An interesting perspective. At the end of the day, I guess if you give one enough rope, they may indeed, as the analogy goes, hang themselves. Another way of phrasing this is to suggest that maybe as a result of demonic inspired false wisdom, their heads became too large for their shoulders. So you know, even God reaches a point of exasperation. Remember the scripture -- My Spirit will not always strive with man. God who is the Light (conscience) within a man removes that light (ie. knowing better convicting conscience) leaving men and women to do their own thing. God simply withdraws Himself from knocking at the heart door of stony hearted people.
And so it is with anti-Christ churches. They became vain in their imaginations and consequently, lay aside the written Word. In other words, these so-called religions substituted their imaginations for the scriptures. In this context, we have endeavoured to restore the Wisdom of the word of God concerning Mary being a mediator between God and man -- a belief which is so contradictory to the revealed written Word of God.
These presentations contrast the latest published book that infers that the Catholics were right. Yes, of course they were right but only if one had been programmed to believe man’s vain imaginations, those vain imaginations being taught and hammered into young developing minds by teachers who oppose the written WISDOM of the Word of God!
In the first chapter of Acts, verses 13 and 14 for example, we read the people who had assembled continued with one accord, or one mind, in prayer and supplication. Among the apostles and gathered people were the women, and in the midst Mary the surrogate mother of Jesus. Note that this is the last mention of Mary in the written word. There are no further references concerning Mary. Beyond this, you enter the world of make-believe. Only false imaginations emerge, resulting in false emotional feelings. THE WORD WAS WITH GOD AND THE WORD WAS GOD -- JESUS.
How is it possible to extrapolate from verse 14 that Mary was leading the women in prayer and supplication when it is written that all continued with one mind (accord). To extract such a erroneous questionable position is just wrong. Innocent readers must surely conclude that their foolish heart has been darkened. It is scary to think that this dark night of ignorance projects and asserts itself as being Christian.
Save yourself from these false prophets and leaders, saith the scriptures. Instead, enter into God’s Kingdom through the door. That door is Jesus who alone is The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE. The first 3000 believers to gather were told to “save themselves” from this untoward generation. To save themselves they were instructed of the Holy Spirit -- through the mouth of Peter plus eleven other Jesus chosen witnesses -- that they should repent and that they should be baptised into the name of Jesus, thereby receiving forgiveness of all sin. (PAID IN FULL) at Calvary by God Himself in the man Jesus!(Child of the Spirit of God)
Therefore JESUS is the ONLY Mediator between God and Man. The same day GOD added to their number 3000 souls. These souls continued steadfastly in the teaching of the Apostles. Jesus is the corner stone of faith and the apostles are the foundation.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
In The Last Days - PART 135
In the last days the scriptures state that perilous times shall come. Men and women shall be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Men and women shall be lovers of darkness, resulting in their rejection of the Word of truth. These individuals love darkness rather than light because their deeds and intentions were evil. Even though they are fully aware of their rebellion, they continue to harden their hearts against the truth, and in so doing, they sear their conscience with a hot iron.
We presented PART 134 as a Necessary Intermission in defence of the truth. Now we return to former topics concerning Mary being a Mediator in the redemption of mankind. Such a false notion being declared by anti Christ religious persons -- a complete distortion and total misrepresentation of the written Word of God.
Now let us continue with the scriptures that validate and confirm the Biblical truths addressed here. John 19:26-27 from the cross to His surrogate mother Mary (Jesus was her firstborn) Verse 26 - “Woman, behold your son.” Jesus then says to one of His believing disciples (assumed to be John although not named). In verse 27, “Behold your mother” and from that hour that disciple took Mary into his house.
Jesus had other natural brothers and sisters, none of which appeared to have been in attendance at the cross. It seems apparently that Mary and Joseph' natural offspring did not believe in Him, until seemingly after Jesus resurrection from the tomb. Recall that Jesus said that a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. Those who read this will understand that when you first believed those in your household did not mince their words. Whereas those who were believers welcomed you as a brother or a sister in the Lord. Rightly so, for we who are in Jesus have been born of God, and are now Jesus brethren.
John was a believing disciple who Jesus loved. Mary appears to be a widow. Jesus as her firstborn was responsible for her well being, therefore Jesus committed her well being into John’s keeping. That is why it is simply recorded that John from that hour took Mary into his house.
But the anti Christ renders the scriptures this way because they have no intention of going to hell alone. Indeed, Jesus said, "They compass land and sea to make one convert and when they have converted him or her to the error of their way the poor deluded soul comes forth twofold more the child of hell."
In Acts 7, men were chosen to take care of the widows, ministering to whatever their daily needs were. In short, we are to take care of widows even though the widows are not relatives in the flesh. However, they are fellow citizens of the kingdom of God, and likewise, mothers in the household of God. Conversely, young men are instructed to treat younger women as sisters, and the older women as if they were mothers.
The Word of God declares that there is only One Mediator between God and man and His name is Jesus! Save yourself from this anti Christian distortion of God’s Word. Stand in the Offering Plate. Your sins have been paid in full -- the debt we owe is LOVE.
We presented PART 134 as a Necessary Intermission in defence of the truth. Now we return to former topics concerning Mary being a Mediator in the redemption of mankind. Such a false notion being declared by anti Christ religious persons -- a complete distortion and total misrepresentation of the written Word of God.
Now let us continue with the scriptures that validate and confirm the Biblical truths addressed here. John 19:26-27 from the cross to His surrogate mother Mary (Jesus was her firstborn) Verse 26 - “Woman, behold your son.” Jesus then says to one of His believing disciples (assumed to be John although not named). In verse 27, “Behold your mother” and from that hour that disciple took Mary into his house.
Jesus had other natural brothers and sisters, none of which appeared to have been in attendance at the cross. It seems apparently that Mary and Joseph' natural offspring did not believe in Him, until seemingly after Jesus resurrection from the tomb. Recall that Jesus said that a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. Those who read this will understand that when you first believed those in your household did not mince their words. Whereas those who were believers welcomed you as a brother or a sister in the Lord. Rightly so, for we who are in Jesus have been born of God, and are now Jesus brethren.
John was a believing disciple who Jesus loved. Mary appears to be a widow. Jesus as her firstborn was responsible for her well being, therefore Jesus committed her well being into John’s keeping. That is why it is simply recorded that John from that hour took Mary into his house.
But the anti Christ renders the scriptures this way because they have no intention of going to hell alone. Indeed, Jesus said, "They compass land and sea to make one convert and when they have converted him or her to the error of their way the poor deluded soul comes forth twofold more the child of hell."
In Acts 7, men were chosen to take care of the widows, ministering to whatever their daily needs were. In short, we are to take care of widows even though the widows are not relatives in the flesh. However, they are fellow citizens of the kingdom of God, and likewise, mothers in the household of God. Conversely, young men are instructed to treat younger women as sisters, and the older women as if they were mothers.
The Word of God declares that there is only One Mediator between God and man and His name is Jesus! Save yourself from this anti Christian distortion of God’s Word. Stand in the Offering Plate. Your sins have been paid in full -- the debt we owe is LOVE.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Word Delivered - PART 134
This refers to the Word delivered initially (Alpha) at the first spoken by the Lord Himself and that same Word in turn delivered to us by those who abode with Him. Those seeing and hearing first hand and being truly eye witnesses. If we read the scriptures, we see that the message delivered the early believers was continually confirmed by God. Their Word with mighty signs and wonders assuring us, even today, that they were and still are His chosen witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. Therefore, comfort one another with these words for God did not speak with forked tongue. God indeed said what he meant to say and God meant what He said. As pointed out in the scriptures, no man disannuls God Word (Omega).
As often as you eat this bread and drink this wine, you are showing forth the Lord’s death, until He comes. For the Lord has said that we are to eat this bread and drink this wine, and whilst we partake of the simple elements we as believers ought to focus on the Lord’s sufferings. Similarly, we need to remember that He, the Good Shepherd laid down His natural life as a man, undeserving of death, for He had done no evil, even though He was clothed in His mother's sinful flesh.
Jesus tempted and tried in all points like as we are, and yet he remained without sin. He was laying down His sinless life to wash away our inherited sin, that had resulted from Adam’s disobedience to the direct Word of God (disobedience). Jesus was the Lamb of God, the Son of the holy Spirit of God. God Himself. As a son, the implanted seeds now being brought together, conceived of the Holy Ghost into the womb of a woman. But not of her. The fetus was the child of the Most High God, now to be clothed upon with sin prone flesh, resulting in Jesus, being found in fashion as a man. The Spirit of God being manifest in the flesh. Inside Jesus dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily as a man.
The presentation made by some churches today -- that you are eating the flesh and drinking the Lord’s blood -- is incorrect and not sound doctrine according to the scriptures. One cannot re-sacrifice Jesus. Jesus sacrificed Himself once and once for all time. One cannot and ought not to endeavour to portray that that one time offering was insufficient. When Jesus said "It is finished" He meant complete.
Even so, the anti Christ continues to present to congregations that one ought to engage in communion as often as they desire, as if some thing magic was contained in the bread and wine. Of course the advocates of this delusion cling to One word which says, that as often as you do this, you do so in remembrance of Me. But we adhere to the Word of God here. The early believers did not engage in such activity. Instead, they went visiting with their brethren in faith, from house to house, fellowshipping, breaking bread, eating their meat with gladness, and singleness, of heart.
Breaking of bread and communion are not the same observances. One Remembers the Lord’s death while the other enjoys the life of Christ, who is not dead, but walks up and down inside redeemed believer's hearts. For believers are now the living body of Christ. Jesus is not dead! Jesus is alive, and we who were dead in trespasses and sin, alienated from God, are now brought nigh to walk in the light of the living Word. For we are now as Christians the body of the Christ, and of His Spirit have we all received. Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.
Stand in the offering plate.
This refers to the Word delivered initially (Alpha) at the first spoken by the Lord Himself and that same Word in turn delivered to us by those who abode with Him. Those seeing and hearing first hand and being truly eye witnesses. If we read the scriptures, we see that the message delivered the early believers was continually confirmed by God. Their Word with mighty signs and wonders assuring us, even today, that they were and still are His chosen witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. Therefore, comfort one another with these words for God did not speak with forked tongue. God indeed said what he meant to say and God meant what He said. As pointed out in the scriptures, no man disannuls God Word (Omega).
As often as you eat this bread and drink this wine, you are showing forth the Lord’s death, until He comes. For the Lord has said that we are to eat this bread and drink this wine, and whilst we partake of the simple elements we as believers ought to focus on the Lord’s sufferings. Similarly, we need to remember that He, the Good Shepherd laid down His natural life as a man, undeserving of death, for He had done no evil, even though He was clothed in His mother's sinful flesh.
Jesus tempted and tried in all points like as we are, and yet he remained without sin. He was laying down His sinless life to wash away our inherited sin, that had resulted from Adam’s disobedience to the direct Word of God (disobedience). Jesus was the Lamb of God, the Son of the holy Spirit of God. God Himself. As a son, the implanted seeds now being brought together, conceived of the Holy Ghost into the womb of a woman. But not of her. The fetus was the child of the Most High God, now to be clothed upon with sin prone flesh, resulting in Jesus, being found in fashion as a man. The Spirit of God being manifest in the flesh. Inside Jesus dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily as a man.
The presentation made by some churches today -- that you are eating the flesh and drinking the Lord’s blood -- is incorrect and not sound doctrine according to the scriptures. One cannot re-sacrifice Jesus. Jesus sacrificed Himself once and once for all time. One cannot and ought not to endeavour to portray that that one time offering was insufficient. When Jesus said "It is finished" He meant complete.
Even so, the anti Christ continues to present to congregations that one ought to engage in communion as often as they desire, as if some thing magic was contained in the bread and wine. Of course the advocates of this delusion cling to One word which says, that as often as you do this, you do so in remembrance of Me. But we adhere to the Word of God here. The early believers did not engage in such activity. Instead, they went visiting with their brethren in faith, from house to house, fellowshipping, breaking bread, eating their meat with gladness, and singleness, of heart.
Breaking of bread and communion are not the same observances. One Remembers the Lord’s death while the other enjoys the life of Christ, who is not dead, but walks up and down inside redeemed believer's hearts. For believers are now the living body of Christ. Jesus is not dead! Jesus is alive, and we who were dead in trespasses and sin, alienated from God, are now brought nigh to walk in the light of the living Word. For we are now as Christians the body of the Christ, and of His Spirit have we all received. Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.
Stand in the offering plate.
Jesus Is Our Advocate - PART 133
Watch that this day does not come upon you unaware. Be aware of the signs of the times as described by the scriptures. Why? There are many professing to be of the Christian faith. Jesus said that He was the vine and believers were the branches! Let me repeat this message again. Jesus said that He is the Vine and believers are the branches.
Jesus did not say that the Church is the Vine and that religious denominations are the branches. This is quite simply another demonic lie, emanating from the mother of Harlots so called church. It is only exposed as being demonic in doctrine when one opens the written Word of God which alone is capable of exposing their erroneous error. Remember, that if the light that is in you is actual darkness, then, how great is that darkness. Jesus said that He is the true light, and those that follow Him shall not walk in darkness. Just because someone asserts that they are Christian does not necessarily mean that they are.. For it is written that if they speak things which are contrary to this Word, it is simply because there is no light of the Gospel dwelling in them. This is why the Word admonishes that believers ought not to continue in frequenting establishments that lay aside the authoritative Word of God. For in this context, what fellowship has light with darkness? Can two walk together except they are in agreement? Therefore come out from among them and be separated in belief to the Word of God and God who is the Word will receive you.
In Luke 11 verses 27 and 28, we read that a certain woman lifted up her voice and said to Jesus, "Blessed is the womb that bare you and the breasts that you have sucked." In verse 28, Jesus said, "Yes rather blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it." Any blessing pronounced by man or woman on the surrogate mother of Jesus is proven to be wrong by Jesus own response in this instance. Only man places Mary above others, for most definitely Jesus' response did not in any fashion exalt fallen sinful flesh as a prescription for the redemption of fallen humanity.
Jesus said that the real blessed persons are those who hear the Word of God and keep it. The Word of God is not in harmony with the exaltation of Mary’s sin prone ancestral flesh in which she herself was clothed in -- inasmuch, that all flesh are Adam’s offspring. Those who seek to exalt Mary are now being sternly rebuked by the Word of the Spirit of God which proceeds from the mouth of Jesus.
Continue in My Word and then you will be my disciples indeed. All of our deliverance, including, forgiveness of sins, and our healings both spiritual and physical come as a result of our belief upon the Word of God. Deliverance which is quick (living) and powerful and our reception of Jesus Word is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you or I could ever imagine!
Lord, open the eyes of our heart that we be enabled to worship you alone. Receive now consolation from the Word and let God’s peace rule and reign within you Stand in the Offering Plate. Jesus is your advocate and only Mediator.
Watch that this day does not come upon you unaware. Be aware of the signs of the times as described by the scriptures. Why? There are many professing to be of the Christian faith. Jesus said that He was the vine and believers were the branches! Let me repeat this message again. Jesus said that He is the Vine and believers are the branches.
Jesus did not say that the Church is the Vine and that religious denominations are the branches. This is quite simply another demonic lie, emanating from the mother of Harlots so called church. It is only exposed as being demonic in doctrine when one opens the written Word of God which alone is capable of exposing their erroneous error. Remember, that if the light that is in you is actual darkness, then, how great is that darkness. Jesus said that He is the true light, and those that follow Him shall not walk in darkness. Just because someone asserts that they are Christian does not necessarily mean that they are.. For it is written that if they speak things which are contrary to this Word, it is simply because there is no light of the Gospel dwelling in them. This is why the Word admonishes that believers ought not to continue in frequenting establishments that lay aside the authoritative Word of God. For in this context, what fellowship has light with darkness? Can two walk together except they are in agreement? Therefore come out from among them and be separated in belief to the Word of God and God who is the Word will receive you.
In Luke 11 verses 27 and 28, we read that a certain woman lifted up her voice and said to Jesus, "Blessed is the womb that bare you and the breasts that you have sucked." In verse 28, Jesus said, "Yes rather blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it." Any blessing pronounced by man or woman on the surrogate mother of Jesus is proven to be wrong by Jesus own response in this instance. Only man places Mary above others, for most definitely Jesus' response did not in any fashion exalt fallen sinful flesh as a prescription for the redemption of fallen humanity.
Jesus said that the real blessed persons are those who hear the Word of God and keep it. The Word of God is not in harmony with the exaltation of Mary’s sin prone ancestral flesh in which she herself was clothed in -- inasmuch, that all flesh are Adam’s offspring. Those who seek to exalt Mary are now being sternly rebuked by the Word of the Spirit of God which proceeds from the mouth of Jesus.
Continue in My Word and then you will be my disciples indeed. All of our deliverance, including, forgiveness of sins, and our healings both spiritual and physical come as a result of our belief upon the Word of God. Deliverance which is quick (living) and powerful and our reception of Jesus Word is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you or I could ever imagine!
Lord, open the eyes of our heart that we be enabled to worship you alone. Receive now consolation from the Word and let God’s peace rule and reign within you Stand in the Offering Plate. Jesus is your advocate and only Mediator.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Come As A Thief in the Night - PART 132
There is a sadness that accompanies the depth of Satanic deception remarkably embraced by many as being in accord with the revealed written Word of God! Certainly, it is fair to suggest that Satan is exposed here as being the father of all lies. Our only defence against his lying tactics is the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is sharper than any two edged sword. This two-edged sword is defined as being the Word of God, which is why we quote the written Word (the sword).
We read in post 131 that Mary told Jesus that the wine kegs were empty. Jesus replied, "Woman! what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come." Emphasis laid upon my hour has not yet come! We also read of an encounter of a Samaritan woman talking with Jesus. Even though what she asked for was outside of Jesus immediate mission, she, by her persistence received her request. Note here that her request was granted even though the time of visitation to the Gentiles was destined to be a later event.
The irony is that today, there are those who present the scriptures to their own destruction. These individuals indicate that Mary was a Mediator based on the premise that Jesus had turned the water into wine. But remember the scripture that states - when as yet His hour had not yet come. Further, if they are intent on citing the above example with Mary, then what about the Samaritan Woman? Are we also to call her a Mediator? She too had her request granted by Jesus even though at that time Jesus was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Again, His hour had not yet come.
The good news is that When the truth of the Word of God descends from one’s head into one’s heart, the scales of unbelief dissipate immediately from one’s eyes. It also means that those presenting the scriptures need to ask themselves important questions about their teachings. For example, do the teachings align with the word. It is at this point that the scriptural truths take precedent.
Studying further we view what Matthew heard, saw and recorded. These scriptures can be found in Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21 and Mark 6:3. Mary had other children ie. James, Joses, Simon, and Judas, plus at least three daughters. In one passage it is said, "Are not His sisters here with us, all being referred to as being His own kin? In the passages above we read of His mother, brethren, and sisters all used literally. NOTE: Jesus was the child of the Holy Spirit, born of a surrogate mother Mary. So the kin referred to here were neither brothers nor sisters, nor, were they half brothers, or half sisters, for they were the direct offspring of Mary and Joseph.
The Lord is called Mary’s firstborn in Matthew 1:25 and Luke 2:7. Even the natural inference suggests that she had other children. Therefore, the Lord Jesus is the Only begotten Son of the Father. In different scriptural references, Mary along with her sons tried to interrupt Jesus' work. Once, while Jesus was speaking, He was informed that that they wanted to speak with Him. There are other references that validate these points as well. For example, Jesus' brothers according to the flesh are mentioned as not believing on Him until after the resurrection John 7:3-10. We read in Galations 1:18 of James the Lord’s brother according to the flesh. In Luke 1:38 Mary says, "Behold the hand maid of the Lord."
We will not at this point enter the pagan views that are infiltrating into the Christian faith by anti God persons that state Mary was the Mother of God. As previously stated, heathen persons have introduced doctrine that is not consistent with the scriptures and the Christian faith with some obvious success inasmuch as that pagan presentation is prevalent today. Still, as Christians we align ourselves with the scriptures. And Jesus said. "My Mother and my Brethren are they which hear the Word of God and do it. Knowing the truth shall set you free from paganism. Peace to all who are in Jesus. Stand in the Offering Plate!
There is a sadness that accompanies the depth of Satanic deception remarkably embraced by many as being in accord with the revealed written Word of God! Certainly, it is fair to suggest that Satan is exposed here as being the father of all lies. Our only defence against his lying tactics is the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is sharper than any two edged sword. This two-edged sword is defined as being the Word of God, which is why we quote the written Word (the sword).
We read in post 131 that Mary told Jesus that the wine kegs were empty. Jesus replied, "Woman! what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come." Emphasis laid upon my hour has not yet come! We also read of an encounter of a Samaritan woman talking with Jesus. Even though what she asked for was outside of Jesus immediate mission, she, by her persistence received her request. Note here that her request was granted even though the time of visitation to the Gentiles was destined to be a later event.
The irony is that today, there are those who present the scriptures to their own destruction. These individuals indicate that Mary was a Mediator based on the premise that Jesus had turned the water into wine. But remember the scripture that states - when as yet His hour had not yet come. Further, if they are intent on citing the above example with Mary, then what about the Samaritan Woman? Are we also to call her a Mediator? She too had her request granted by Jesus even though at that time Jesus was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Again, His hour had not yet come.
The good news is that When the truth of the Word of God descends from one’s head into one’s heart, the scales of unbelief dissipate immediately from one’s eyes. It also means that those presenting the scriptures need to ask themselves important questions about their teachings. For example, do the teachings align with the word. It is at this point that the scriptural truths take precedent.
Studying further we view what Matthew heard, saw and recorded. These scriptures can be found in Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21 and Mark 6:3. Mary had other children ie. James, Joses, Simon, and Judas, plus at least three daughters. In one passage it is said, "Are not His sisters here with us, all being referred to as being His own kin? In the passages above we read of His mother, brethren, and sisters all used literally. NOTE: Jesus was the child of the Holy Spirit, born of a surrogate mother Mary. So the kin referred to here were neither brothers nor sisters, nor, were they half brothers, or half sisters, for they were the direct offspring of Mary and Joseph.
The Lord is called Mary’s firstborn in Matthew 1:25 and Luke 2:7. Even the natural inference suggests that she had other children. Therefore, the Lord Jesus is the Only begotten Son of the Father. In different scriptural references, Mary along with her sons tried to interrupt Jesus' work. Once, while Jesus was speaking, He was informed that that they wanted to speak with Him. There are other references that validate these points as well. For example, Jesus' brothers according to the flesh are mentioned as not believing on Him until after the resurrection John 7:3-10. We read in Galations 1:18 of James the Lord’s brother according to the flesh. In Luke 1:38 Mary says, "Behold the hand maid of the Lord."
We will not at this point enter the pagan views that are infiltrating into the Christian faith by anti God persons that state Mary was the Mother of God. As previously stated, heathen persons have introduced doctrine that is not consistent with the scriptures and the Christian faith with some obvious success inasmuch as that pagan presentation is prevalent today. Still, as Christians we align ourselves with the scriptures. And Jesus said. "My Mother and my Brethren are they which hear the Word of God and do it. Knowing the truth shall set you free from paganism. Peace to all who are in Jesus. Stand in the Offering Plate!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Only One Mediator Between God and Man - PART 131
The scriptures prophetically spoke these words concerning Jesus the only begotten Son of the Spirit of God. That is, "you are a Priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec." There was only one sacrifice for sin, that sacrifice being Jesus, the Lamb of God. Jesus as the one sacrifice provided the means for the taking away the cursed sin of the world. Jesus offered Himself. He did so only once because that one sacrificial offering was more than adequate to redeem all of Adam's sin cursed family.
As a consequence, we are not under Moses' law embodying the Levite priesthood. Instead, Jesus is now a priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec. This prophecy by fulfilling ushers into the Christian church instituted a different order, totally separated, from the old covenant.
This is an important point -- for where there is a change in the priesthood, it also necessitates a change in the order, introducing a New Law. In this case, the Law of the Spirit of Life. A quickening Spirit attainable only through the ministry of the ONE Mediator Priest who is Jesus.
This New Testament therefore is bequeathed to all believers. The written will of a rich inheritance thus delivered to all who come directly to Jesus. For He has said that whosoever comes to me, I will in no way cast him aside.
As a subsequent message to Post 129 - In anti Christ churches another usurper mediator is presented in total contrast to the Word of God. They submit that at the marriage feast in Cana, Mary went to Jesus concerning the wine shortage, and that Jesus responded to her request. Therefore the assumption is that should one goes to Mary with their request, she then in turn goes to Jesus. As a result the request will be granted. In this context, Satan still offers an alternative to the Word of God.
But God Has said repeatedly, and made clear for all to see, that there is only ONE Mediator between Himself and man and that is the Man Jesus.
God said, "Let all the angels of God worship Him." That includes the fallen demonic angels who transform themselves and present themselves as messengers of Light. This is the origin of a message that would even imply that Mary is or could be another Mediator.
Jesus said to Mary "Woman [not Mother], my hour has not yet come." Like the story of the Samaritan woman who approached Jesus -- Jesus said to her that His mission was at that moment in time was only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The woman, realising that the Samaritans in the eyes of the Jews were classified as dogs, said to Jesus, "that even the dogs eat the crumbs of the masters table." That woman by her persistence broke the barrier of Jesus' mission, receiving her request. Just like Mary she pushed the envelope and even though Jesus hour had not yet come,as far as the gentiles were concerned, the woman's request was granted. You see when faith arises, God rushes in. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Still others try to re-sacrifice Jesus in Mass ceremonies. This is such a travesty particularly when it is written, “It is finished!” There is no more sacrifice for sin. Jesus said, "Remember this one sacrifice." Not another one. Indeed, we cannot repeat a finished work. What is being demonstrated by these anti-Christ religions is a total disregard of the sacrifice of the Son of God, who laid down His body of prone to sin flesh, that was tempted and tried in all points like as we. And yet, He remained pure and holy and undefiled. For inside that sin prone body of flesh taken from His surrogate mother’s body did dwell the Spirit of His Father the Spirit of God!!
Surely only an anti-Christ church would endeavour to continue in this darkness which is so contradictory to that which is written by the apostles, inspired by the Spirit of God.
The scriptures prophetically spoke these words concerning Jesus the only begotten Son of the Spirit of God. That is, "you are a Priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec." There was only one sacrifice for sin, that sacrifice being Jesus, the Lamb of God. Jesus as the one sacrifice provided the means for the taking away the cursed sin of the world. Jesus offered Himself. He did so only once because that one sacrificial offering was more than adequate to redeem all of Adam's sin cursed family.
As a consequence, we are not under Moses' law embodying the Levite priesthood. Instead, Jesus is now a priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec. This prophecy by fulfilling ushers into the Christian church instituted a different order, totally separated, from the old covenant.
This is an important point -- for where there is a change in the priesthood, it also necessitates a change in the order, introducing a New Law. In this case, the Law of the Spirit of Life. A quickening Spirit attainable only through the ministry of the ONE Mediator Priest who is Jesus.
This New Testament therefore is bequeathed to all believers. The written will of a rich inheritance thus delivered to all who come directly to Jesus. For He has said that whosoever comes to me, I will in no way cast him aside.
As a subsequent message to Post 129 - In anti Christ churches another usurper mediator is presented in total contrast to the Word of God. They submit that at the marriage feast in Cana, Mary went to Jesus concerning the wine shortage, and that Jesus responded to her request. Therefore the assumption is that should one goes to Mary with their request, she then in turn goes to Jesus. As a result the request will be granted. In this context, Satan still offers an alternative to the Word of God.
But God Has said repeatedly, and made clear for all to see, that there is only ONE Mediator between Himself and man and that is the Man Jesus.
God said, "Let all the angels of God worship Him." That includes the fallen demonic angels who transform themselves and present themselves as messengers of Light. This is the origin of a message that would even imply that Mary is or could be another Mediator.
Jesus said to Mary "Woman [not Mother], my hour has not yet come." Like the story of the Samaritan woman who approached Jesus -- Jesus said to her that His mission was at that moment in time was only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The woman, realising that the Samaritans in the eyes of the Jews were classified as dogs, said to Jesus, "that even the dogs eat the crumbs of the masters table." That woman by her persistence broke the barrier of Jesus' mission, receiving her request. Just like Mary she pushed the envelope and even though Jesus hour had not yet come,as far as the gentiles were concerned, the woman's request was granted. You see when faith arises, God rushes in. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Still others try to re-sacrifice Jesus in Mass ceremonies. This is such a travesty particularly when it is written, “It is finished!” There is no more sacrifice for sin. Jesus said, "Remember this one sacrifice." Not another one. Indeed, we cannot repeat a finished work. What is being demonstrated by these anti-Christ religions is a total disregard of the sacrifice of the Son of God, who laid down His body of prone to sin flesh, that was tempted and tried in all points like as we. And yet, He remained pure and holy and undefiled. For inside that sin prone body of flesh taken from His surrogate mother’s body did dwell the Spirit of His Father the Spirit of God!!
Surely only an anti-Christ church would endeavour to continue in this darkness which is so contradictory to that which is written by the apostles, inspired by the Spirit of God.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Jesus -- The Good Shepherd - PART 130
Why? Why do you call me Lord and do not the things that I command you? I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for His sheep. My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me. The voice of a hireling they will not hear.
At some point, each and every one of us must ask this same question. Am I following the voice of a hireling, someone whose speaks things which cannot be substantiated from the scriptures? Maybe you are following tradition? Or rather the voice of a con artist? Certainly, we have an overabundance of con artists in the various forms of media.
Last week, a woman saw that the meeting place door was open. She decided to check us out. Admittedly, she said her nose was bothering her. Well, numerous questions about what we believe were pursued. Those who know us or know of us as “the Jesus people” know that we have a card which on the front face reads somewhat like this .. "Nothing else worked! Why not give God a chance?"
On the backside appears a shape like a plate, with the caption "your offering plate." I asked the inquirer what she considers when she sees an offering plate. This woman admitted that she related the image of an offering plate to tithes. Some people reply food and other's money. But in this case, she was urged to think neither one or the other. At this point, I put the card on the floor with the offering plate side facing up. I politely asked the her to put her foot on the card, which she did willingly. Her foot now on the offering plate I suggested that she offer herself sincerely now to the Lord.
Instantaneously, God took over and how. God is so faithful to His Word. The woman melted with the presence of Jesus. The message in relating this experience is that you can do likewise. And in so doing, believe that one needs to be saved by the blood of the holy Spirit sacrificed at Calvary.
But this is also a message directed to those in the ministry (and elsewhere) who spend all their time endeavouring to extract money. They do so even though we were not redeemed with silver and gold or any other corruptible thing. We were redeemed with the precious blood of the Lamb of God, who is none other than Jesus the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit. Apart from Jesus there is no salvation available to anyone. God Himself as a son laid down His life willingly, redeeming all men, women, boys and girls willing to ask God into their life.
Today is the day of your salvation. Now is the accepted time. Come just as you are. The gift of God is eternal life. Salvation is a gift. Further, Jesus paid the price of our salvation in full. Jesus is the only door! Stand in the Offering Plate.
At some point, each and every one of us must ask this same question. Am I following the voice of a hireling, someone whose speaks things which cannot be substantiated from the scriptures? Maybe you are following tradition? Or rather the voice of a con artist? Certainly, we have an overabundance of con artists in the various forms of media.
Last week, a woman saw that the meeting place door was open. She decided to check us out. Admittedly, she said her nose was bothering her. Well, numerous questions about what we believe were pursued. Those who know us or know of us as “the Jesus people” know that we have a card which on the front face reads somewhat like this .. "Nothing else worked! Why not give God a chance?"
On the backside appears a shape like a plate, with the caption "your offering plate." I asked the inquirer what she considers when she sees an offering plate. This woman admitted that she related the image of an offering plate to tithes. Some people reply food and other's money. But in this case, she was urged to think neither one or the other. At this point, I put the card on the floor with the offering plate side facing up. I politely asked the her to put her foot on the card, which she did willingly. Her foot now on the offering plate I suggested that she offer herself sincerely now to the Lord.
Instantaneously, God took over and how. God is so faithful to His Word. The woman melted with the presence of Jesus. The message in relating this experience is that you can do likewise. And in so doing, believe that one needs to be saved by the blood of the holy Spirit sacrificed at Calvary.
But this is also a message directed to those in the ministry (and elsewhere) who spend all their time endeavouring to extract money. They do so even though we were not redeemed with silver and gold or any other corruptible thing. We were redeemed with the precious blood of the Lamb of God, who is none other than Jesus the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit. Apart from Jesus there is no salvation available to anyone. God Himself as a son laid down His life willingly, redeeming all men, women, boys and girls willing to ask God into their life.
Today is the day of your salvation. Now is the accepted time. Come just as you are. The gift of God is eternal life. Salvation is a gift. Further, Jesus paid the price of our salvation in full. Jesus is the only door! Stand in the Offering Plate.
Jesus Is The Light of This World - PART 129
The Lord said to Abraham that he was blessed because of his believing faith. Abraham's believing faith was counted to him as righteousness. Indeed, because of his faith in the Word spoken by the Lord to him, God said to him “that in him and in his seed would all the nations of the earth be blessed“
God did not say, in the plurality of Abraham's seed that nations would be blessed. God spoke in the singular, speaking of a particular seed. And that seed of blessing is the new blood seed of the Spirit of God that God implanted into Abraham’s seed bank. This is the seed we now know as Jesus the Christ, who is the promised seed of God. Therefore whosoever applies faith in the seed of the Holy Ghost he or she will be blessed. Likewise, whatsoever nation nationally believes in that seed, they in turn will be blessed as well.
The record of the scriptures verify that when individuals come to Jesus with nothing except sincerity and truth, the blessing immediately flows over them engulfing all those into the ghostly atmosphere of the Spirit of God. Past history records that when a nation turns to God, that nation becomes blessed, and remains safe from all enemies. Unfortunately, when a nation willingly rejects God they decline into disarray.
In Part 126, we spoke of Mary's pregnancy and her discourse with the angel of God. Mary accepted all that was spoken to be truth saying to the Angel, “Let it be so unto me according to your Word." This event, in all probability would be much better understood by a woman, and more than likely by a woman who has birthed a child.
The next time we hear of Jesus was when He took off and was eventually found in the temple talking with others about the scriptures. Upon being found by Mary and Joseph, they sort of had their natural questionings as to why He had left without discussing with them His purposed intent. In response to their queries, Jesus simply asked, "Do you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?"
At 12 years of age, maybe that answer would have been lacking somewhat. Nevertheless, I am sure that they now had a reality check - an aha moment -for both Mary and Jospeh knew the origin of His birth. And now we find Jesus expressing to his chosen parental guardians that He must be about His Father’s business.
All seed comes from God. One has to wait until the seed matures to behold the contents of the seed. The Spirit is of God. God is the Father of all spirits. In Jesus' case, He came forth from God. God’s own seed - inseparable. God and His Seed. God and His Word Jesus. One Spirit. One Word. One God. One Flesh. One Name. All the fullness of God dwelt in the man Jesus. Silence in Heaven until the Spirit of God in Christ said, "I must be about my Father’s business."
Think upon these words giving yourself wholly to them so that we with all our learning gain understanding too. Lord Jesus open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures. Peace to all who are in Jesus -- our One and Only Mediator. Stand in the offering plate.
God did not say, in the plurality of Abraham's seed that nations would be blessed. God spoke in the singular, speaking of a particular seed. And that seed of blessing is the new blood seed of the Spirit of God that God implanted into Abraham’s seed bank. This is the seed we now know as Jesus the Christ, who is the promised seed of God. Therefore whosoever applies faith in the seed of the Holy Ghost he or she will be blessed. Likewise, whatsoever nation nationally believes in that seed, they in turn will be blessed as well.
The record of the scriptures verify that when individuals come to Jesus with nothing except sincerity and truth, the blessing immediately flows over them engulfing all those into the ghostly atmosphere of the Spirit of God. Past history records that when a nation turns to God, that nation becomes blessed, and remains safe from all enemies. Unfortunately, when a nation willingly rejects God they decline into disarray.
In Part 126, we spoke of Mary's pregnancy and her discourse with the angel of God. Mary accepted all that was spoken to be truth saying to the Angel, “Let it be so unto me according to your Word." This event, in all probability would be much better understood by a woman, and more than likely by a woman who has birthed a child.
The next time we hear of Jesus was when He took off and was eventually found in the temple talking with others about the scriptures. Upon being found by Mary and Joseph, they sort of had their natural questionings as to why He had left without discussing with them His purposed intent. In response to their queries, Jesus simply asked, "Do you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?"
At 12 years of age, maybe that answer would have been lacking somewhat. Nevertheless, I am sure that they now had a reality check - an aha moment -for both Mary and Jospeh knew the origin of His birth. And now we find Jesus expressing to his chosen parental guardians that He must be about His Father’s business.
All seed comes from God. One has to wait until the seed matures to behold the contents of the seed. The Spirit is of God. God is the Father of all spirits. In Jesus' case, He came forth from God. God’s own seed - inseparable. God and His Seed. God and His Word Jesus. One Spirit. One Word. One God. One Flesh. One Name. All the fullness of God dwelt in the man Jesus. Silence in Heaven until the Spirit of God in Christ said, "I must be about my Father’s business."
Think upon these words giving yourself wholly to them so that we with all our learning gain understanding too. Lord Jesus open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures. Peace to all who are in Jesus -- our One and Only Mediator. Stand in the offering plate.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Counted As Righteous Because of Believing Faith - PART 128
The Lord said to Abraham that he was blessed because of his believing faith. Abraham's believing faith was counted to him as righteousness. Indeed, because of his faith in the Word spoken by the Lord to him, God said to him “that in him and in his seed would all the nations of the earth be blessed“
God did not say, in the plurality of Abraham's seed that nations would be blessed. God spoke in the singular, speaking of a particular seed. And that seed of blessing is the new blood seed of the Spirit of God that God implanted into Abraham’s seed bank. This is the seed we now know as Jesus the Christ, who is the promised seed of God. Therefore whosoever applies faith in the seed of the Holy Spirit he or she will be blessed. Likewise, whatsoever nation nationally believes in that seed, they in turn will be blessed as well.
The record of the scriptures verify that when individuals come to Jesus with nothing except sincerity and truth, the blessing immediately flows over them engulfing all those into the ghostly atmosphere of the Spirit of God. Past history records that when a nation turns to God, that nation becomes blessed, and remains safe from all enemies. Unfortunately, when a nation willingly rejects God they decline into disarray.
In Part 126, we spoke of Mary's pregnancy and her discourse with the angel of God. Mary accepted all that was spoken to be truth saying to the Angel, “Let it be so unto me according to your word." This event, in all probability would be much better understood by a woman, and more than likely by a woman who has birthed a child.
The next time we hear of Jesus was when he took off and was eventually found in the temple talking with others about the scriptures. Upon being found by Mary and Joseph, they sort of had their natural questionings as to why He had left without discussing with them His purposed intent. In response to their queries, Jesus simply asked, "Do you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?"
At 12 years of age, maybe that answer would have been lacking somewhat. Nevertheless, I am sure that they now had a reality check - an aha moment -for both Mary and Jospeh knew the origin of His birth. And now we find Jesus expressing to his chosen parental guardians that He must be about His Father’s business.
All seed comes from God. One has to wait until the seed matures to behold the contents of the seed. The Spirit is of God. God is the Father of all spirits. In Jesus' case, He came forth from God. God’s own seed - inseparable. God and His Seed. God and His Word Jesus. One Spirit. One Word. One God. One Flesh. One Name. All the fullness of God dwelt in the man Jesus. Silence in Heaven until the Spirit of God in Christ said, "I must be about my Father’s business."
Think upon these words giving yourself wholly to them so that we with all our learning gain understanding too. Lord Jesus open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures. Peace to all who are in Jesus -- our One and Only Mediator. Stand in the offering plate.
God did not say, in the plurality of Abraham's seed that nations would be blessed. God spoke in the singular, speaking of a particular seed. And that seed of blessing is the new blood seed of the Spirit of God that God implanted into Abraham’s seed bank. This is the seed we now know as Jesus the Christ, who is the promised seed of God. Therefore whosoever applies faith in the seed of the Holy Spirit he or she will be blessed. Likewise, whatsoever nation nationally believes in that seed, they in turn will be blessed as well.
The record of the scriptures verify that when individuals come to Jesus with nothing except sincerity and truth, the blessing immediately flows over them engulfing all those into the ghostly atmosphere of the Spirit of God. Past history records that when a nation turns to God, that nation becomes blessed, and remains safe from all enemies. Unfortunately, when a nation willingly rejects God they decline into disarray.
In Part 126, we spoke of Mary's pregnancy and her discourse with the angel of God. Mary accepted all that was spoken to be truth saying to the Angel, “Let it be so unto me according to your word." This event, in all probability would be much better understood by a woman, and more than likely by a woman who has birthed a child.
The next time we hear of Jesus was when he took off and was eventually found in the temple talking with others about the scriptures. Upon being found by Mary and Joseph, they sort of had their natural questionings as to why He had left without discussing with them His purposed intent. In response to their queries, Jesus simply asked, "Do you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?"
At 12 years of age, maybe that answer would have been lacking somewhat. Nevertheless, I am sure that they now had a reality check - an aha moment -for both Mary and Jospeh knew the origin of His birth. And now we find Jesus expressing to his chosen parental guardians that He must be about His Father’s business.
All seed comes from God. One has to wait until the seed matures to behold the contents of the seed. The Spirit is of God. God is the Father of all spirits. In Jesus' case, He came forth from God. God’s own seed - inseparable. God and His Seed. God and His Word Jesus. One Spirit. One Word. One God. One Flesh. One Name. All the fullness of God dwelt in the man Jesus. Silence in Heaven until the Spirit of God in Christ said, "I must be about my Father’s business."
Think upon these words giving yourself wholly to them so that we with all our learning gain understanding too. Lord Jesus open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures. Peace to all who are in Jesus -- our One and Only Mediator. Stand in the offering plate.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Promised Seed of God - PART 127
In post 126, we spoke of two seeds, mentioning in particular the promised seed of God imparted into Eve. This seed is of a different blood line than that which now flowed in her veins, which as a result of the sin of disobedience to God’s Word, Eve’s blood had been polluted.
We proceed to bring to believers an understanding of Abraham, for he also was promised that in his seed (singular) would all the nations of the earth be blessed. Remember the miracle of Abraham? Upon reaching 100 years of age he was no longer capable of naturally producing offspring. At the same time, Sarah's womb sealed. But the promised seed came forth anyway. How? Because with God, nothing is impossible! Is there anything too hard for God?
The scriptures state that the things that God has promised, He is also able to perform. There is no shadow of the Lord turning away from His promise. God simply opens Sarah’s womb, and resurrected Abraham's natural capabilities. At the same time, God implanted into Abraham the promised male seed of a pure blood line.
Well, Isaac was the offspring from Abraham's natural resurrected seed. However Isaac was not the seed of promise. In Isaac's seed bank now dwelt the seeds of promise. Therefore, a new genealogical tree is presented in the Biblical record commencing with Abraham. The seeds travel from Isaac into Jacob, and so on until the time of the appearing of the promised seed. Establishing the promised bloodline of the seeds of the Spirit of God who appears as the Only begotten Son of God (begotten not begat). Appearing as the Word declares,"at the fullness of time God sent forth His Son."
The actual times of birth have been previously discussed in earlier posts should you be interested in finding out more. For the record though, December 25 has no scriptural foundation. December 25 being only a cunning act of demons in an effort to override the authoritative Word of God.
First, let me mention that Mary proclaimed that her spirit rejoiced in God HER Saviour. Mary was not the mother of God, for an Angel declared to Mary that holy baby that shall be born of her shall be called the SON of GOD!
Mary, questioned the angel concerning the events, and she was informed that the child conceived in her womb was the child of the Holy Ghost. In fact, the child was to be named Jesus. The angel even proclaimed the mission of Jesus was "to seek and to save His people from their sin."
For this child who was veiled in a body of flesh was in reality the Spirit of God manifested in flesh, being clothed in the womb of a surrogate. The two seeds of promise which were implanted into Eve and into Abraham had now arrived in Mary’s seed bank. These two seeds were brought together by the Holy Ghost. The fetus being the child of His holy Spirit was clothed in flesh -- the flesh of Adam’s sinful race of which flesh Mary herself was clothed with. Mary’s flesh had Adam’s sinful blood flowing in her veins. More to come. God bless!
We proceed to bring to believers an understanding of Abraham, for he also was promised that in his seed (singular) would all the nations of the earth be blessed. Remember the miracle of Abraham? Upon reaching 100 years of age he was no longer capable of naturally producing offspring. At the same time, Sarah's womb sealed. But the promised seed came forth anyway. How? Because with God, nothing is impossible! Is there anything too hard for God?
The scriptures state that the things that God has promised, He is also able to perform. There is no shadow of the Lord turning away from His promise. God simply opens Sarah’s womb, and resurrected Abraham's natural capabilities. At the same time, God implanted into Abraham the promised male seed of a pure blood line.
Well, Isaac was the offspring from Abraham's natural resurrected seed. However Isaac was not the seed of promise. In Isaac's seed bank now dwelt the seeds of promise. Therefore, a new genealogical tree is presented in the Biblical record commencing with Abraham. The seeds travel from Isaac into Jacob, and so on until the time of the appearing of the promised seed. Establishing the promised bloodline of the seeds of the Spirit of God who appears as the Only begotten Son of God (begotten not begat). Appearing as the Word declares,"at the fullness of time God sent forth His Son."
The actual times of birth have been previously discussed in earlier posts should you be interested in finding out more. For the record though, December 25 has no scriptural foundation. December 25 being only a cunning act of demons in an effort to override the authoritative Word of God.
First, let me mention that Mary proclaimed that her spirit rejoiced in God HER Saviour. Mary was not the mother of God, for an Angel declared to Mary that holy baby that shall be born of her shall be called the SON of GOD!
Mary, questioned the angel concerning the events, and she was informed that the child conceived in her womb was the child of the Holy Ghost. In fact, the child was to be named Jesus. The angel even proclaimed the mission of Jesus was "to seek and to save His people from their sin."
For this child who was veiled in a body of flesh was in reality the Spirit of God manifested in flesh, being clothed in the womb of a surrogate. The two seeds of promise which were implanted into Eve and into Abraham had now arrived in Mary’s seed bank. These two seeds were brought together by the Holy Ghost. The fetus being the child of His holy Spirit was clothed in flesh -- the flesh of Adam’s sinful race of which flesh Mary herself was clothed with. Mary’s flesh had Adam’s sinful blood flowing in her veins. More to come. God bless!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Don't Be Baited By False Teachings - PART 126
The Word of God reveals that even among yourselves shall men arise speaking perverse things in order to draw away from your congregations. How? For starters, this stealing away of the sheep is accomplished through enticing words. In short, they bait the trap. Paul forewarns of this in the scriptures. He said that some will call themselves apostles, while in reality they are demons and angels of darkness, transforming themselves and appearing as messengers of light.
The scriptures cite (as a precautionary measure) methods for increasing one's awareness of these satanic messengers. That is, if the preacher, pastor, evangelist, priest, or pope utter anything that is contradictory to the teaching of Jesus' spiritual words as revealed to His chosen apostles, (the apostles doctrine which He Himself confirmed as being His Word), then whoever falls short of this scripture should be removed. It is for this reason that we must examine ourselves and continue steadfastly in the apostles Holy Ghost teachings!
But the scriptures also state that the day of the Lord will not come, prior to a falling away from the original order of beliefs and doctrines that were delivered to the early believers. Therefore, we are commanded to watch that the day of the Lord does not open when we have been totally oblivious to the scriptural warnings!
For example, the scriptures state that certain happenings occur in the time period known as the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord in the Biblical context is not a 24 hour period. The day of the Lord is a period of time wherein events transpire. So therefore watch for that day in order that we are not found sleeping, or even worse, occupying a comfortable pew. We believers are debtors to a lost world! If one has lost their first love, then one ought now to arise and trim their oil lamp of faith.
Does the scripture declare that there is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and Man? YES! And that man is none other than the Lord Jesus the Christ! Jesus being the Only begotten Son of God, conceived by the holy Spirit of God. The two seeds i.e. male and female seeds were seeds promised of God. One of these seeds were implanted into the seed bank of Eve. God is on an agenda to redeem mankind through Himself from Adam’s sin which you and I are recipients of.
This promised seed that was implanted into Eve was not like Eve’s natural now fallen seed. No indeed. If it were of Eve’s natural fallen seed, then redemption would have been impossible! Eve’s blood line was now polluted. But the Spirit of God provided a new sinless blood SEED which passed from Eve into Seth, and continued down through the ages as is recorded in the genealogical presentation in your Bible. NOTE: We NOW have an introduction to a new blood line coming forth from the holy Spirit of God, as recorded in Acts 20 -- we were purchased back to God with the precious blood of His Spirit.
In previous presentations we followed this new blood line. In this presentation, we endeavour to impress on readers the authority of the Written Word whilst moving into the theme of there being only one mediator between God and Man.
Notice that scripturally, the idea of only one mediator between God and man opposes the doctrine that Mary is also a mediator. We will let the Word of God deal with those spiritual powers in high places. Allowing the potter’s Word to shape each of us into a vessel of honour is the most important message. Stand in the offering plate. Give God back the life that He has imparted into you. God bless!
The scriptures cite (as a precautionary measure) methods for increasing one's awareness of these satanic messengers. That is, if the preacher, pastor, evangelist, priest, or pope utter anything that is contradictory to the teaching of Jesus' spiritual words as revealed to His chosen apostles, (the apostles doctrine which He Himself confirmed as being His Word), then whoever falls short of this scripture should be removed. It is for this reason that we must examine ourselves and continue steadfastly in the apostles Holy Ghost teachings!
But the scriptures also state that the day of the Lord will not come, prior to a falling away from the original order of beliefs and doctrines that were delivered to the early believers. Therefore, we are commanded to watch that the day of the Lord does not open when we have been totally oblivious to the scriptural warnings!
For example, the scriptures state that certain happenings occur in the time period known as the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord in the Biblical context is not a 24 hour period. The day of the Lord is a period of time wherein events transpire. So therefore watch for that day in order that we are not found sleeping, or even worse, occupying a comfortable pew. We believers are debtors to a lost world! If one has lost their first love, then one ought now to arise and trim their oil lamp of faith.
Does the scripture declare that there is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and Man? YES! And that man is none other than the Lord Jesus the Christ! Jesus being the Only begotten Son of God, conceived by the holy Spirit of God. The two seeds i.e. male and female seeds were seeds promised of God. One of these seeds were implanted into the seed bank of Eve. God is on an agenda to redeem mankind through Himself from Adam’s sin which you and I are recipients of.
This promised seed that was implanted into Eve was not like Eve’s natural now fallen seed. No indeed. If it were of Eve’s natural fallen seed, then redemption would have been impossible! Eve’s blood line was now polluted. But the Spirit of God provided a new sinless blood SEED which passed from Eve into Seth, and continued down through the ages as is recorded in the genealogical presentation in your Bible. NOTE: We NOW have an introduction to a new blood line coming forth from the holy Spirit of God, as recorded in Acts 20 -- we were purchased back to God with the precious blood of His Spirit.
In previous presentations we followed this new blood line. In this presentation, we endeavour to impress on readers the authority of the Written Word whilst moving into the theme of there being only one mediator between God and Man.
Notice that scripturally, the idea of only one mediator between God and man opposes the doctrine that Mary is also a mediator. We will let the Word of God deal with those spiritual powers in high places. Allowing the potter’s Word to shape each of us into a vessel of honour is the most important message. Stand in the offering plate. Give God back the life that He has imparted into you. God bless!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Seed Is The Word of God - PART 125
The most unlikely place that one would suspect the anti Christ to come forth from would be from the church itself. As it is written, even of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves. The scriptures use the following analogy to relate the details. The farmer went out to sow the seed. As he sowed the seed (the seed being the Word of God), some seed fell by the wayside. Other seed fell on stony ground while still some more seed fell among the weeds. If we relate the seed to humans, then the scriptural message becomes clear. That is, not everyone who hears the Word of God shall enter into the kingdom of God. Indeed, only those individuals who hear the Word of God and do it are eligible to enter the Kingdom of God.
As we so often say in these postings - is the word of God coming to you or is the Word of God coming out from you? For if any one should consider themselves to be prophets or spiritual leaders, let them acknowledge that the Words spoken in the Biblical scriptures are the commandments of the Lord. Let it also be noted that the cornerstone of the church is Jesus -- the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit of God. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
The words that were spoken through the mouth of the Lord Jesus were the very Words of the Spirit of God who indwelt the man Jesus, reconciling the world of Adam’s sinful race to Himself. The scriptures state that salvation cannot be achieved in any other name. Salvation can only be obtained in the name Jesus. Why? Because His name -- the name of Jesus is above every other name in heaven and earth.
These points are intended to show people what the scriptures state. At the same time, these scriptural references will (hopefully) dissuade persons who may at this time be engulfed in traditional beliefs, contrary to the doctrinal beliefs that are accurate recorded in the scriptures!. These records are not a contradiction to the Words spoken by the Lord Himself. In fact, the scriptures state -- let God be true and every other a liar -- if they teach doctrines of men that are contrary to apostolic teaching. It is in this context that we find Anti Christ’s everywhere. Remember the seed analogy. Not everyone will hear the gospel.
It is the same with particular church teachings. Was Peter ever a pope? Of course not. Was Peter a married man? Yes he was. In fact, the scriptures state that Peter wife’s mother was sick and the Lord went and healed her. Did Peter greatly err in his conduct toward gentile believers? Yes indeed. Peter was so wrong that Paul the apostle chosen by Jesus to be an apostle to the gentiles withstood Peter face to face. As the scriptures point out,Peter was causing dissension amongst the believers.(Acts 15) Was Peter a pillar in the church? Paul describes it this way. When Paul and Barnabas went up to Jerusalem, they had a meeting with Peter, James and John who seemed to be pillars in the church, adding that whatsoever they were meant nothing to him. (Galatians 1)
Further, is there such a thing as apostolic succession? Not according to the written Word. In Acts I, as a result of Judas' betrayal another had to be chosen to fill his apostleship. So the 120 prayed and cast a vote as to who should be numbered with the other eleven apostles. Mathias was chosen. Note however that the requirement that preceded the vote -- the ones to be selected must have continued with them from Jesus baptism by John the Baptist. This makes apostolic succession or being a conduct of the early Christian church contrary to scriptural teachings. As the scriptures stated earlier, the teachings are either consistent with the scriptures or the teachings are not. When the teachings are not scripturally accurate, then it is a fair assessment to allege that it is a doctrine of anti Christ.
Save yourself from this untoward generation! Besides all of these so called addendum by false apostles, the written Word of the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Jesus sets the order in His own body by gifting each believer as He wills, for the edification of His own body! Recognize that Jesus is the Head and in all things. Jesus shall have the preeminence. Stand in the offering plate.
As we so often say in these postings - is the word of God coming to you or is the Word of God coming out from you? For if any one should consider themselves to be prophets or spiritual leaders, let them acknowledge that the Words spoken in the Biblical scriptures are the commandments of the Lord. Let it also be noted that the cornerstone of the church is Jesus -- the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit of God. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
The words that were spoken through the mouth of the Lord Jesus were the very Words of the Spirit of God who indwelt the man Jesus, reconciling the world of Adam’s sinful race to Himself. The scriptures state that salvation cannot be achieved in any other name. Salvation can only be obtained in the name Jesus. Why? Because His name -- the name of Jesus is above every other name in heaven and earth.
These points are intended to show people what the scriptures state. At the same time, these scriptural references will (hopefully) dissuade persons who may at this time be engulfed in traditional beliefs, contrary to the doctrinal beliefs that are accurate recorded in the scriptures!. These records are not a contradiction to the Words spoken by the Lord Himself. In fact, the scriptures state -- let God be true and every other a liar -- if they teach doctrines of men that are contrary to apostolic teaching. It is in this context that we find Anti Christ’s everywhere. Remember the seed analogy. Not everyone will hear the gospel.
It is the same with particular church teachings. Was Peter ever a pope? Of course not. Was Peter a married man? Yes he was. In fact, the scriptures state that Peter wife’s mother was sick and the Lord went and healed her. Did Peter greatly err in his conduct toward gentile believers? Yes indeed. Peter was so wrong that Paul the apostle chosen by Jesus to be an apostle to the gentiles withstood Peter face to face. As the scriptures point out,Peter was causing dissension amongst the believers.(Acts 15) Was Peter a pillar in the church? Paul describes it this way. When Paul and Barnabas went up to Jerusalem, they had a meeting with Peter, James and John who seemed to be pillars in the church, adding that whatsoever they were meant nothing to him. (Galatians 1)
Further, is there such a thing as apostolic succession? Not according to the written Word. In Acts I, as a result of Judas' betrayal another had to be chosen to fill his apostleship. So the 120 prayed and cast a vote as to who should be numbered with the other eleven apostles. Mathias was chosen. Note however that the requirement that preceded the vote -- the ones to be selected must have continued with them from Jesus baptism by John the Baptist. This makes apostolic succession or being a conduct of the early Christian church contrary to scriptural teachings. As the scriptures stated earlier, the teachings are either consistent with the scriptures or the teachings are not. When the teachings are not scripturally accurate, then it is a fair assessment to allege that it is a doctrine of anti Christ.
Save yourself from this untoward generation! Besides all of these so called addendum by false apostles, the written Word of the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Jesus sets the order in His own body by gifting each believer as He wills, for the edification of His own body! Recognize that Jesus is the Head and in all things. Jesus shall have the preeminence. Stand in the offering plate.
It Was Finished From the Beginning In The Lord's View - PART 124
The anti Christ(s) seem to be everywhere. However, as satan’s employees, they are extremely subtle. After all, the spirit of the devil is described as being the father of lies. Right from the garden of Eden, the devil opposed the Word of God. While in the temptation which transpired when the devil tempted the Lord, the devil always presented a twisted warped presentation of the written Word. Recall throughout that the Lord constantly reminded the devil of the truths of God which were written. The Word of God being not only accurate but unchangeable.
Down through the generations believers have endeavoured to express faith in the finished plan of God at Calvary. “It is finished was His cry.” This is why salvation is not a salvation of works. This salvation is the redemptive work of God Himself toward all sinners. For the Lord said that He came to seek and to save that which was lost.
For example, I was lost but I did not know that I was lost. I had followed the crowd on the broad way to destruction. Talk about deception! The devil spun the web and I was trapped. That is, until someone spoke the Word of God to me. It was then that the light switch was turned on. The light of the glorious gospel of God revealed in the face of Jesus. Like a day star -- the dawning of a better day -- light arising and the darkness gradually being dispelled.
It is for this reason that the Word of God is all powerful. The stony heart of unbelief being circumcised with the truths delivered by the Lord to the Apostles. These were truths that He had Himself chosen and their word (which of course did not deviate from) His Word. He confirmed the Word and by so doing established a Rock on which believers could take to the bank of heaven.
So, at what point does one no longer have a God approved right to authentically be called Christian? I would venture to suggest never. Certainly, if Christ is the Head of the Church which is His body, and Christ the Word is spoken by the Spirit through the mouth of the Head Jesus, then only those who are redeemed as a result of hearing His Word and continuing steadfastly therein ought to have the right to be described as Christian. All others who present a message that does not conform to the scriptures must be classified as anti Christ.
So, when one hears another say that there is such a place called purgatory - a place where one receives essentially a second chance to redeem him or herself -- then this is utter foolishness. It certainly is misrepresenting what the scriptures state in the written Word. Therefore, this type of latter message could only be presented by 1) someone who is an enemy of the gospel, or 2) by individuals who have never read the written Word, or 3) one who has been programmed in erroneous teachings.
Recall that when Peter opposed what Jesus said, Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get you behind me satan, for you savour not the things that be of God but the things that be of man."
It is ultimately your decision but taken together, purgatory is not a reality of God, but one created in the imaginations and minds of man. Indeed, the Lord Himself made no reference to such a place. Further, to even entertain that such a place did exist where we could redeem ourselves would be suggesting that what was accomplished on the cross by Jesus at Calvary was inadequate.
That the Blood of the Holy Ghost that flowed in the veins of the Lord Jesus, which flowed from the side of His marred body for man’s redemption was insufficient. But to those who accept Jesus, we understand the price that was paid on the cross. Jesus died in order that we might receive the gift of salvation.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Accept Jesus as Lord God and Saviour in your life today. Repent and be baptized in His name -- the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Stand firm in His teachings. Stand in the offering plate.
Down through the generations believers have endeavoured to express faith in the finished plan of God at Calvary. “It is finished was His cry.” This is why salvation is not a salvation of works. This salvation is the redemptive work of God Himself toward all sinners. For the Lord said that He came to seek and to save that which was lost.
For example, I was lost but I did not know that I was lost. I had followed the crowd on the broad way to destruction. Talk about deception! The devil spun the web and I was trapped. That is, until someone spoke the Word of God to me. It was then that the light switch was turned on. The light of the glorious gospel of God revealed in the face of Jesus. Like a day star -- the dawning of a better day -- light arising and the darkness gradually being dispelled.
It is for this reason that the Word of God is all powerful. The stony heart of unbelief being circumcised with the truths delivered by the Lord to the Apostles. These were truths that He had Himself chosen and their word (which of course did not deviate from) His Word. He confirmed the Word and by so doing established a Rock on which believers could take to the bank of heaven.
So, at what point does one no longer have a God approved right to authentically be called Christian? I would venture to suggest never. Certainly, if Christ is the Head of the Church which is His body, and Christ the Word is spoken by the Spirit through the mouth of the Head Jesus, then only those who are redeemed as a result of hearing His Word and continuing steadfastly therein ought to have the right to be described as Christian. All others who present a message that does not conform to the scriptures must be classified as anti Christ.
So, when one hears another say that there is such a place called purgatory - a place where one receives essentially a second chance to redeem him or herself -- then this is utter foolishness. It certainly is misrepresenting what the scriptures state in the written Word. Therefore, this type of latter message could only be presented by 1) someone who is an enemy of the gospel, or 2) by individuals who have never read the written Word, or 3) one who has been programmed in erroneous teachings.
Recall that when Peter opposed what Jesus said, Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get you behind me satan, for you savour not the things that be of God but the things that be of man."
It is ultimately your decision but taken together, purgatory is not a reality of God, but one created in the imaginations and minds of man. Indeed, the Lord Himself made no reference to such a place. Further, to even entertain that such a place did exist where we could redeem ourselves would be suggesting that what was accomplished on the cross by Jesus at Calvary was inadequate.
That the Blood of the Holy Ghost that flowed in the veins of the Lord Jesus, which flowed from the side of His marred body for man’s redemption was insufficient. But to those who accept Jesus, we understand the price that was paid on the cross. Jesus died in order that we might receive the gift of salvation.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Accept Jesus as Lord God and Saviour in your life today. Repent and be baptized in His name -- the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Stand firm in His teachings. Stand in the offering plate.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Day of the Lord Shall Come As Thief in Night - PART 123
Let's discuss today's so-called church. Is today's church, is there even a semblance of the early primitive believers? Certainly, many of the teachings and doctrines of today's so-called Christian churches totally contradict the scriptures which has been repeatedly declared by believers as being the sole authoritative truthful Word of God. The Holy Spirit of God confirmed with signs and wonders the reliability of His Word which was spoken through the mouths of Jesus' chosen apostles. These are the same apostles whom He declared to be His witnesses to the uttermost ends of the earth.
The question put forward to believers is this. Is the Word of God coming to you, or conversely, is the Word of God coming out from you ? If the word of God has changed then that would declare that God has changed, for the Scriptures declare that the Word of God is forever settled in Heaven. The scriptures further point out that if any man or woman should alter the Word which the Lord spoke, then he or she is accursed according to the Word of God. There is a reason why the scriptures declare that Jesus the Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. It is because God does not change. The Word of God was the Word of God in the past. The Word of God is the same in the present and will continue to be the Word of God in the future. And if this is so as the Biblical scriptures state, then we ought to receive it as so.
However, unfortunately, we are not fighting with flesh and blood. The problem is that we are fighting with spirit beings whose motivation is to win our soul. This explains why the warfare is constantly raging -- religious warfare and political warfare -- all at war one with the other -- as to who is right and who is wrong. In short, who programmed you? For when you were born, you were born with a blank slate into a beautiful world. In fact this world is the best place you or I have ever been even if it is the only place we've experienced.
Designed by dumb matter which did not create intelligent life, human kind is endeavouring to force feed this type of stupidity on to the next generation. But the Bible states that it is better that a millstone were hung around their neck for altering the truth. Certainly, if I were the one who created this wonderful world with all its manifold blessing and you attributed my workmanship to another, well, I might be a little concerned about your motivations.
Presently, here in Toronto, there is a book presenting that the Roman Catholic religion was right. The author professes to be Roman Catholic in his beliefs. Note the distinction here between Catholic and Roman Catholic. For instance, I am a member of the Catholic church (people) of Jesus. The Catholic church of believers has its Head as JESUS in heaven. It is Jesus' church (people) being a universal church. Alternatively, the Roman Catholic church has its Head in Rome. Equally important, the Scriptures which were delivered by Jesus, who is the Word of God veiled in flesh is and always will be the only authority. In the Word alone, one will find safety, certainty and enjoyment. It is also in the Word that people find salvation.
In this context, I suggest to the author of this new book that the entrance of the Word as is was written by those who saw, heard and touched Jesus is the only source for finding salvation. Jesus is and was God incarnate. Still, we were forewarned of people who would come and try to preach another gospel. Jesus said that many would come in His name asserting that they are Christians. But if they do not speak according to this word believe them not. For to love God is to similarly love His Word. Continue in my Word and then you shall be my disciples indeed.
The question put forward to believers is this. Is the Word of God coming to you, or conversely, is the Word of God coming out from you ? If the word of God has changed then that would declare that God has changed, for the Scriptures declare that the Word of God is forever settled in Heaven. The scriptures further point out that if any man or woman should alter the Word which the Lord spoke, then he or she is accursed according to the Word of God. There is a reason why the scriptures declare that Jesus the Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. It is because God does not change. The Word of God was the Word of God in the past. The Word of God is the same in the present and will continue to be the Word of God in the future. And if this is so as the Biblical scriptures state, then we ought to receive it as so.
However, unfortunately, we are not fighting with flesh and blood. The problem is that we are fighting with spirit beings whose motivation is to win our soul. This explains why the warfare is constantly raging -- religious warfare and political warfare -- all at war one with the other -- as to who is right and who is wrong. In short, who programmed you? For when you were born, you were born with a blank slate into a beautiful world. In fact this world is the best place you or I have ever been even if it is the only place we've experienced.
Designed by dumb matter which did not create intelligent life, human kind is endeavouring to force feed this type of stupidity on to the next generation. But the Bible states that it is better that a millstone were hung around their neck for altering the truth. Certainly, if I were the one who created this wonderful world with all its manifold blessing and you attributed my workmanship to another, well, I might be a little concerned about your motivations.
Presently, here in Toronto, there is a book presenting that the Roman Catholic religion was right. The author professes to be Roman Catholic in his beliefs. Note the distinction here between Catholic and Roman Catholic. For instance, I am a member of the Catholic church (people) of Jesus. The Catholic church of believers has its Head as JESUS in heaven. It is Jesus' church (people) being a universal church. Alternatively, the Roman Catholic church has its Head in Rome. Equally important, the Scriptures which were delivered by Jesus, who is the Word of God veiled in flesh is and always will be the only authority. In the Word alone, one will find safety, certainty and enjoyment. It is also in the Word that people find salvation.
In this context, I suggest to the author of this new book that the entrance of the Word as is was written by those who saw, heard and touched Jesus is the only source for finding salvation. Jesus is and was God incarnate. Still, we were forewarned of people who would come and try to preach another gospel. Jesus said that many would come in His name asserting that they are Christians. But if they do not speak according to this word believe them not. For to love God is to similarly love His Word. Continue in my Word and then you shall be my disciples indeed.
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