Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Day of the Lord Shall Come - PART 121

THE DAY OF THE LORD SHALL COME. The Lord is coming back to take to Himself a people that He, in His all knowing wisdom chose before the foundation of the earth. This is a people formed of God for His own name’s sake. A people called by His name. The Jesus people. The name of Jesus being the name which is above every other name in Heaven or on earth. (Acts 4:12)

In the beginning, God was creating a visible universe, a creation which would totally and fully display Himself, in created form. Remember that God is Spirit. Of course, we cannot see Spirit so God, after consulting with Himself set the counsel of His all knowing mind into created form. Last of all in this endeavour, God made man of the very dust of the earth, breathing into man the breath of life. Indeed, man at least prior to Adam's fall was made a living soul. After the fall of Adam however, Adam died spiritually and as a consequence was sent out from the Garden of Eden.

God’s plan, at least initially appeared to have gone askew. But note that the plan only went askew in our spiritually dead minds. Just as one would not want to be a robot, one does not like their independence taken from them either. Thus, just as humans today have no intention of surrendering their independence (at least until they take a last breath) neither do individuals enjoy someone else making decisions for them. We are born free. As such, we wish to stay free. Just as western nations have freedom of religion entrenched in their Constitutions (note the emphasis placed on Freedom) there are some that would be desirous to deprive us of these rights. In fact, one must always have the right to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Why? Because we are all on a one way ticket in this journey! God said choose you today who you will serve!

This ability to make decisions freely has not changed since Adam and Eve. At least not Biblically. You see, when God breathed His breath, then man had life from God! Let me repeat this again. In man the breath of life from God did dwell. Eve was taken from Adam. She was bone of Adam’s bone and her flesh of Adam's flesh. These two people combined, in the eyes of God were and are one flesh. Indeed, Adam loved Eve so much that the scriptures advocated for the protection of wife and family from evil. If evil was an issue, then man in this instance ought to be willing to lay down his life for them inasmuch as they are his offspring.

This love between a man and woman is multiplied and amplified that many more times with God. Indeed, God loves His creation! God made us not as earthen statues but like God, capable of making rational decisions. However, as described in Genesis, the enemy came in like a flood and Adam along with Eve, bought the lie. So, as a result, the human race - us essentially - were sent to the school of hard knocks, where hopefully the enemy Satan who bit our father Adam does not bite Adam’s offspring. Wishful thinking? Perhaps, because that never happened. We and future generations as a consequence of the Garden were bitten also.

Initially, as described in detail in Genesis, Eve was Adams bride. As such, we were also intended to be the Bride of Christ, who is God as a Son coming forth from the bosom of God. The spiritual Son of God and in whose image the first Adam was made an earthly image. God’s purpose was to sacrifice Himself for His bride, and this bride, which is the spiritual body of Christ. We are the bride that He comes back to receive to Himself.

The question that must be asked the is this. Are you in the Church (Body of Christ)? Are you sure you are a member of the Saviour's bride? Have you been baptized by water and Spirit into His body there to evermore abide? Forthwith, there came forth from Christ side both blood and water claiming redemption for all who believe, who were taken from His side to be His bride, the wife of the youth of God creation, taken from Christ's side, even as Eve was taken from Adam’s.
This is the reason He returns to earth to reclaim His bride. The message is clear. We as humans could not go to where He was so instead He came to us. His love for His bride found a way. Jesus is calling you. Come home today! Peace be upon the true Israel of God who alone is the seed of Christ

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