When God said to Abraham that in his seed would all the nations of the earth be blessed, God used the singular. God did not use the plural version as if He were going to bless His creation through many. No indeed. God explicitly limited the blessing to one seed, saying that in that one seed only would all the people on earth be blessed. It is written that Abraham believed God and that Abraham’s belief in the Word of God was counted to him as righteousness.
Herein lies the key of blessings obtainable through simple belief in what God declares. Faith in God’s promises which in turn ushers in a gift of right standing with God. Abraham simply believed what God said. His faith was expressed in believing that God was going to provide a seed, and in that seed all the inhabitants of the earth would and could be blessed. Believe and receive. As the saying goes -- Know Jesus and Know peace. If there is No Jesus, there is No peace.
This seed is not a seed of Adam's fallen sinful race, having Adam's tainted blood flowing in the seed veins. Oh no. This promised seed was the seed of the Spirit of God, who created all things. This seed has the very blood of the Holy Spirit flowing in His veins. This is a Holy precious seed coming forth from the bosom of the Spirit of God and in this one seed, through faith in God’s word pertaining to the potential kinetic blessing within that seed to one and all (i.e. the fruit of the seed of blessing). To every individual who reaches out in true faith to become even as Abraham was - declared righteous - as a gift of God, through his or her expressed faith.
God is no respecter of persons. God is a rewarder of all those who diligently seek Him. God will reward all who express a similar faith in the promised seed of the Holy Spirit - this seed is none other than the Lord Jesus the Christ. God has declared there is no one righteous. All have inherited sin, and similarly, all have fallen short of God’s purpose. Therefore, God provides a seed - a seed is God Himself. For in this seed there is life and that life is the life that made all things. Apart from this life seed, this life seed was the beginning of the creation of God. This seed was as a lamb slain before the foundation of the earth. This seed was now to be manifested in the flesh, and then crucified in order that all who believe in Jesus the life seed could receive the blessing. This blessing which the scriptures refer to as eternal life!
For truly Jesus is the tree of life which was typified in the Garden of Eden, and forbidden during that period of time to be eaten. But now, God says to the whosoever that they may come and eat of the fruit of the tree of life -- Jesus. For Jesus has said, "Come and dine." For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed. Truly, what the life seed of promise suffered on Calvary’s cross was all sufficient to cleanse all sin, and to heal all sickness and disease. As pointed out in earlier versions, the life and death of Jesus is not transubstantiation as some religious organizations promote.
Rather, Jesus is the life giving seed of promise. The Gift of God is eternal life. You cannot work to obtain this gift. There is no prerequisite. why? Because Jesus said to come just as we are. Jesus the seed of Life came not to condemn people but that the people of Adam’s fallen race could be resurrected from the drudgery of sin and be made whole in every aspect of their life. It is for this reason that we should not let anyone come, between us and God. No priest, no pope, no Mary, no preacher, no rabbi, etc. There is only one Mediator between God and man and that is none other than the God man -- Lord Jesus the Christ! The "whosoever" in the Biblical scriptures refers to you and me. Call upon the name of the Lord which is Jesus so that ye shall be saved. God approves this message.
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