God who is now attired in a body of sin prone flesh went about delivering a message that the first Adam should have embraced. If Adam had embraced God’s words of instruction, then all of his descendants would have been spared tears, agonies, pains, sickness, and death. But man was in free fall. Not evolving. No sir. Man was descending into a pit. Man was created by God for God. Man without friendly fellowship with God is empty, just like the earth before God took it upon Himself to furnish it. Prior to God stepping in to furnish the earth it is said that the earth was without form and void. In the beginning, Adam was alone in the garden. It was God who observed that Adam was lonely. It was also God who made a companion for Adam, a woman to dwell with him. The woman was made of his own flesh.
Just as in the early days of Adam and Eve, God knows what we have need of even before we ask. Why? Because God is a good God. Indeed, God has a plan for man. As the scriptures state, eye has not seen, neither has ear heard of the things that God has in store for man. But we also need to understand God's plan of salvation.
God who is Spirit descends into mans’ hopeless situation by preparing a natural body for Himself. This body was to be born of a young virgin girl named Mary. The life that was to indwell that body was not a seed from Adam’s fallen sinful race. The reason for this is that Adam sinned. From this point on, we inherited his fallen nature. But the life that was to indwell in Mary's body was to be a life conceived by the Holy Spirit of God. A Spiritual Life of God Himself as a Son. Jesus - God with us, appearing as a man for indeed He was a man in all respects. He was born as a man. God was going to sacrifice His own sinless body. By so doing, God is purchasing back to Himself His own creation as if they had never sinned. In other words, one man’s sin condemned us. One man’s righteousness redeems us.
It is in this context that Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself for us. There is no more sacrifice for sin. Our debt has been paid in full. The Gift of God is eternal life. Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved. Sin still lies at the door of your life. Choose life. In so doing, God will put your life back on track. God wants to make a new creation in you. God is going to walk up and down inside of you, fellowshipping with you, and making you a whole new person. You will be cleansed by the Blood of God’s Holy Spirit’s blood that flowed in Jesus veins. His blood was shed for us. It is for this reason that we are free. You are now the Temple of God, in which He is pleased to dwell. Christ in You.
Stand in the Offering Plate. Be baptised into Jesus death and be filled with His Spirit! God bless you as you cut the cord with this fallen adamic sin cursed race!
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