The day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night. The scriptures state ... and while the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. It is for this reason that the scriptures present signposts - that when one sees these things coming to pass, then they/we will know that summer is nigh. Just as one can discern the face of the sky, the Word states that we should similarly be able to discern the signs of the times. (Jesus speaks of these days in Matthew 24)
Therein, the Lord Jesus shares that in the same way He who was taken up, He shall come in like manner to gather His people! The scriptural account of Jesus' resurrection refers to a cloud receiving Him out of the apostles' sight. In a similar context, it is said that the Lord comes with clouds, and every eye shall see Him and those also which pierced Him.
The difficulty we have as humans (with our limited understanding) is that with the Lord a thousand years is one day. Still, what we can understand is that the Lord Jesus has already come into the hearts of believers, for they have already been resurrected as far as the inward man is concerned. While believers had (the key word being had) been alienated from God as a result of Adam’s original sin, now he or she has been reconciled.
Note that it was for this reason that God declared peace and good will to all, so that this current dispensation of grace -- the new testament could be ushered in.
But within the transition of salvation, we see the outward man perish while the inward man is renewed daily by and through the power of the Spirit of God, residing within them. This is where the expression "born again" comes from, because believers in Jesus by faith are made brand new, washed clean from the sins and transgressions that separated them from eternal life.
But now, they have been born again or born from above or simply born anew of God. These believers are now a habitation of God in the Spirit -- the temple of the Spirit of God, in which God Himself is pleased to dwell.
Those believers who have experienced this new birth are awaiting with expectancy the appearing of their great God and their only Saviour the Lord Jesus the Christ. At which time the trumpet of the Lord will sound, and all those who have died in faith will rise to meet the Lord. Those believers who are alive at the time of the Lord’s appearance will also be changed in a moment -- in the twinkling of an eye.
And, within this going to meet their King -- the King of kings and Lord of lords, all those who believed will be clothed in a new garment fitted in a form which will never die -- for death will no longer hold any sting. In that moment, the grave will have lost its seeming victory, (the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin being the law) This is the first resurrection from the domain of the grave.
This presentation hopefully permits a brief perusal of what will be forthcoming, and I sincerely hope that it is received as only a preliminary thrust, stirring faith to arise within our hearts. In the meantime, we are all only one heart beat from eternity. Each one of us has an appointment with death. Therefore, we ought to pack our suitcase, for in reality no man knows the day or the hour in which his or her soul will be required of God.
In the interim, make Jesus your personal Saviour today. Study His Word and get to know the Author and Finisher of your salvation. Rejoice evermore and pray for His wisdom and knowledge and strength. Let the peace of Jesus bubble up within you, and be glad for every day that the Lord hath made.
Stand in the offering plate, offering yourself to Jesus -- knowing that He will never fail you -- and do everything that you do in word or deed, in the precious name of Jesus.
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