Our Father which art in Heaven. God fathered all things, even the life bearing seed that brought forth our very being. God’s wisdom created you and I but we are much more than an outward shell. For God breathed into man the breath of life. As a consequence, man became a living soul. But sin got in the way. So the plan of God seems to have been put on hold. However, this is the outcome only as man viewed it. But not with God. For with God there are no surprises.
God knows all things. It was like an intentional blip in order for God's intentional plan to be manifest down through the ages. Just as a woman cannot bear all her children at once, so is God’s plan. Over time the earth would be furnished with people. His created family made in His likeness and image. God’s plan was to create a natural world that is the exact expression of the spiritual world. The unseen world, to be manifest in form, all of its inhabitants sinless. God Himself in form is to be the One Head of this creation. Recall that Jesus said to Phillip, "He that has seen Me, has seen the Father." For Jesus is the Spiritual Word of God veiled in Adam's prone to sin flesh.
Eve was taken from Adam. Both were referred to in the scriptures as being one flesh(Adams flesh). So it is with the Word of God. That same Word that was with God now comes forth from God. It is not a different word, but the very same word. It is the same word that had created all things. This coming forth of the Word of God from the loins of God. We call Him the Second Adam, who is the Lord Himself. This Spiritual Word was in God’s redemptive plan to be veiled in flesh, clothed in fashion like the first created Adam, and restricted to all the frailties of Adam’s sinful flesh. This veil, or covering, He had received from / in the womb of Mary’s sinful flesh. That holy being that shall be born through you Mary shall be called the Son of God. God manifest in the flesh as a created fleshly Son. All the Fullness of the Godhead which is the Spiritual Word of God did dwell within that sinful flesh.
The Seed Word of God now veiled in flesh in the form of sinful man. God’s plan to redeem man by the sacrifice of Jesus' veil of prone to sin flesh body, taken from Mary’s generational sinful flesh, which flesh although prone to sin, did not yield to sin. His prone to sin flesh was tempted in all points, like as we are, yet without sin. For inside that body did dwell the very Seed of God Himself, which Seed is the Spiritual Word of God.
In Ephesians, we read that a man ought to love his wife as his own body, for indeed she is his flesh. Again in Ephesians, this love affair, is an illustration of the love of Christ for the Church. God in created form having the breath of God indwelling but now as a result of sin His creation is no longer capable of demonstrating God’s likeness. For we are / were created in the image of God, an earthly image, but inwardly, living souls. We were created for a purpose and that purpose was to be an earthly expression of God. We were deceived by God’s would be usurper. We became exposed to and enticed by Satan’s plan to derail God’s agenda. For God had planned that man who was the express image of Himself in created form would be set over the very works of God’s own Hands.
God’s plan is on track. It is time to board the love train for many have never heard the gospel message. This is God’s invitation to you today. It is time to get on board. “Stand in the Offering Plate." God bless!
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