My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Jesus was nailed to the cross for you and me. Indeed, on the cross crucified it was for me that He died. He was nailed to the cross for me. Jesus said, that if He were to be lifted up (crucified) He would draw all men to Him.
The message to note is that God is love. And truly has He loved. As such, we ought to love Him too and trust in His redeeming love. Yes, He sought us, and He bought us with His own redeeming blood. This God who loved us so much is Spirit, filling the heavens and the earth. As the scriptures state, it is in God that we live and move, and in God we have our very being.
Indeed, God created us in the image of Himself as a Son. In fact Adam was perfect before God. In the garden, God made them male and female, complete with seed within themselves. As a consequence, Adam and Eve (male and female) were capable of procreating. The seed life was given to them of God. So in effect, we plant the seed which is God given. Then we wait nine months for the harvest.
It is then that we receive our beautiful offspring derived from the seed which God imparted. The seed was clothed in the womb, bearing feature semblance to their parental guardians, who lovingly shield and protect their God given offspring until maturity. At maturity, the offspring desire to spread their wings, adventurously stepping into the un-chartered waters of life. The offspring in reality were the product of the life given seed imparted by God into His creation.
Yes, God fathered everyone of us regardless. Why? Because God had a plan. The dilemma that emerged is that plan seemingly went askew. Or so we thought. But in actuality, the plan was on the right track. God was laying out the plan which He alone scripted. As the scriptures outline, the plan gradually rolls out from generation to generation. The earth being the womb in which the plan of God would be brought to maturity.
The analogy that comes to mind is a child in the womb, tended by motherly love. The child is growing within the womb. Each child born into this world starts with a blank slate of a brain. Each individual brain requiring to be introduced into care, nurture and admonition of the Lord whose seed the offspring really were. We were all born into a world which displays God in a created form. We are to be the inhabitants of this God created world.
Still, we are in a rebellious sin cursed body and if left, we shall never inhabit this world. God simply would never allow it. (we die ) yet in this fallen state God allows us to be introduced to His wonderful handiworks. He does so while at the same time we are distracted and pulled upon by some others to deny God.
They plant thoughts and deeds pedaling to us that dumb matter created by itself all of this wisdom. Remember the scriptures that state, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God. " And the world by worldly wisdom cannot bear the pain of how little they know in comparison to the manifest wisdom of God’s displayed wisdom. So God’s plan marches on until the plan unfolds a little further. The unveiling of the wisdom of the child in the womb of the earth progresses.
Although the child's progress in the womb of the earth seems to be stonewalled by religion, wars and anti God rhetoric producing premature birth pains and even abortions of truth sending another generation into hopelessness, God is not willing that any should perish. However, we are so gullible, so programmed, we fall for it all the time, Even when the stop sign reads, "Taste and see that God is good." It is time! Get in on God’s plan the seed within you cries out for God.
God is the Father of Spirits. You are a Spirit being in a flesh covered body. Cut the cord with the world. Be Still and Know that I AM God. Stand in the Offering Plate. God Bless!
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