Who is My mother and My brethren?
This is the question that Jesus asked, according to the scriptures. Jesus asked those who had informed Him that His mother and His brethren were outside desiring to speak with Him. It was then that Jesus asked the question of the crowd. “Who is My mother and My brethren?" Imagine such a question being asked of the audience. Indeed, as a reader, a question like this sounds baffling to the audience, inasmuch, as they understood His mother and His brethren were standing outside.
Before we discuss the response, let's work through the scriptural references first.
We have said so often that Jesus is the Seed of the holy Ghost. The only Begotten Son of God and yet Jesus was not begat. The Spirit of the Holy One God, planted the promised Seed firstly into the Seed bank of Eve (who is the mother of all living) and then later the Spirit of the Holy One. God planted a promised seed into Abraham's seed bank, declaring to Abraham that this seed now implanted into his seed bank would be the seed that all nations of the earth would be blessed. Therefore, Abraham because of this Seed which is the Seed of the Holy Ghost, will become a father of many nations.
God, who is Spirit fathered the child of promise, who is the Seed of the Holy Ghost and who bears the Name JESUS, which is the name of God Himself our Saviour. Jesus came forth from a surrogate mother Mary. Jesus, being born of Mary was conceived within her by the workings of the Holy Ghost whilst she was a virgin. Jesus being her firstborn. Admittedly, Mary had other sons to Joseph her espoused husband, but none of Mary’s other children were related to Jesus in any fashion. The blood in Jesus' veins was the Life giving Blood of the Holy Ghost. Whereas, in Mary’s other offspring conceived through Joseph, the bloodline was of Adam.
It is for this reason that JESUS is the WORD of the Spirit of the One Holy God. One cannot separate God from His Own Word. The Words spoken by JESUS were the WORDS of the Spirit of the One Holy God, who as a result of the conception of Jesus, was now indwelling in that holy thing brought forth from Mary’ sin prone body. As a result of the Holy Ghost fetus being clothed in Mary's body, then that sin prone flesh, permitted Jesus to be tempted in all points even as we are!
Jesus therefore, was in the world but He was NOT of the world. He was God Himself, veiled in sinful flesh, or God manifest in the flesh. For one purpose was the Son of God manifest. That is, to destroy the works of the devil. The Spirit of the One Holy God named Jesus is going to sacrifice His veil of sin prone flesh. He never did sin simply because the One who indwelt Jesus, being the Spirit of the Holy One God is much greater than man's enemy satan.
Indeed, JESUS is a Priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec who is without father, without mother… and without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life! Our spiritual mother is the Word of God which is our bread of Life and milk of the word of truth whereby we grow in grace and knowledge of our great God Jesus.
May the SEED of the Holy Ghost, JESUS bless you, from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof -- 24/7. Peace to all in Jesus' Name! Stand in the offering pla
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