Friday, June 29, 2012


There is no other Name whereby men and women can be saved. (Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:90 

There is a reason for this. God is One Spirit. He that descended is the same as He that ascended. For it was none other than God Himself who was veiled  in sinful flesh whilst in the womb of His surrogate mother who herself was a descendant of Abraham's sin prone flesh. In other words, God did not send another to bring salvation to you and I. God came Himself. Indeed, JESUS was the conceived SEED of  the Holy Spirit. For as the scriptures state, in JESUS, it pleased God that all the fullness of His Godhead should dwell bodily. The SEED of Christ then is that spiritual which was manifest in the flesh (Christ). It is this same Seed in which all believing nations of the earth can be blessed.

As the scriptures declare JESUS is God with us. JESUS is also declared to be the Word of God, which was with God, but now is with us. JESUS then is the Word of God. This is why the people pressed toward JESUS. To hear the Word of God. Further, JESUS is the same Word that was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him. So if someone were to ask - who is the Word of God? The answer here is JESUS! Without JESUS who is the same Word that was with God in the beginning there is nothing made that was made. For the Word of God is the beginning of all things. The very worlds were framed by the Word of God. As we read in Genesis, God spoke and lo’ it came to pass.

Similarly, JESUS' Word was with power but JESUS is also the power and wisdom of God. Yes, all that God is was revealed in the face of JESUS. How do we know this? Never a man spoke like this man spoke. Why even the winds and the sea obeyed Him. He fed the multitude from five loaves and two small fish. He cast out evil demonic spirits with a Word. He healed all that would come to Him.

John declares that if all the things that JESUS began both to do and to say were to be written, the world and universe would not be able to contain all the books that would be necessary. But do note that sufficient scripture was written so that you and I might believe in our hearts that JESUS is the Christ the Son of the living God!

JESUS - the name above every other name in Heaven and on earth. For God declared that salvation could not be found in any other name. God was manifest in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil who is the reason there is sin, sickness and disease in the world. These are not of God. For God is not willing that any should perish but rather that all men should be saved. For God so loves you that He willingly sacrificed His life as a Son in order that we might be saved.

The blood coming forth from JESUS' veins at Calvary was the life giving blood of the Holy Spirit, who fathered the man JESUS. God laid down His life for us. He uttered these Words. It is finished. The price of man's redemption has been paid in full. As such, there is no more sacrifice for sin. 

Thomas declared to JESUS these words, ‘My Lord and My God!’ JESUS is Lord over all. Come to the Lord today and thank Him for His sacrifice on your behalf! Peace to all.

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