God who at different times and in various manners has spoken to men has now in these last days spoken to us in His Son. For God was in the man JESUS the Christ. That means JESUS is the very Son of the Holy Spirit. The embryo was the seeds of the Holy Spirit, and in that embryo did dwell all the fullness of God. Note the word fullness. Not a part of God but rather everything that God is, was found in the embryo. For the embryo is God Himself as a Son!
Further, God is the Father of all natural life imparted into the seed bank of all. The features take on the appearance of their parents clothed in flesh. However, as one matures, the offspring can take on a different lifestyle and mindset. For example, in the scriptures, Adam and Eve brought forth two sons - one became a murderer and the other religious.
JESUS was the SEED of the holy Spirit. The SEED of God has a totally different nature from that of Adam’s sin prone race. And yet, in your veins flows the blood of Adam’s sin prone race. The difference is that in Jesus' veins flowed the life of the Holy Spirit!
Indeed, the embryo of the Holy Spirit was clothed upon in flesh in the womb of a surrogate mother named Mary. Because Mary was a descendant of Abraham, JESUS took on the same features of Abraham's natural seed, which seed by the way was totally sin prone in the same fashion as all of Adam’s seed inherit.
All of this came to pass so that we would know one thing. That is God so loved the world -- you and I so much -- that God was willing to sacrifice Himself as the ‘Only Begotten Son.' JESUS being the ‘Lamb of God.'
No, not like Abraham who was going to sacrifice his son as an offering as we read in the Old Testament. And no, this is not God sacrificing someone else on His behalf. This is God sacrificing ‘Himself as a Son‘ for us! Why? Because Adam's sin prone blood could never reconcile man back to a place of fellowship with God.
When God declared that there was none righteous, no not even one, it was the reality. Yes, even worse than Sodom, for God did find in Sodom some persons that could still be considered righteous. But in this case, God was unable to find even one that was righteous. So God Himself made a way when there was no way. How did God do this? Well, according to the scriptures, God raised up of Himself a Saviour, who is ‘God with us as a Son’ (the Lord even JESUS) fathered by the Holy Spirit. JESUS -- the child of God.
The scriptures reveal all of these things to us. Nowhere in the scriptures is a reference made that states God is three distinct and separate persons. This type of religious doctrine is a product of the so called church fathers from 300/400 AD but has no scriptural basis. This is why we are encouraged to read the scriptures -- so that we are aware of the truth contained within the gospel.
It should also be noted that the only New Testament manuscripts found are written in Greek. There are no Hebrew manuscripts. Why? Because none exist. Moreover, nowhere in the Greek manuscripts is there a reference made to ‘yeshua.’
This is in fact a distorted product of the Jews who have always, down through the ages, endeavoured to take your minds and hearts away from the Only One who could and did become man's Saviour. The same Saviour who bears the given name JESUS. The same Saviour who is the embodiment of the Word of God.
Apart from JESUS, who is the child SEEDED by the Spirit of God, salvation is unobtainable. Jesus is the only name under Heaven whereby men and women can be saved. JESUS being the ‘Lord of Glory’ who we crucified. Peace to all!
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