In the last days, perilous times shall come. The scriptures state that men will be lovers of their own selves and shall heap to themselves their own teachers. Indeed, men will no longer be able to endure sound doctrine. This will lead them to depart from this faith that was once (and only once) delivered of God to mankind as the only means of salvation.
As a consequence, men are laying aside the teachings of the Lord of glory that are outlined in the New Testament. Instead, people are aligning themselves to the same doctrines of the church -- that which the so-called church fathers conjured up of themselves in the period 300 to 400 AD.
Unfortunately, even today, these doctrines are presented to church congregations even though the doctrines taught are in direct opposition to the Word of the Holy Spirit. Contrary to the sound doctrine beginning at Jerusalem and confirmed of God to be His authoritative Words of the New Testament which now are set down at the right hand of God.
But the Bible also states to save ourselves from such deception for many are being deceived unawares. For if one denies the teaching of the gospel of JESUS the Christ contained only in the parchments -- written only in Greek (none in Hebrew) -- they would quite easily be susceptible to believing lies. This is why we are encouraged as believers to search the scriptures. For if these "teachers" speak not according to this Word, it is because there is within them no knowledge of scripture. It is also because they went out from the apostolic teachings confirmed of God. Instead, they started the deeds of the Nicolaitians which God hates.
However, those believers who have received the Word of God by entering as the Holy Spirit bids in Acts 2:37- 42 can now endeavour to continue steadfastly in the Holy Spirit teaching being led by the indwelling Spirit of Christ. It is He who is bringing the New Testament scripture to abound within them and in the process of believing God‘s New Testament, the words bring forth much consolation. We recognize that the Word of God has not originated within us, but has been delivered to us by His chosen apostles, who alone are His witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Mark chapter 1:1 confirms this point. It states, "The beginning of the gospel of JESUS the Christ." Yes, we have a beginning and later on we read in the scriptures that "it is finished." Notice this is the beginning of the gospel -- the first words -- of JESUS the Christ. What is His name? Who are we talking about?
First, the name is Jesus (Immanuel, meaning God with us ). There is no other name presented whereby men and women can be saved. Such is the case in all the records within the New Testament scriptures -- recorded in Greek but never in Hebrew. So why did some group conjure up YESHUA? Certainly, there is no justification for such a rendering. Recall that the Jews said to Pilate, "Do not write that name JESUS!" So the sign of the times, as alluded to above, is only a continuance of the past. Like then, there are those who even today cannot bear to hear the Name of JESUS who is the child of the Holy Spirit, His Father.
Still, as foretold in the Old Testament, His name was to be called JESUS. Why? Because there is no salvation in any other name! Read Acts 2:37-42. Stand in the Offering Plate!
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