If any man or angel presents a different gospel other than that which was preached, then let them be accursed, saith the scriptures. The background to this is worth noting. Paul the apostle was chosen by the Lord JESUS to bear His name among the nations.
We also know from the scriptures that Paul was chosen of God to be His apostle to the Gentiles. Paul declared that the gospel that he preached did not unfold from man’s wisdom. Neither, as Paul states, "was I taught by man." In other words, Paul asserted that he did not receive the gospel of man. Rather he received the gospel from God by means of revelation. In short, Paul was asserting that the Word of God was coming to him not from him.
All this to affirm Paul's statement to one and all. That is, "if any one think of himself as a prophet or spiritual then they had better acknowledge that the things that I write are the commandments of God."
At the time, Paul was well aware how he had been entrapped by the religion of his day. Indeed, Paul was so engulfed that he - like many today - think/thought they were doing God a great service by killing anyone with an alternative mindset other than theirs. Obviously, they had never heard or read the scriptures that state men (and women) must be allowed to work out his/her destiny in fear and trembling. Instead, Paul (formerly known as Saul) became a radical terrorist killer, throwing believers of the JESUS persuasion into prison.
Who would ever have thought that God would say to a disciple that Paul was a chosen vessel to bear His name JESUS to the Gentiles? God has a people -- a people that God foreknew before the very foundation of the earth. Similarly, in the good news gospel, it is written that God chose the foolish to confound the worldly wisdom of men.
Yes, the good news gospel! Even though our sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. For those who were foreknown of God, He has purchased and redeemed back to Himself the sacrifice of His own body. JESUS being the child conceived of the Holy Spirit and none other than ‘God Himself as a Son.‘ God with us, as the Bible states. God with us who willingly laid down His sinless life as payment in full for His people that He foreknew at no cost whatsoever to them.
For the gift of God is eternal life. God’s prescription is that you and I believe upon His name -- JESUS -- because there is no redemptive salvation under Heaven in any other name!
We are not talking about churches here. As an institution, religious traditions cannot save man. Why? Because as the scriptures state, their candlestick has been removed. Therefore, redemptive salvation is not through a church or by you adhering to long-standing institutional traditions and doctrines -- which unfortunately, in many instances are the same teachings invented by the church fathers of 300 / 400 AD. What is important is that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon believers on the day of Pentecost. The first message was delivered and recorded in Acts 2. Here, the people were told to repent and be baptized into the name of JESUS! Like you, they asked the disciples what must they do. The response can be found in Acts 2:37-42. Read these scriptures for your edification and learning. In the interim, God bless you!
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