God is Love! If the Lord were to ask you "do you love me?" as he did Peter, what would you say? How would you respond? In all probability, you might have responded even as Peter did, saying these three little words, "I love you!"
The scriptures tell us to not only love in spoken word but also in deed, for our actions invariably speak much louder than our words. This is why husbands are encouraged to love their own wife even as the Lord has loved the church and given Himself for her -- the reference to the church here is the body of the Lord. The scriptures also state, "So ought also the husband be willing to give his life for his wife." (also his body for God has said that these two when joined together are in reality one flesh). But the scriptures have an equal responsibility for the woman. That is, the wife must ensure that she reverences her husband.
Today the chances of staying married are apparently 50/50. Of course these statistics only include those who venture into marriage. Still, the good news is that in a marital relationship, God has the answers. Yes, God is Love! God’s love has no limitations. Indeed, His love is immeasurable. But it is in God’s love that we were intended to live and move and have our being. Unfortunately, we lost that world of fellowship with God through the disobedience of our ancestral parents - Adam and Eve. Now we wander around in a world of trying to do the best we can to create order like sheep but without a shepherd. Similar to the analogy used in the scriptures - the blind leading the blind.
But it doesn't have to be this way. We have a Saviour that loves us. God knew from the beginning that humans would need a Saviour -- a Saviour that must not be smitten with the same diseases as all of Adam’s prone to sin race. So God had a plan. Why? Because God recognized that regardless of the collective efforts of human beings, we are still surrounded with crime, sickness, disease, wars, deceivers and professional liars who have learned how to play the game of deception.
We create ISM's resulting in millions of lives being shortened. Horrific displays of how men with no knowledge of God can reach into such depths of depravity. And we seemingly fall into the same old story line down through the ages. We never stop to realize that just because someone speaks with enticing words does not mean that they might be conning someone into a situation whereby they can elevate themselves.
Still, JESUS, the Son of the Holy Spirit who is not of this world veiled Himself in a veil of sin prone flesh for us. And while in that humiliated fashion, He brought to us a message foreign to the to the political and religious forms presently seated. That is, JESUS declared that God is LOVE and in so doing, openly displayed in Word and Deed that God’s Love is unchangeable. JESUS said that if we will come to Him with all of our problems, then He will in turn give us rest. God's desire is that we cast all of our cares upon Him so that He can give us rest.
Do you love me? Three times JESUS asked this question. To each response, JESUS asked for commitment in garnering a response. A commitment in the same fashion that He originally intended for man and woman in the Garden of Eden. Therefore love the wife of your youth. And remember, there was a reason that JESUS made them male and female. God also knows that within this world of billions, there is someone who will love you just like He loves us! Peace!
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