It would appear that the candlestick of the church has been removed. Why? Because to many believers today, the church is not the light of the world. Admittedly, there are many who profess to be what they are not. We know them as religions and traditional institutions that have decided not to continue in the Word -- the doctrine and teachings delivered of the Lord Himself during a period of time when darkness covered the face of the earth.
The good news is that JESUS is the light of the world. His Word is Spirit and Life. This light shines even in the darkness. But the darkness cannot comprehend the message of redemptive salvation which at the first was preached by the Lord Himself, and then delivered to us by them who heard Him. As John declared, "these things are written so you might believe that JESUS is the Christ the Son of the Living Spirit of God."
JESUS came into a religious world that at the time was supposed to be adhering to the Law. Instead, they had doctored the law to suit their own style of religious business. In response, JESUS overturned the tables of the money changers and chased them out of the temple declaring,"My Father's house shall be called a house of prayer but you have turned it into a den of thieves!"
All of this is recorded in the New Testament in Greek. No manuscripts are in Hebrews. So if one desires to hear the gospel, he or she must resort to the Greek manuscripts. This point has been raised in previous posts. It is important because some people (both in and outside of religious institutions) are advocating that we should all learn Hebrew to understand the scriptures. This is nonsense. Professing themselves to be wise, they have become as fools.
But believers who search the scriptures are able to discover how great their deception prior to opening and reading the scriptures. It is only in discerning the scriptures for oneself that they are able to recognize that the Word of God is coming to us, not out from us. God said what He meant and God meant what He said. The written Word is the sole authority. There is no other. The bottom line is this. If a preacher and/or priest loves God with all their soul, body and mind, then he or she will teach no other teachings other than that which has been delivered to us and confirmed of God.
If we use perilous times as an analogy, then perilous times are upon us. Indeed, there is a famine in the land. A famine of ignorance toward hearing the Word of God. That was [or is even today], until Jesus appeared. The beginning of the gospel of JESUS the Christ did not bring more Law but Liberty,. JESUS came to set the captives free!
JESUS preached a message of deliverance and the ordinary people heard Him gladly. For JESUS did not speak as the scribes and the Pharisees did. Rather, He cast out devils with His Word. He healed the sick. Never before had anyone seen miracles to this extent or fashion. Surprisingly, the religion/religious of the day were still unaware that God had walked out on them. How could they not know? They had broken the covenant and wanted rid of JESUS!
But the New Testament is not interpreted by the old. It is just the opposite. Any prophesies spoken of in the Old Testament were revealed in the New Testament. The early believers went everywhere preaching JESUS. Conversely today, many religious folks run from the revelation of God in the New Testament. These people are known to go to extreme lengths to deny the name given of God to His son - His name is JESUS. It is He alone who shall save His people which He foreknew from their sin.
In other words, JHVH is not a rendering of any name. In fact, it is of and by itself incommunicable. And yet men strain through the addition of vowels to cause that which is incommunicable to be deceptively communicable. JESUS is the ONLY name GIVEN whereby anyone can be saved! Call upon JESUS today! For JESUS is GOD HIMSELF with us as a SON. Peace!
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