The Word was veiled in flesh and we beheld His glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. In fact, so powerful is God’s Word that we read that the very worlds wherein we live were framed by the Word of God. God spoke. Lo and behold, whatever God spoke took on a visible form. Why? Because God made all things after the counsel of His own will.
If we think of God as a potter who moulds all things to His liking, then it is easy to see that some vessels the potter might make are honourable while others might remain dishonourable. Still, all things are purposefully made for God furnishes His house to His own pleasing. Likewise, God at the end of His work of creation said, "It is good."
Further, God made man and God set man over the works of His creation. Indeed, man was made in the likeness of God. Word is Spirit. Word is spoken by means of the flesh. Nevertheless, word is the expression of our spiritual life that dwells within our veil of flesh. The outward shell perishes whereas our inward man grows, seemingly having no limitations. As the scriptures state, "What is man that God is mindful of him or the son of man that God constantly visits him?"
But man stunted his growth by rebelling against God. Man in his sin to prone flesh body resisted God yielding rather to the pleasures of sin. In the battle, we lost an intimate fellowship with our creator. We would have remained in that state forever had not God intervened. And intervened He did.
Before the cross, God had sent many prophets endeavouring to turn man back to Himself. God even added a law in an attempt to define sin so that man would be saved. Still, man with His sin prone nature added more laws which they emphasized more than the Law which was given by God. The law was a covenant between two parties. And as any contract, when one fails to uphold their responsibilities the contract forecloses. Likewise, God walked out and left them. Unfortunately, they did not acknowledge the disablement of the contract. Instead, they arrogantly professed that they were and are still the people of God.
God in a last attempt to redeem man from His fallen state, decides that He will send His own Son. The Holy Ghost provides the SEED which provided the embryo -- which embryo was conceived into the womb of a young virgin girl named Mary. The embryo of the Holy Ghost was clothed in sin prone flesh and brought forth as a Son. The Son of God bearing the ‘given’ name of JESUS. For it is JESUS who shall save His people from sin.
JESUS being ‘God with us’ as a Son. Yes, in JESUS did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. God who is Spirit now manifest in the flesh as a Son. Not another God but the very SAME God who made all things in the beginning. In fact, if one were looking for God then they need look no further than JESUS.
JESUS Himself said that if you have seen Me you have seen the Father. So when JESUS speaks, it is actually God who is speaking. JESUS has said that the Words that He speaks (through my body) are not His Words but the Words of Him who has sent Him - God!
There is only one God who is Father, Son, Spirit --- all manifest in JESUS. Like man (or woman) you are not 3 persons -- you dwell in a son or daughter's body but still are only one being! God bless you all in JESUS! Stand in His offering plate.
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