It is in God that we all live and move and have our existence. So if God be God, then why would one even want to oppose the revelation which He has personally delivered to mankind. The Spirit of God that fills the heavens and earth even today -- this same God -- unveiled Himself to us.
Still, no man at any time has seen God because God is Spirit. So when we speak of the Lord JESUS the Christ, we speak of the God whom we cannot see who manifested Himself in the flesh in order that we might now be able to look upon Him. Indeed, God is the creator of all things. You and I are the works of His hands. We are intrinsically woven together and although this may be too complex and far beyond man’s capacity to understand, it doesn't negate its validity.
Further, while we study and examine every intricate detail of our world, there still remain those who declare that humans evolved from matter. Sometimes, the world with all its learning cannot humble itself to call upon the God who loved them so much that He would become as one of us. The same God who gave us a mouth to speak and ears to hear with and eyes to see.
But regardless of man's folly, God has a ‘spiritual kingdom’ and a ‘visible natural kingdom.' This latter natural kingdom is displayed in created form while God’s unseen spiritual kingdom is still invisible or as yet unknown to us. In this natural kingdom, God displays His might, wisdom and power. How then can we justify our unbelief when the God who created us loves us so much? God is God so it does not matter if this earthly systemising of error denies God. There are no unbelievers in the front lines.
I remember visiting an old graveyard once. On the tombstone (or marker as they were called in past days) I read the following words. I believe they are important for us all today. That is: "I once stood where you now stand. I cannot come to you so I suggest you now prepare to come to the place where I am."
Stand in the offering plate. Be true to your conscious and offer yourself to our Lord and Saviour Jesus!
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